Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 17, 1952

Adventures In Reading

(All books intended for review in this column should be sent to Earl West, 25 N. Layman, Indianapolis, Indiana.)

John Haley, ALLEGED BIBLE DISCREPANCIES, (B. C. Goodpasture, publisher) 1952, 473 pages, $3.00.

Only occasionally does a book come along which, in the light of its contents and the purchase price may be said to be an exceptional buy. John W. Haley's book, "Alleged Bible Discrepancies," is such an item. Not often in these days of skyrocketing prices can one purchase a 473-page book for only three dollars. Mechanically, the book is an excellent production. It is bound in black and is printed on a fine grade of paper.

The effect of Haley's book will be to increase confidence in the Bible as the word of God. Seminaries of higher learning are today filled with modernism, and in one way or another, confidence in the Bible as God's revelation to man is undermined. Skeptics and Modernists have made much of what they call the "contradictions" of the Bible. These are ably answered in Haley's great work.

We heartily recommend this book for the library of every serious student of the Bible. It may be many months before such a good buy will come along again.


Guy Woods, HOW TO USE THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT, Published by the Author, 96 pages, $2.50.

Brother Guy Woods, an excellent and arduous student, is the author of this small book which deals with the fundamentals of New Testament Greek. The author makes it clear that he is writing the book for the benefit of the many who have no knowledge of Greek, and who are interested in acquiring as readily and easily as possible the fundamentals of the language. The Greek language is the most picturesque and revealing language that has ever been spoken at any time. A knowledge of it would help any individual to better appreciate some of the wonderful "word pictures in the New Testament that without a study of the Greek he could not do.

Those preachers among us who have devoted years to a study of Greek in college will probably not be benefited too largely by brother Woods' book. The book deals with fundamentals which they will have mastered long ago. It will, however, be helpful to those individuals aspiring to a knowledge of the language who have never had the opportunity to study it with any system.

The only objection to the book might be that the price of $2.50 seems a little high for a book of only ninety-six pages.