Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 3, 1970
NUMBER 30, PAGE 11-13

Gospel Guardian Tellalgram

Wm. E. Wallace — News Editor

GOSPEL MEETINGS - PREACHERS AND PLACES - Bill Crews was with Herty in Lufkin, September 13-18 Bellaire in Houston had Harold Fite, September 21-27 Luther Blackmon at 500 N. Somerville in Pampa Sept. 13-20. Dean Bullock with 621 Herman St., Humble September 21-27. Eastside in Baytown had Bob Love September 21-27 Mack Kercheville in Artesia, N. M. September 20-27 James Trigg with Kiestview in Dallas, Sept 21-27... The Calmont Avenue church in Dallas had R. B. Rankin from Portales, N. M. September 21-27 Jack Holt in Coppell September 21-25 Darrell Shaw of Dalhart with Franklin at Juniper Sts., in Borger September 21-27 The Imhoff church in Port Arthur had Bill McCuistion of Beaumont September 27-October 2 The Alta Loma church had different speakers each evening September 28-October 2 Eugene Britnell was with College Park in Deer Park September 28-October 4 Robert Turner with Red Bluff in Pasadena October 4-11 The church at 404 S. Caddo in Cleburne had Jack Howard of Sulphur Springs October 12-18. Barney Thompson is the regular preacher for the Southside church in Sulphur Springs Jesse Jenkins was with Broadway in LaPorte October 4-11 Henry Edwards in Cloverleaf, Dallas, October 4-11 Arnold Hardin was in Sepulveda, Calif., beginning October 5 Robert McDonald with the Lang Road church in Houston, Oct. 12-18 Robert Goodman, October 18-24 at the Greenwood Village church, Houston Bill Cavender was in Crawfordsville, Indiana, October 12-18 and Plainfield, Indiana October 19-28. He was also with the Garden Valley Road church in Tyler, recently Darrell Starling of San Antonio at 1720 S. Turner, Hobbs, N. M., November 2-8 Darrell Shaw at 15th and Blackfoot in Hereford in early November Robert Farish with Castleberry in Fort Worth, October 5-9 Harold Turner of Greenwood, Arkansas with Fourth and Groesbeck in Lufkin October 19-25 W. R. Jones with the church in Fredericktown, Ohio, October 5-11. He was in Tallahassee, Florida beginning October 29 Robert Turner - in Arlington, October 19-25, following which he was with Loop 287 in Lufkin October 26-November 1 S. L. Edwards with Southside in Sulphur Springs November 1-6 James Trigg of Greggton at Westside in Irving Nov. 2-8 Billy James of Paragould, Arkansas in Alto, Texas, October 19-25. Bruce James is the preacher in Alto E. Paul Price, Duncan, Oklahoma was with North Main and Gay Avenue church in Gladewater November 2-8 Darwin Chandler of San Antonio conducted a singing school for the Lenwood Drive congregation in Nacogdoches, November 16-20.

O. B. PROCTOR reports three baptized during August at 1410 Oak Street in Abilene TOM ROBERTS moved from Crockett, Texas, about the middle of October to work with the church in Newport, N. C. His new address is Post Office Drawer 1, Newport, North Carolina.

BENNIE P. ENER recently began working with the church meeting at 831 W. Pleasant Run Road in Lancaster.

PETE L. MCWILLIAMS of Baytown has been preaching for the Highway 287 church in Groveton since about July 1st. He will retire from the Humble Oil Company October 1st and plans to move to Groveton to work full time with the church there, beginning January 1st, 1971. He reports that prospects for a good work there look excellent.

DAVID SMITHERMAN sends the following report: "September 1st I began my third year with the Glascow St. church of Christ in Victoria. Our membership presently stands at 30 with an average attendance each Lord's day of 34 and 22. Our contributions have been above average this year ($167.30) due to two above average contributions the first of the year ($668.95 and $337.95). Average for 1969 was $147.43. We have been able to take on an additional $75 per month support the past two years and now supply about one-half of my support. Congregations which help support me are: Central, in Beaumont; Pinecrest in Beaumont, and Imhoff Ave., in Port Arthur." Meeting place for the congregation is located in the North part of Victoria, three blocks off Highway 77 in the Northcrest addition. David's address is: P. O. Box 1973, Victoria, Texas 77901.

BAPTISMS, IDENTIFIED, RESTORED: One was baptized and five were identified with the Castleberry church in Fort Worth October 11th. One was baptized, three were identified, and three were restored to fellowship recently at Caprock in Lubbock FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH by Earl E. Robertson - We advertised it last week. It is good. Correct price is as follows: Single copy 40 cents each. 12 or more 35 cents each. 100 or more 30 cents each. 500 or more 25 cents each Order from Earl E. Robertson, 1021 Welford Drive, Xenia, Ohio 45385.

MODESTY, MORALS, AND MINISKIRTS is a sixteen page tract by Gary L. Fiscus. 10 cents each, $8.00 per hundred. Order from Gary L. Fiscus, 1046 Westview Ave., Hamilton, Ohio 45013.

JOHN D. SWATZELL...after 71/2 years labor with the Needmore congregation in Haleyville, Alabama, is moving to Russellville, Alabama to work with the Washington Avenue church, beginning January, 1971.

BIBLE CLASSES by J. R. Pope is an examination and refutation of the non-Bible class position. We have reprinted this tract. It is a 32-page tract. 15 cents each. $12.50 per hundred.

HERBERT H. THORNTON: As of November 6, 1970 I have completed one year of labor with the church in Spring Branch. Even though it has been the hardest year I've endured during my fifteen years of preaching... there has been much good accomplished. There have been 54 responses to the Lord's invitation. Robert Welch and Luther Martin held us fine meetings this year. The Spring Branch congregation in Houston is partially supporting six preachers besides myself. They are; Al Payne in Richardson, Texas, Oliver Murray in Nacogdoches Texas, B. J. Thomas in Bossier City, Louisiana, brother Rogacs in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, Donald Collins in Joplin Missouri (radio work) and Reuben Amador who works with the Spanish brethren in Houston. I feel sure the brethren could have been doing much more for the Cause of Christ, but have you ever seen the Lord's people anywhere sacrificing and doing all they can for the spreading of the Gospel at their own congregation and elsewhere? People are dying every day without hearing about the glorious Gospel of Christ, it seems it is time we start showing proper love for the lost and work while we still have opportunity.

DONALD R. GIVENS, 4349 Vassar, Port Arthur, Texas: I have just returned from a gospel meeting in the coastal community of Milbridge, Maine. The church in Milbridge planned and worked hard for the meeting. and we were blessed with 31 different denominational people attending. Good contacts for study were made. Bro. W. C. Sandefur is the tireless and able preacher in Milbridge. He has accomplished much for the Lord in the Milbridge church - the largest sound church in the state of Maine. I met and talked with a young man who earnestly desires to go into fulltime preaching. He is determined to preach the gospel in about a year or so with or without support from other area. If you want to help spread the truth in Maine by helping a Maine preacher, get in contact with me and I will give you the details regarding this young preacher. The Lord's cause in New England needs more workers and more financial help from able congregations. The work continues well at Thomas Blvd. in Port Arthur. Had one baptism in our meeting with Robert Turner.

FIRST ANNUAL ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PREACHER'S WORKSHOP: Among the preachers selected for this meet are James W. Adams and Harry Pickup, Jr. Other speakers include Rubel Shelly, Eugene Clevenger, Thomas B. Warren, Raymond Kelcy, Frank Pack, Joe D. Schubert, Jack P. Lewis, Roy F. Osborne. The event is scheduled for January 11-13, 1971. The men will deliver formal 20-minute papers on announced topics, "Each presentation will have a five-minute reaction paper," "by someone who may or may not agree with the points in the main paper. In many cases the reactor will be a person who takes the opposite view of the points at issue." "There will be ample time for fellowship and communication with preachers that we have heard about, but whom we have never met before,... It is hoped that through the workshop a finer spirit of brotherhood can be established and that brotherly love can be a more meaningful reality,".

GLENN SHAVER AVAILABLE FOR SINGING SCHOOLS...and gospel meetings during 1971. Write him at P. O. Box 2052, Gary, Indiana 46409.

FOR SALE - ELECTRO-REX STENCIL SCANNER. (Model 3S-3) Makes mimeograph stencils electronically. In good condition. $350.00 Foy W. Layton, 1614 Arcady Lane, Irving, Texas 75060. BL 4-7920.

T. W. PHILLIPS II again. Remember the letter we printed from him several issues back? Brother Phillips informs us that he has received numerous replies and that he will answer each one.

THE MONTHLY REPORT OF PAUL K. WILLIAMS from the Republic of South Africa. This report, called "The Williamses in South Africa" is a most interesting account of the labors of the Williamses in the service of the Lord in South Africa. Write for it - 604 Highland Street, Hammond, Indiana 46320. Sent free.

REPORT FROM NORWAY - "Bergen Briefs" is the title of a bulletin, a report of workers in the land of Norway. Write Arthur S. Olfafsen Bjorndalen 17, 5000 Bergen, Norway. Airmail the best way to make contact.

OFFICE NOTES: We've had a set of Alford's Greek New Testament (4 volumes) on our shelves for a long time. Usually sells for $32.50. We will let it go "first come first served" for $22.50.

"Restoration Movement of The Nineteenth Century" by M. M. Davis is really a history of the church from New Testament times through the 19th century. A Restoration Library Reprint. $3.95. Very attractive cover.

"Matthew XXIV by J. Marcellus Kik - I think we have the "last of the bunch." We obtained a large supply of all that the publishers had left last spring. We have sold most of them, but still have 20 or 30 copies. This is a most excellent exposition of Matthew 24. $2.00.

"A Topical Dictionary of Bible Texts" by James Inglis is a handy volume to keep with your Bible. Wilbur M. Smith said, "In this volume will be found every subject which has a place in the Bible: whether doctrinal, practical, ecclesiastical, historical, biographical, ecclesiastical historical, biographical or secular." $4.95

"The Vocabulary of The Greek New Testament" by Moulton and Milligan. Regular price is $25.00, buy it now for only $15.00. Just one copy. Recommended only for students of Greek.

If you miss the one above we'll let you have "The New Testament in The Original Greek" with lexicon by Westcott and Hort for $3.50. Usually sells for $5.50. We have several of these.

"Biblical Hermeneutics" by Milton S. Terry, a treatise on the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, is a volume we recommend for the serious student who is inclined to discipline himself to deeper study. 780 pages. $9.75. wew

(Both God And Man)

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and man, Was hanged upon a cruel cross, a mighty gulf to span. All men were doomed to die in sin; for satan conquered all,

But Christ, the loving Son of God redeemed us from the fall.

No angel near the throne of God could answer to the call, That one must come to earth and die; now Christ is Lord of all

For since by man this doom had come, by man he must redeem;

Hence, Christ became both God and man — He is our Lord supreme.

No one was there to take His place, and make the sacrifice, But now all those who do his will shall meet in paradise.

For He is in eternal bliss, our mansion to prepare; And all who hearken to His word shall meet Him in the air. I Thess. 4:17.

J. W. Middleton Sr. Bridgeport, Texas

(In Truth)

What is the reason for our being here;

Hath God created us to live in vain?

Should we not strive to grow from year to year;

Or should we in our lethargy remain?

So many of us live in idleness, And think not of the passing of the time.

But if to God we're true he'll surely bless;

That one day we may reach that home sublime.

No greater goal can we of earth achieve Than that of walking with the Christ our Lord.

In this, the heart of God we shall not grieve, Adhering to the fulness of his word.

No man is there of earth his guide can be, But we must in the Word of God abide.

The wicked shall be doomed eternally;

For God in truth directs us O'er the tide.

J. W. Middleton, Sr. Rt. 2, Bridgeport, Texas October 20, 1970