Sore Neglect Of Parential Responsibility
It seems that today many parents feel they have fulfilled the obligation to their children (Eph. 6:4) by seeing that they attend the Bible classes of the local church. Quite often we see articles in church bulletins and gospel papers urging parents to be sure their children take advantage of all the opportunities the congregation affords for attending Bible classes. Certainly it is good that our children attend all these classes, but home study should never be neglected simply because our children are attending the Bible classes.
Our children from their earliest age of comprehension are inundated with fables, fairy tales, Mother Goose rhymes, Santa Claus, animals that talk, giants, goblins, etc. There is no doubt that when our children are first told these things they believe them to be true (and we parents many times are guilty of encouraging such). Yet as they become older, they find these things to be altogether myths with no word of truth in them.
Sometimes our Bible classes for little ones, I believe, take them down the same road as the school, home, television, and other media do with these myths. We tell them Bible stories of happenings which seem to them to be on par with these myths and fairy tales. We need in some way to differentiate between Bible truths and fairy tales.
I have taught young people in Bible classes for a number of years and I can see the disbelief in their attitude toward the Scripture which I have been impressing upon them. I have also seen a good many young people who have been reared by faithful parents reject the faith and others who turned away quickly after having obeyed the gospel, thus demonstrating their lack of faith.
It seems to me the best way to combat this would be by a sound program of teaching our children at home — to pray with them, study the Bible with them on a systematic basis, and be sure they understand the difference between Bible truths and the myths and fairy tales they hear at school, over television and other places. Regular Bible study at home cannot be replaced by the congregational Bible classes. Bible classes can only supplement the instruction in the Bible which parents should give their children at home. Without doubt parents will not fulfill the obligation laid upon them in Eph. 6:4 by merely making sure that their children attend the Bible classes of the local church.
— 2012 S. Walnut, Brady, Texas 76825