Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 27, 1952


Grass Valley, California. March 10, 1952 Dear Brethren:

We are writing an open letter to the brotherhood in behalf of the Lord's work here in Grass Valley, California. We accepted a call to work with the group here last September and at that time there was sufficient help pledged to our support here that enabled us to carry on. We have seen a good growth in attendance, especially with the children and young people in the Bible school. We do not have any members in the group here who are wage earners or any who are able to give substantial support to the work. The two members who were wage earners have moved away with their families. A critical situation has developed in that one of the larger churches in the state who had helped us to the extent of $100 per month for the last three months in 1951 and then $40 per month up to and including April, has withdrawn their support. They have been forced to do this on account of their building program.

The congregation here has a Sunday offering of an average of $30 for the twenty-eight members. This amount will not pay rent of the building for worship and give me support. It is imperative that we have financial assistance at once.

The church here has been assembling for the past three years. The church has never had a full time worker until we answered their call last September. This is a needy and large field and offers good prospects for a strong church. Interest is good and families are being contacted who we believe will obey the gospel. We are happy to report the restoration of an erring brother last Lord's Day. He is eighty-three years of age and has been out of duty most of his life.

Brethren, will you help us to stay here and do the Lord's work? Inquiries may be addressed to elders of the Roseville church of Christ, W. C. Roman and A. D. Schroeder, 924 Douglas Street, Roseville, California. All correspondence will be acknowledged by us.

Fraternally in Christ, Charles Swan 436 Marshall Grass Valley, California


Harrel A. Collard, 201 Ave. F. SE, Childress, Texas, March 10: "We would like to report our first meeting of 1952. Brother Lloyd Moyer of San Leandro, California; Otis Moyer of Sunnyvale, California; and Forrest Moyer of Tucumcari, New Mexico were the speakers. The meeting began February 22 lasting through February 29. The Moyer brothers brought wonderful gospel sermons at every service. We had the largest attendance at every service than in many years. There were five baptisms, three restorations and two placed membership. The Moyer brothers are excellent gospel preachers and did a great work here at Childress."


Thos. D. Rose, 1106 Pierre Mont Road, Shreveport, La., March 17: "With the assistance of Perry B. Cotham, Paris, Texas, as preacher, the Southern Avenue church here is to begin a series of meetings on April 13 to continue eleven days. The Lamar Avenue church in Paris and brother Cotham have given considerable help in establishing the Lord's work here. The next meeting at Southern Avenue is scheduled to begin October 6. Brother Austin Siburt, Jackson, Miss., will do the preaching."


A. L. Harbin, 173 DeWitt, Ave., Napa, California, March 19:

"After almost three years in Napa, we should like to work with some good congregation within 200 miles, or less, of Abilene, Texas. Among those baptized here have been a goodly number of young people, some fathers and mothers, some denominational people taught out of their errors, some hardened sinners whose hearts were finally touched with the gospel and one former Baptist preacher. The work is pleasant, and this is a lovely climate in one of the most beautiful valleys in the world. Our purpose in leaving is to give our daughters the advantage of attending the demonstration school at A.C.C. and later the college itself. Any congregation desiring my services may write me at the above address."

0- Forrest D. Moyer, 1502 S. Third, Tucumcari, New Mexico, March 21: "The work goes well in Tucumcari. We closed a very good meeting on March 9 in which Lloyd Moyer preached. Homer Hargrove is now working with us as song director and assistant preacher. Beginning March 24 we will conduct a daily radio program at 4:30 p.m. over KTNM. During February my two brothers, Lloyd and Otis Moyer, and I conducted a meeting in Childress, Texas, our hometown. My next meetings will be in Estelline, Texas, in April; Sunnyvale, California, in May, and Alpine, Texas, in June."


W. Earl Mansur, 241 E. Arlight, Monterey Park, Calif., March 17: "Church work continues well in Montebello with good attendance and interest. Our membership now is fifty-four which about doubles our beginning. I am to assist the church in Port Hueneme in a meeting beginning April 14th."



Brother Gideon Wright Riggs, pioneer gospel preacher, died Saturday, March 8. He had been in California for many years and had a part in starting many of the congregations in that state.


J. T. Marlin, Mayfield, Kentucky, March 17: "Interest continues to increase in the work here. One was restored a week ago. Yesterday we had a record attendance in the regular Sunday Bible school. Paul Epps of Muskogee, Oklahoma, has just closed a very successful song drill. He is both a great singer and teacher. April 7-11, we will be engaged in a lectureship program. I am now in a meeting with the Taylor Blvd. congregation, Louisville, Kentucky, where Grover Stevens continues to do an outstanding work."