News — Notes — Comments
Small self-supporting church, actively teaching through our bulletin, newspaper ads, and personal work. Currently supporting the Lord's work elsewhere, and have several members wanting to improve their teaching and preaching ability. A 3 bedroom house provided, salary open, and will pay moving expenses. We need a mature man willing to work in a mission field. Please contact Church of Christ c/o Bill Norovich, P.O. Box 355, Racine, Wis. 53401. Call 633-0057 or 637-5511.
Preacher Available:
"Situation Desperate — Faithful gospel preacher desires to relocate. Full-time, part-time considered. Have B.S. in Elementary Education. Write Marshall Norman, 313 Magnolia, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901, or call 505-894-6457."
Charles F. House:
CHARLES F. HOUSE continues to do work along the far western U.S. — Mexico border. He publishes a monthly report of the news and needs of this work. Write him at P.O. Box 1031, Douglas, Arizona 85607.
Preacher Wanted:
The church at Frostproof, Florida is in need of a preacher, according to a letter I just received from one of their members. They cannot supply all of the support but believe they can help the preacher find the needed support. The church is not large (attendance near 60) but has nice facilities. If you are willing to do a lot of work and desire to live in Florida this just might be the place you are looking for. You may contact them by writing or calling L. Y. DuBose, 1110 West Parairie, Avon Park, Florida. I preached there for two years and will answer any questions that I can. (Tom Wheeler, 202 Sunset Drive, Poteau, Okla. 74953)
Frostproof is between Lake Wales and Avon Park about 65 miles from Tampa and 80 miles from Orlando, in what is called the sand-hills. The main income is from citrus products and cattle. The population of Frostproof is about 3,500.
New Books:
"Why I Am Still A Christian," a paperback for "expanding minds in an expanding world." Twelve internationally known scholars present a personal and intellectual defense for faith in Christ. Participants: E.M. Blaiklock, professor; W.E. Andersen, philosopher; D.A. Blaiklock, medical doctor; Robert L.F. Boyd, physicist; J.M. Houston, geographer; E.A. Judge, historian; Gordon R. Lewthwaite, geographer; John A. McIntyre, scientist; Kinglsey Mortimer, anatomists; Thomas N. Rive, musician; James Frederick Ward, physicist. $1.95 Good for thinkers.
"Christian Unity, How Promoted, How Destroyed. Faith and Opinion. By David Lipscomb." Some of you missed this one the last time around. It is an excellent little booklet on the subject. $1.00.
"Congregational Cooperation of the Churches of Christ, Involving Sponsorships, Centralized Power and Control, Orphan Homes and Herald of Truth" by Herbert E. Winkler is about to be forgotten. But it shouldn't be. It is still available. A most outstanding presentation. Originally published in 1958. Second edition in 1961. New material added. We recently received an order for 100 from one customer. If you don't have one, you best get one while you can. $1.00
"Who, What, and How?" by Clint Springer, is a "Study in Controversial Issues For Members Church of Christ." It was widely read a few years ago. It's good. We have a few copies. A 90-page $1.00.
DID YOU MISS THIS ONE THE LAST TIME AROUND? J.W. Middleton's book of Acts in i something you'll like very much, even if you don't normally take to reading poetry. Many have difficult to lay this book down after beginning. It makes the book of Acts especially interesting each verse in poetic form. Someone said that "Horace" said,
"For Gods and men and booksellers refuse To countenance a mediocre Muse."
Someone else said that "Martial" said,
"No man has more assurance than a bad poet."
Well, these "sayings" absolutely do not apply to brother Middleton's work! It's professional. Try i Excellent for gifts.
"Set Forth Your Case, An Examination of Christianity's Credentials" by Clark H. Pinno interesting little paperback offering a direct defense of the Christian faith in light of biblical revels modern culture. "Its author presents his apologetic against the backdrop of current humanistic ph and theology. Attacking the antichristian position, he maps out a battle plan around three general the resurrection of Christ, the authority of the Scriptures, and the historicity of faith." $1.50.
Church Divisions:
It has been our intention to be careful and not print notices of church divisions unless the sc caused by "liberals" forcing unscriptural projects on a congregation. Recently in the rush of bus printed two notices of divisions without giving due attention to what the divisions were about. WI be more careful in the future and pay closer attention to such notices before we print them. A Greensburg, Kentucky writes in response to a report of a division which took place there. The breti ing say, "If anyone needs further details please write to the Greensburg Church of Christ, Greens] 42743." This is a good idea regardless of who is at fault. W.E.W.
Latest Ntom:
What does NTOM stand for? New Tract-of-The Month. The new series is edited by Robert H These accordion fold tracts are only $6.00 per hundred. The latest one out is "Holy Priesthood Christian A Priest" by Robert C. Welch.
Help Me Lord
Lord help me when I'm weak And guide me when I'm strong
And keep me from the things that I am sure for me are wrong Help me to correct my steps
When crooked they may be And when a beam gets in my eye
I pray you'll let me see For there are many things I know
That I have yet to learn So help me keep thy statutes Lord
And from them never turn Forgive me of my sins 0 Lord
Don't turn thy back away In darkness and in light I ask
For strength along the way And last of all I ask thee Lord
To watch my friends and me And Let us when we leave this earth
Go home to live with thee.
Tom Black — Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.