Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
"I have 17 volumes of the Gospel Guardian that I will sell. Volume 5 through Volume 22 is complete except for Volume 9. These are unbound but are contained in a box type cover for each volume. I will sell the entire set for $70.00 plus postage. Write Jerry Eubanks, 1701 Linda Street, Plant City, Fla. 33566."
"A new congregation has begun meeting in South Nederland, Texas. This new work is comprised of families living in the Nederland, Port Neches, Groves, and Port Arthur communities. The new congregation will be situated in the southern part of Mid-County, and with this growing section of some 40,000 residents, the need for a new work is tremendous. The growth potential is great. Families from Thomas Boulevard, Pear Ridge, and West Groves form the nucleus of this new work. They have invited Ardie P. Brown, Jr., who has lived and worked in this area with the Thomas Boulevard congregation, and is now working with the Vivion Road congregation, to preach for them. He is planning to begin working with the new group in April, 1971. At the present time, various men of the congregation are doing a fine job of carrying on the work. Three baptisms have added to the enthusiasm of the work. Cottage classes have begun and a larger building has been rented. We covet the prayers of faithful brethren everywhere that this work might grow and prosper in keeping with the will of the Lord." — Robert E. Lee Jr.
Chico, California:
"The Spruce Avenue church of Christ, 1618 Spruce Avenue, Chico, California had her beginning in November of 1961 with two families, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. No thought was entertained other than to worship and work according to the New Testament pattern. The gospel was taught, received and obeyed and other souls were added who also worshiped and worked according to the New Testament pattern.
"Our first meeting place was in the Eagles Club building on Mulberry Street before we purchased the building we now meet in.
"Due to the fact that working conditions have moved many to the industrial areas (many more than moved here) our growth has been slow so far as to having large numbers at any one time. We have not become discouraged in that we are assured that those who passed our way learned the truth plain and simply from God's word, and are passing the truth on in other places. As best we can determine at this time there would have been a church of 200 or more members meeting here had they all remained in Chico, or faithful.
"We now rejoice in the actuality that the church is self-supporting at this time; whereas the preacher has previously received support from other chruches in other areas to preach the gospel in Chico. We thank God and press on. We invite all who pass our way to worship and work with us according to the New Testament Pattern." — John W. Wilson, preacher, 1366 Manzanita, Chico, California 95926.
"But I have all things, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God." (Philip. 4:18) This Paul said when he received financial aid from his brethren in Philippi. This I can also say because adequate financial support for me has been promised by six churches to enable me to live and labor in Baton Rouge, La. The churches are: Myrtle Grove in Pensacola, Fla.; Gonzales, La.; Imhoff Ave. in Port Arthur, Texas; College Rd. in Lafayette, La.; West Side in Fort Worth, Texas; and the church with which I will be working (now meeting in Baker, La., but planning to build on their lot in the Park Forest subdivision of Baton Rouge). Some other churches have graciously consented to provide the moving expenses from Beaumont, Texas to Baton Rouge. I am still planning to move the first of June. If you know of any prospects in or near Baton Rouge whom I may contact and, hopefully, teach, please send me their names and addresses. Perhaps you know of college students there who should be meeting with a faithful congregation. Possibly you know someone who has become a "spiritual drop-out." Give me the opportunity to try to bring them back to faithfulness — let me know who they are. Presently, the Park Forest Church is meeting at 11979 Wedgewood Dr. in Baker. Sunday Bible Study is at 9:00 A.M.; Morning worship at 10:00 and Evening worship at 6:00. Wednesday Bible Study is at 7:00 P.M." — 1363 Central Dr., Beaumont, Texas 77706.
"I am now in my thirteenth year with the church here at Glenwood Hills, during which time we have helped to start four new congregations in the Greater Atlanta area. We plan a new building this year in a new location. We had James P. Miller and James R. Cope here for meetings last year, and I preached in some meetings away from home. We are helping support preachers at Jasper, Tunnel Hill and Albany, Georgia!' — 3004 Gena Drive, Decatur, Ga. 30032.
"Small congregation in Sherman, Texas seeks preacher — Can provide $300 support. Reply to Westwood Church of Christ, Box 566, Sherman or phone AC 214-892-9955."
Nashville, Tennessee;
"James R. Cope was with the church at Hillview in Nashville recently in a concentrated weekend series of lessons on the home or family life. We had one service on Friday evening, one on Saturday afternoon, one on Saturday evening, and four services on Sunday — two in the morning, one at two o'clock in the afternoon, and one on Sunday evening.
"The meeting was highly successful with outstanding preaching by brother Cope, fine interest on the part of the audiences, and many visitors from throughout Middle Tennessee. We had the largest attendance on Sunday afternoon and evening that has ever been in the Hillview building.
"I highly recommend the weekend series of meetings with brother Cope. We had outlines of the lessons prepared for every person who attended to use during the sermons and to take with them for additional study. This added to the interest and effectiveness of the lessons. I sincerely believe that the church was edified and the Lord glorified by this effort." — (Billy Ashworth, evangelist)
The Pulse Of The Brethren - 1950 Cled E. Wallace:
"I have had some little time to spend with C. R. Nichol lately. He is in a meeting not far from here. His view is that the colleges and the men they are training will lead the church into digression within a few years unless some changes can be brought about. He is not too optimistic over the outcome." — The Gospel Guardian, May 18, 1950, page 5.
"The Gospel Guardian is hitting the nail on the head re: 'Centralized Control and Oversight ;' so keep on hitting, ..." — The Gospel Guardian, September 7, 1950, page 12.
"Dear Brother Tant: I think I have studied English enough and read literature enough to know a good piece of writing when I see it. Your editorial in the Gospel Guardian of September 21 is superb, a real classic, both in spirit and composition..." The Gospel Guardian, October 26, 1950, page 2.
"I enjoy the Guardian very much as it stands for the issues I stand for. I think you are doing a great work and I am boosting all I can. Why brethren can't see the tendencies I cannot understand. However, I found out while in the Christian Church such conditions refuse to be corrected, and so must be exposed and those responsible made to get out into the open." The Gospel Guardian November 2, 1950, page 2.
"I have been reading the Gospel Guardian with much interest, and I am sure it is on the `Rock,' and I want $5.00 worth of it. I don't often deal in futures, but I shall take $5.00 worth of the GG. Please mark me up for same." The Gospel Guardian, November 23, 1950, page 9.
NEW BOOK ON "THE MINISTER AND HIS WORK," 192 pages of helpful information to all preachers. Five categories covered by 25 different writers. $3.95 SERMON OUTLINES BY A. W. DICUS, Ph.d containing 65 sermon outlines, 57 topical outlines and a section on Bible drills. Brother Dicus is a scholar of great ability, having performed outstandingly in several fields of endeavor including science, education, and preaching. His sermon outline books have been consigned to us and are ready for shipment. Paperback — $1.95. Cloth cover $2.95.
ELECT IN THE SON, a study of the Doctrine of Election by Robert Shank. Mr. Shank wrote "Life in The Son, A Study of The Doctrine of Perseverance" which was widely circulated. Both books sell for $4.95.
IN DEFENSE OF THE FAITH, a paperback by W. A. Criswell deals with the reality of God, the deity of Christ, communism, materialism, and the sacrifice on the cross. 954.
NEW LAMPLIGHTER SERIES OF TRACTS NOW AVAILABLE: We have just completed the reprinting of the Lamplighter Tracts. They now appear in an improved printing with attractive cover, uniform size, neat trimming, new type. We can send you a sample packet of the 13 titles in the series for $1.00. The tracts will sell for $10.00 per hundred. Titles available are: 'Except Ye Be Converted' by R. L. Morrison 'The Jews Jerusalem, Prophecy' by R. L. Morrison....`Tongues, They Shall Cease' by Jerry F. Bassett....Calling Upon the Name of the Lord' by Jerry F. Bassett....Baptism' by Jerry F. Bassett....`Salvation by Grace' by Jesse G. Jenkins, 'The Church and the Lodge' Jesse G. Jenkins, 'What Must I Do To Be Saved?' by Luther Blackmon,
'To Whom Shall We Go?' by E. C. Stillings....`The Sabbath Question' by R. L. Morrison....'Repentance' by R. L. Morrison. ...`The Indwelling of The Spirit' by Jerry F. Bassett....'Is The Bible Inspired of God' (new title by R. L. Morrison.)