Robert H. Farish
Dejection or depression from being alone plagues many in our teeming society. It may appear strange at first thought that the problem of "loneliness" exists alongside the problem of "population explosion." The fact is headline attention to the so-called "population explosion" has contributed to the problem of loneliness. The deadly question, "How can anyone care for a mere 'me' when there is such an overproduction of human beings?" will constantly intrude and dismay those of little faith.
How can one be lonely in a society with so many people? The answer is that loneliness does not stem from physical seclusion. The most poignant loneliness can be experienced in a crowd. Men of faith can be very often alone and yet not lonely, Dejection and depression exists only in the souls of those who feel rejected or uncared for. Among these are those who have rejected God and society. Those who reject God surely realize that if there is no God, then there can be no divine care available. When the Gentile world gave God up, "God gave them up" (Rom. 1: 28). Those who reject society are aware that reciprocal rejection by society follows. Hence the rejecter realizes personal rejection.
The problem of loneliness is real; it is recognized in the Bible, not by that name but in the experiences of men related in the Bible and by assurances of divine care and by duties assigned to Christians to prevent others being lonely.
Elijah's language in reply to God's question, "What doest thou here, Elijah?" has a strong overtone of loneliness. "The children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away" (I Kings 19:10).
Paul acknowledged that certain faithful saints, who were with him in Rome "have been a comfort unto me." In Jerusalem after being rejected and abused by the Sanhedrin, "the night following the Lord stood by him, and said be of good cheer..." (Acts 23:11). The realization of the presence of the Lord made possible the 'good cheer' which was recommended to him. "The Lord stood by him" dispelling his depression and calling on him to him "cheer up."
The prevalence of loneliness is recognized by the world. Pseudo-psychiatrists have sought to solve the problem of loneliness by "respectablizing" some of the vile abnormalities and excesses which are traceable to loneliness, e.g. drunkenness, homosexuality, adultery, etc. Some seem to think that vice becomes virtue if loneliness produced it. It is high time that society quit pulling the "mantle of charity" over sins which stem from circumstances and conditions such as loneliness, and settle down to the solutions of the problems.
The impotence of science - medical, technological, sociological, political, etc., is demonstrated daily. Advancements in all these fields, rather than bringing poise of soul, have been attended by increase of soul problems among which is loneliness.
The Lord Cares For You
"To whom shall we go?" is not only the question of the apostles but is the universal question of all men since the first one chose to go to the wrong source.
The Christian is assured that the Lord "careth for you" (I Pet. 5:7). Jesus called attention to the lowly sparrow who has little or no monetary value, and yet "not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God" (Luke 12:6). The fact that God cares and the capacity of God to care is too seldom realized. God is fully aware of you, even to the abundance or scarcity of the hairs of your head.
The isolation of righteous living would be utterly lonely were it not for the assurance in the heart of the Christian that "God is and that he is the rewarder of them that seek after him." (Heb. 11:6)
The Christian needs not be "uncared for or uncaring." Yet, this is often the case — someone decides that "nobody cares" and begins wallowing in loneliness which, if unchecked, leads to "uncaring." A cynical brutalized "don't care" soul is the end result of allowing oneself to indulge in orgies of loneliness.
Not only do we have the duty of behaving in such a manner as to assure ourselves that God cares and to cause people to genuinely care for us, but we also have a sacred duty to cultivate genuine care for others.
"And whether one member suffereth, all the members suffer with it; or one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it" (1 Cor. 12:26).
Unwanted loneliness will not invade the soul which is heavily charged with regard for God and concern for man.
P.O. Box 301, Cedar Park, Texas 78613_