"Six J-C Leaders Resign As Club Ok's Dancing"
"Two officers and four directors of the Clovis Junior Chamber of Commerce tendered their resignations Thursday night, shortly after the membership voted to amend the organization's by-laws governing sponsorship of dances."
"By a vote of 15 to 9 in secret ballot, those attending a regular meeting at Long Champ restaurant voted to amend by-law which prohibit the club from participating in dances; to allow the club to entertain at state functions as is the custom at such functions."
"These tendering their resignation were Lewis C. Cox, Jr., Second Vice-President; Lawrence Maberry, Treasurer, and Otis Moore, Byron Black, R. G. Pierce, and Jimmie Ellison, all members of the Board of Directors,"
"All were present except Ellison, who submitted his resignation by telephone shortly after the meeting was over, upon learning of the action on the amendment."
"Speaking for the group, and some of the others in the organization who opposed the amendment, a spokesman explained they are members of the Clovis Church of Christ, 18th and Pile Streets."
"Because of our belief and convictions, we feel we cannot conscientiously condone drinking or dancing, and cannot hold office or take active part in the leadership of any organization which sponsors such activities", he said.
"He made it clear that no personal animosity exists between the two groups or any of the individuals involved. The arguments for and against the amendment, the voting and the subsequent discussions were conducted quietly and orderly, with complete lack of vehemence or excitement. All those resigning expressed regret that they felt compelled to take such action."
The above article appeared on the front page of the CLOVIS NEWS JOURNAL, January 18, 1952, the only daily newspaper in Clovis. There was at least one other member of the church in Clovis who resigned from the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the same reason as the ones named in the article. He was Earl E. Crowder, another faithful member of the church. These are all married men, most of them with children in their families. One of them is State Representative from Curry County in the New Mexico State Legislature. Another is a candidate for County Clerk of Curry County and four years ago was defeated for the office by only thirty-five votes. All of them hold responsible positions in Clovis. The incident has caused much favorable comment toward the church. A Baptist preacher is reported to have used the incident as a basis for a sermon and said he only regretted that the young men were not members of "his" church.
I took occasion on Sunday morning following the appearance of the article in the paper to compliment the young men for their action and to try to impress upon the other members of the church that we must stand behind these young men in their action by keeping ourselves from such activities as those which caused them to resign their positions in the J-C's. If more members of the church everywhere had the same courage of their convictions as these young men the church would indeed be a power for good in every community. May their tribe increase.