Tract Talk
The printing and publishing of tracts is a big task. Brethren seek well-written tracts which are printed, bound, and trimmed attractively. The Gospel Guardian Company is "swinging" in the tract business right now. . . that is, the presses are rolling with new editions. We are trying to upgrade the various tracts we publish in order to present churches with tracts which will be an asset to their work. We believe we are moving along in this area. One of the problems brethren have with regard to ordering tracts is doubt as to what contents are represented by the title. So we here offer some descriptions for you:
"Emergence of the Church of Christ Denomination" by David Edwin Harrell, Jr., Phd. This is a historical and sociological evaluation of the church with regard to its present condition. A most interesting presentation for all who would view- the church in its overall setting. $25.00 per hundred.
"Missionary and Benevolent Societies" by Eugene Britnell. An excellent presentation of church-supported child-care institutions and sponsoring church arrangements as unscriptural organizational societies. $10.00 per hundred.
"Benevolence, the Brethren and the Bible" by Luther Blackmon contrasts the Bible teaching on benevolence with the attitudes and projects of "liberal" brethren today. $10.00 per hundred.
"The Herald Of Truth Discontinues" by Tom M. Roberts challenges the attention of Herald of Truth supporters, and then shows why it should discontinue. $8.00 per hundred.
"The Tipton Home Story" by Cecil Willis answers a book by L. E. Fooks and refutes the justifications for church supported benevolent institutions. $10.00 per hundred.
"Why We Exist As A Church" by Lloyd Moyer defends the distinguishing characteristics of the New Testament church . $10.00 per hundred.
"Christianity A Taught Religion" by Lloyd Moyer sets forth the importance of teaching and truth in the conversion of sinners, as opposed to mere feeling or impulse. $10.00 per hundred.
"What Is The Church Of Christ" by R. G. Lovelady answers the question in a fine way. $10.00 per hundred.
"Baptism" by Wright Randolph explains the nature and importance of the act of water baptism. $10.00 per hundred.
"Belief" by Robert H. Farish explains the New Testament belief essential to the salvation of any soul, emphasizing how belief comes. $10.00 per hundred.
"Repentance" by Robert H. Farish. This tract takes the step following belief, showing what it is and how it comes. $10.00 per hundred.
"The Good Confession" by John W. Wilson deals with a necessary step in the "plan of salvation" and brother Wilson shows what the Bible says about it. $10.00 per hundred.
"Bible Baptism" by John W. Wilson is a study of what the title says — Bible Baptism. $10.00 per hundred.
"Instrumental Music" by William S. Irvine. Someone recently wrote me that there is a scarcity of tracts showing instrumental music in worship to be unscriptural. This one by brother Irvine does the job well. $10.00 per hundred.
"Unsaved Believers" by Luther Blackmon proves the "salvation by faith only" theory to be false. $12.00 per hundred.
"Mormonism" by Billy Dollar and Donald Willis offers a worthy refutation of the error represented in the title. Every home ought to have this to present to the visiting Mormon "elders." $10.00 per hundred.
"Masonry — A False Religion" by Jimmy Thomas shows why Christians ought not to be involved in the Masonic Lodge. $10.00 per hundred.
"The Church of God's Choice" by Jimmy Thomas shows what church is the church of God's choice and how we know this to be true. $10.00 per hundred.
"Why I Do Not Observe The Sabbath" by Glen W. Lovelady exposes the error that contends that Saturday is a special day of worship for Christians. $10.00 per hundred.
"Review Of A Baptist Tract" by Cecil Willis is a response to a Baptist tract entitled "Campbellism and the Church of Christ" by E. C. Routh and published by the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. $10.00 per hundred.
"Mark Ye Well Her Bulwarks" by Forrest D. Moyer sets forth the distinguishing features (bulwarks) of the church of the New Testament. $10.00 per hundred.
"What Is Wrong With The Church of Christ" by Glen W. Lovelady sets forth what is right about the church of Christ, and what is wrong with denominations. $10.00 per hundred.
"Dancing Is Sex Bait" by William E. Wallace shows how dancing weakens or destroys the moral fiber of those who participate. $12.50 per hundred.
"Dancing" by Cecil Willis shows how dancing is out of harmony with the profession of godliness on the part of Christians. $10.00 per hundred.
"Will Only Members of The Chruch of Christ Be Saved?" by Sewell Hall answers the questions scripturally. $12.50 per hundred.
"The Work of The Church" by George T. Jones is one of the best presentations of what the church is to do and why some of the modern projects are wrong. $12.50 per hundred.
"Identity" has no author listed, but it was written by Daniel Sommer. It sets forth the identifying marks of a Christian. $12.50 per hundred.
"M'Ilvaines's Review of Hume on Miracles" is a defense of the reality of Bible miracles. $12.50 per hundred.
"What Every Christian Should Know Concerning Giving" by an "Oldtimer" (Daniel Sommer) is the best tract available on the subject of giving to the church. $12.50 per hundred.
"The Holy Spirit and The Sacred Scriptures" by Robert H. Farish shows how the Holy Spirit uses the the scripture in his work. $12.50 per hundred.
"Who Split The Log" by John W. Hedge sets forth seven points of difference between "liberals" and "conservatives" as regards institutional and sponsoring church issues, putting the blame for division where it belongs. $12.50 per hundred.
"Can Eternal Life Be Forfeited?" by Hoyt H. Houchen disproves the idea that one cannot be lost forever after once being saved. $12.50 per hundred.
"Bible Classes" by J. R. Pope is an excellent defense of the Sunday class arrangement. $15.00 per hundred.
"The Christian Church and Churches of Christ" by Jefferson David Tant shows how many Churches of Christ are becoming more and more like "The Christian Church" denomination. $15.00 per hundred.
"Congregational Cooperation" by Earl Irvin West, a historical study by brother West published before he cast his lot with the "liberal" brethreni A preface included by James P. Miller. $12.50 per hundred.
"The Bible — Of Divine Or Human Origin?" by Fanning Yater Tant. Did the Bible come from God, or is it the product of human genius? Brother Tant defends the divine origin of the Bible. Good for college students and others who entertain doubts. $12.50 per hundred.
"Medical Science and The Bible" by Curtis J. Torno, M. D. Brother Torno, an elder in the Pasadena, Texas church, and an outstanding medical doctor, presents a most excellent "reconciliation to strengthen our faith." $10.00 per hundred.
"Lamplighter Tracts" contain well written material on a number of subjects. R. L. Morrison recently turned over to us the rights of publication of these tracts. Plans are in the making for an upgrading in printing.. but the ones on hand are quite worthy of your tract rack. While the old supply lasts we are letting them go at $5.00 per hundred. Several thousand have been sold the last couple of months for this price. We still have several thousand on hand. If you want to go the economy route, these tracts are for you. Titles available are,
"Except Ye Be Converted" by R. L. Morrison
"The Jews, Jerusalem, Prophecy" by R. L. Morrison
"Tongues, They Shall Cease" by Jerry Bassett
"Calling Upon The Name of the Lord" by Jerry Bassett
"Baptism" by Jerry Bassett
"Salvation By Grace" by Jesse Jenkins
"The Church and The Lodge" by Jesse Jenkins
"What Must I Do To Be Saved?" by Luther Blackmon
"The Sabbath Question" by R. L. Morrison
"Repentance" by R. L. Morrison
"The Indwelling of The Holy Spirit" by Jerry Bassett
"The Sower Series" is also being moved out for $5.00 per hundred. Good printing, fine material. Titles available:
"Action of Baptism" by Charles Boshart
"As They Shall Give Account" by George Jones
"Confession, A Condition of Salvation" by Charles Boshart
"Conscience, Court or Guide" by Danny Brown
"Faith, A Condition of Salvation" by Charles Boshart
"Masonry, Is It A Religion" by Robert McDonald
"Soundness, Its Requirements" by George Jones
"Unity" by H. C. Edwards
"Toward 2000 A.D. -- The True Church Versus Ecumenism" by William E. Wallace was written from the outline of his speech made at the Florida College lectures a few years ago. The tract was not well printed so we are reducing the price from $12.50 per hundred to $5.00 per hundred. At the price we naturally think it worthy of your order, and the printing is not all that bad!
"The Word of God or The Watchtower" by John W. Wilson. Present this tract to "Jehovah Witnesses" when they call on you. Good refutation. $10.00 per hundred.
"The Mormon Faith or a Study In Infidelity" by Robert H. West. Present this to "Mormon elders" when they call on you. Good refutation. $10.00 per hundred.
New Tract-Of-The-Month Series
This series edited by Robert H. Farish contains new titles for every month in 1971. Subscribe to this series for $6.00 per hundred. Folded accordion style. Attractive. Titles already available:
"How To Study The Bible" by Robert H. Farish
"Are You Disenchanted With The Church" by William E. Wallace
"What Is Truth?" by Robert H. Farish and William E. Wallace
"A Christian Only" by Lindy McDaniel
"This Is Right" by Patrick Farish