Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 25, 1951
NUMBER 25, PAGE 12,15b

Reckless Reporting By The St. Louis Pope

H. F. Sharp, Blytheville, Arkansas

W. Carl Ketcherside, hobbyist from St. Louis, has shown his ability in a recent article to be very reckless with the truth. However, we have learned to expect such from his caliber. A situation at Senath, Mo., provided us with the necessary warning. Of course, this was when Fred Kellibrew split the church in that section.

Mr. Ketcherside came to Beech Grove, Ark., to preach in a meeting. The brethren were warned against the heretic. In his article, "The Southern Invasion," printed in his paper, several statements are made that are not in the least true. I want to notice these statements.

1. "Because a little congregation refused to bow the knee, the preachers and elders in Paragould boycott." There was never a more malicious falsehood started than this. The brethren in Paragould with their splendid elders did their duty in warning against false teachers. They tried in vain to show the trouble this kind of teacher had caused in Senath, Mo. Their warnings went unheeded. Should some church near Blytheville call a man they had never heard to preach in a meeting and the Blytheville church knew there were false views and divisive teachings that would be poured on the unsuspecting brethren, then we, with all the love we should have for our brethren, would warn and do everything right to stop this man and attempt to keep such a trouble maker away. This is exactly what the Paragould brethren did. The elders with brother McNutt were trying to save the church at Beech Grove. They knew that life-long friends were now enemies in Senath because of the divisive heresies of Fred Killibrew, one of Ketcherside's boys. But Ketcherside knew this and he would not stop at anything, even a falsehood, to get into an unsuspecting congregation.

2. "There is evidence that his (brother McNutt) resignation from his unscriptural office—may be a big relief to the Paragould brethren." Here is another malicious and vicious falsehood. The brethren hated to see brother McNutt leave. He had done a great work with the church in Paragould, laboring diligently always under the supervision of the elders. The church in Paragould did not ask brother McNutt to leave. He left of his own accord and for the purpose of going to Memphis where he could do a good work and at the same time be with his children whom he loves and is separated from too much of the time. The elders of Paragould told me they hated to lose McNutt and he would be hard to replace. McNutt has never done a bad wrong. His work with the church where he labored has always been admirable. Ketcherside said he hated to lose McNutt from the roster of the opposition. Don't worry, Carl, McNutt's moving to Memphis will not make him close his mouth about this false teaching of yours and Fred's. He will continue to expose your damnable heresy.

3. "In a meeting called to name his successor and attended by about three dozen men, some disagreement resulted, according to those present. Brother Purdom who plays quite a prominent part as one of the elders wanted to get someone like brother Sharp who could carry on the "Stop Ketcherside movement!" Here is another inexcusable falsehood. I now give you a paragraph from a letter written to me expressing the desires of the congregation. It will speak for itself:

"The thought of brother McNutt's leaving had not been in any of their minds it seems. When it was told them that there was a possibility of securing you for the work everyone when first asked about it wanted you with the exception of three who expressed the desire to secure another person, but who said, "If brother Sharp is selected we will work in every way we can to cooperate with the work." They had nothing against you but wanted the other person. After things were boiled down to a fight against softness and Ketcherside, you were decided on as the man for the place. This letter is an invitation to you to consider Paragould as your place of work beginning September 1st or as soon as it is possible for you to accept."

But Ketcherside further says they had disagreement over the fight against him. The church in Paragould wants a man who will wage the good fight against error, within and without. As proof of the falsehood Carl stated, let me give you a paragraph from a letter received from McNutt:

"As to his statement concerning the meeting of the men when your name was up for consideration he is again a peddler of prevarications. There were twenty men in this meeting not thirty-six. There was only one man present who objected to your coming on the ground that you would oppose Carl and this man sympathizes with and defends Ketcherside. This man is not an elder or deacon and was one of _________'s followers a few years ago, thus demonstrating his lack of stability. Out of a congregation of around 350 members Carl can name only two or three men who are "stool-pigeons" for his cause and who would help spread his false ideas."

This is written to show the length to which one, who will not teach the truth, will go in order to get on the unsuspecting brethren.

4. "Later it was intimated that there was more money and time being used to stop me than was being used to stop the devil. This is understandable when it is remembered that a lot of preachers love a high-salaried position more than they hate Satan!" The brethren should use a lot of time and all the money required to stop false teachers. This was not intimated, however. When Carl begins to talk of high-salaried positions, he should tread carefully. It is reported that the home he lives in would sell for not less than $30,000 and that his home is worth twice as much as any meeting house of his brethren. Who likes the high-salaried position? It is also reported that his library could not be replaced for less than $10,000. Where did he get so much money? He says he got that money cutting bologna. I do not know a better way to express his work than "cutting bologna." We all know a man does not make that kind of money cutting bologna. How did he get enough money to make a 4,000 mile trip to Ireland? Did he get it "cutting bologna?" I have never been able, financially, to own a $30,000 home and a $10,000 library and take a 4,000 mile trip to Ireland. I may need, in order to get these things, to start preaching for Ketcherside's "evangelist's oversight and control" group! That is a big price to pay for what he has materially. I would not preach his filth and heresy for the world.

There are many other statements in his report that are untrue and could easily be answered by facts. It is not necessary to show more prevarications, since these show the caliber of the man. His whole article is just as inaccurate as his recent report that Rue Porter had died of a heart attack.

The reason for styling the article the "Recklessness of the St. Louis Pope," is as follows: 1. He wants to have the churches send him their money and let him send the preachers to them. 2. He wants to select every preacher the congregation hears. 3. He wants evangelistic oversight and in several cases has pushed the elders out and placed the congregation under him. Several of his boys, when not much older than boys wearing knee pants, have shelved the elders and placed the congregation under them. Think of these boys having several congregations under their control!

Congregations, beware of Ketcherside and his false teaching! It will bring sorrow to you, and men and women who have loved one another for years will be made enemies by his damnable heresy. The church will be left bleeding and bruised at every pore before the gazing eyes of an unbelieving community.