Walter W. Leamons, Junction, Texas, Oct. 19: "Since the first of the year, many Kimble county Christians have been working on a county-wide plan, enlarging the meeting house at London, improving the one at Cleo, using more radio time for gospel preaching, forming more Bible study groups, etc. We have found that we reach more people by "'going" than we could by "waiting."
R. Ervin Driskill, 2509 Gould St., Columbus, Ga., Oct. 17: "The Rose Hill church just closed a very good meeting, with John 0. Dillingham, of Atlanta, doing the preaching. Five were baptized, two restored and five identified, with the church. Brother Dillingham's plain teaching and unquestionable stand on issues confronting the church today, was appreciated."
W. Earl Mansur, 241 E. Arlight, Monterery Park, Calif., Oct. 16.: "Interest, attendance and contributions are good with the young church in Montebello. Work on our meeting house has not started due to trouble in obtaining title to the lots. If you are in this area worship with us at 6163 Northside Drive."
Hoyt H. Houchen, 2110 Lipscomb, Amarillo, Texas, Oct. 16: "On Sept. 9th, I completed two years with the Central congregation, 14th and Monroe, Amarillo, Texas. This is a most pleasant work and as we begin our third year, we are looking forward to our future work with pleasure. Central is enjoying a steady growth and peace, zeal, and harmony prevail. During our first two years of work together there have been 401 additions, 123 baptisms, 103 restorations, and 175 transfers of membership. The new building at Southside, 40th and Lipscomb, is now under construction. I am to be in a meeting at Bismarck, North Dakota, beginning Nov. 11th. Gordon J. Pennock is the preacher there. This work is supported financially by Central. If you know of men at the Air Base here in Amarillo, we shall be glad to contact them."
W. F. Showers, Box 104, Pleasanton, Texas, Oct. 15: "Paul Wallace will be in a meeting here from Nov. 5-14. We are on the air twice on Sunday's, fifteen minutes at 8:30 and forty-five minutes at 11:00 A. M., 1380 on the dial."
Joe H. Morris, 2707 Kentucky Ave., Paducah, Ky., Oct. 13: "The meeting at Rosiclare, Ill., closed last night. W. C. Anderson is the loved evangelist. J. W. Downey capably led the singing. Two were baptized and one restored. I begin my tenth and last meeting of the year tomorrow night at Metropolis, Ill. Our Clements St. work here is in finest condition. We have great plans for the future. The new building will soon be under roof."
A. L. Harbin, 173 DeWitt Ave., Napa, Calif., Oct. 15: "Four have been identified here within the past two weeks. I'm in my third year with this congregation. Lloyd L. Smith will preach in our meeting Nov. 11-25."
Frank J. Dunn, Peak and Eastside, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 13: "Three were baptized (including two former Catholics) and six restored in the meeting at Baytown. Besides these, I baptized a young black man, whom one of the white members had converted."
Murray Marshall, 309 S. 15th St., Frederick, Okla., Oct. 12: "My meeting at Apache, Okla., resulted in two restorations. J. W. Ballard, pioneer gospel preacher, is bedfast in his home there. Luther Savage of North Little Rock, Ark., will preach at South Side in Frederick in a revival Nov. 6-16. Our radio program, answering questions, is heard Thursday at 11:45 a.m. over KTAT, Frederick, 1570 kc.; the program can be heard over a radius of 75 or more miles."
Texas H. Stevens, 1815 Melbourne St., Dallas, Texas, Oct. 5: "Though not in a phenomenal way, the congregation here continues to grow. Last month there were three baptisms, and one added to this congregation who moved to this vicinity from elsewhere. This week I am to be with the church in Stillwater, Okla., where brother Eldred Stevens preaches. This is an extra good church, and I'm looking forward with pleasure to my second meeting with them. Worship with us when in Dallas. We meet at the corner of Melbourne and Waverly."
Max L. Johnson, 410 S. College Ave., Tahlequah, Okla., Oct. 16: "My meetings are over for the year. These have been held at Stillwell, Gore, Webbers Falls and Moodys, Okla.; White Bend (Jackson county), Tennessee, and Wichita, Kan. The Wichita meeting was with Poplar Avenue. In these meetings there were eight baptisms and three restorations. Since my last report three have been baptized, one has been restored and five have placed membership here. Too, the building in which we meet has been repaired and the class rooms have been redecorated. Our weekly articles in the local paper are creating interest among outsiders. The Seventh Day Adventists have taken exception to things written more than anyone else. Others are more favorable in their comments. Along with appearances on the lectureships of Central Church in Muskogee and Central in Haskell, I am to lead singing for a meeting to be conducted by the Main Street church in Tulsa, beginning Nov. 12, with Foy E. Wallace, Jr., doing the preaching. Our lectureship begins Oct. 28."
J. B. COX AVAILABLE FOR WORK James R. Cope For the last twelve months, J. B. Cox, well known song leader among many churches, has been employed as field representative of Florida Christian College. During this time, brother Cox underwent a very serious operation. About the time he was sufficiently recovered to begin work again, he had an automobile accident, which resulted in the fracture of a hand. Recovering from this latter injury, it seemed for awhile that brother Cox would be able to continue his labors with the college; however, because of the nature of his employment demanded that he spend so much time driving an automobile, his physicians have suggested that he engage in less strenuous work.
Brother Cox's efficiency as a leader of congregational singing is known by all who know him. He can as effectively and efficiently do this work as he ever did. Any church in need of a good man to work in a protracted meeting, direct or assist in a vacation Bible school, or do local church work would do well to contact brother Cox. He may be addressed at Temple Terrace Station, Tampa 4, Florida.