Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
FOR YOUR HISTORICAL RECORDS: The following is from a document printed in 1875. You will want to save it. It is submitted by Albert A. Phillips of the Clairemont-Mesa congregation in San Diego, California. Thank you brother Phillips, for your thoughtfulness.
San Francisco, August, 1875 To Elder J. W. Tener, and the Church of Christ in San Francisco:
The undersigned, Members of said Church, in view of the action of a portion thereof, in introducing Instrumental Music into the congregational worship, offer this, their protest, and earnestly ask, for the sake of peace in the body of Christ, that it be regarded.
It is a notorious fact, that wherever the subject of Instrumental Music in the Churches of Christ has been agitated it has led to discord and strife, and that its introduction has been the means of dividing bodies otherwise harmoniously working for the good cause. Without discussing the question upon its merits, it is enough that we look at the facts in this case. A few of your brethren have asked you to abstain from gratifying your tastes, in what is to you, confessedly, a mere matter of expediency, at the expense of their convictions, upon what is to them a matter of vital import. You cannot lightly decide for them, and for the great body of Christian people with whom they stand in perfect accord, that they must not entertain conscientious convictions upon a matter for which the most favorable argument is, that the Scriptures do not in express words forbid it. They have not asked any great sacrifice on your part. They have not asked you to abstain from anything enjoined upon you in the Scriptures. They have asked you to do what the Christian Church, during all the earlier and purer ages of its history, did, and continued to do for 1,200 years after Christ — what the authors and movers in our great Reformation, for many happy, peaceful and prosperous years were content to do, to the glory of God and the upbuilding of His kingdom. They have asked you the simple boon of worshipping God with you according to the dictates of their conscience, in a way which all agree is sanctioned by the Word of God. The Scriptures demand of us that we avoid foolish and untaught questions and such as do gender strife. In all sincerity and candor we believe that you have violated that Scripture — with other precepts and principles contained in the law of the Lord — the observance of which, while it might not commend us to the lovers of show and worldly pomp, would certainly promote our growth in that religion whose chief beauty is its simplicity. We believe your action in this matter to be totally unjustifiable and until the error is amended, unpardonable. We beg of you that you seriously consider the responsibility you assume in depriving some, however few and how-ever humble, of the privilege of worshipping God, in His congregation, according to their conscience, in conformity with divine commands and apostolic precedent.
Believing, as we do, that the action taken in this matter is a grievous wrong, we can do no less than utter in this way our lasting protest against it.
Chas. Vinzent, Alice Darneal, Hervey Darneal, Barbara Hickson, John A. Harris, Alice N. Hickson, Lulie L. Darneal, Minna K. Vinzent, Alice H. Vinzent.
JOHN BULLOCK, 13231 Emily Rd., Dallas, Texas:
"Since leaving full time work almost two years ago I have enjoyed a full schedule in appointment preaching. Men and women continue to respond to the gospel call on many occasions where I go to fill preaching engagements, and all the glory is given to God for any success I may experience in my service to Him. When the preacher where you worship is to be away from the pulpit, or if you want a week-end meeting, Saturday thru Sunday nights, and if you are interested in my services, call 235-6397, or write me at the above address. If you are financially unable and want me to come your way, call me anyway as I have adequate support from secular work."
From Edward Fudge:
"Thought you might be interested in the following copy of a letter which I received today from Italy, in response to The Gospel Guardian offer of my free material on eis. ... 'Dear Brother Fudge: I'm interested in your work about the use of `eis' in Acts 2:38. I would like to have this material but I do not know how to pay to you postage. Please, I pray you to suggest how it should be done. The Gospel Guardian, where I read your offer, is the only review by which I receive strength in this difficult work in Italy. Every other help, if possible, with books, tracts, will be welcome as means of study in defense of the 'sound doctrine.' Thank you very much for your offer, many greetings to you and your family with every blessing from our Gracious Saviour. In His Service,' (signed) Antonia Buta, Evangelist.' " — Brother Fudge suggests other readers would be interested in sharing material with brother Buta. His address: Antonino Buta, Viale Regina Elena, 87 98100 (Sicily-Italy).
New Church:
Began meeting October 4th in Sikeston, Missouri, at the Middle School Gymnasium. Preacher: Charles E. Cheatham 314 Cravens St., Rt. 2, Sikeston, Mo. 63801. Services: 9:00 A.M. Sunday, 7:00 P.M. Sunday, 7:00 P.M. Wednesday. Telephone 472-0267.
Charles G. Caldwell, Jr. In Need:
Brother Caldwell is working for the Southend church in Columbus, Georgia, which is unable to provide his full support. The Southend work is strategic and it would not be well if brother Caldwell has to leave for other fields. The Caldwell family is a real preaching family. His father before him, and three of his sons are proclaiming the gospel. Won't you contact brother Caldwell about his needs? He is a most deserving man. His address: 2687 Shelly Street, Columbus, Ga. 31906.
Preacher Available:
"Fulltime preacher available. Age 42, 15 years experience, sound gospel preacher. Married, one boy (age 17). Would consider part time if could locate teaching position. Call Marshall Norman (505) 384-2352 or write P. O. 454, Estancia, New Mexico 87016."
Preacher Available:
"I am interested in hearing from a congregation which would like for someone to preach for them full time. I have been preaching for more than seventeen years having preached in the states of Michigan, Georgia and Florida.
"At the present time I am working with the Oak Grove congregation in Jennings, Florida but due to the lack of support I cannot continue this work.
"We would like to relocate in Florida, preferrably in central or southern Florida, and work with a congregation that can offer full support. References supplied upon request, also we will travel to meet with brethren who might be interested.
"We may be contacted by phone (904) 938-4401; or by mail: Flavil F. Wallace, P.O. Box 136, Jennings, Florida 32053."
EDWIN HAYES — Panama City, Florida
"We moved here on July 28 of this year, since that time our membership has increased by 6. Our total is now 40. A radio program was started on Sunday morning, Sept. 6, and a Bible correspondence course is being offered. We are already getting results from both. A recent note in the Guardian has received response. A lady from Texas wrote, telling us of some relatives here, and a brother who lives here (and is a long-time reader of the Guardian) wrote, expressing his pleasure of learning of a conservative group here, and his desire to worship with us. Contact has been made. I would appreciate it very much if you would print this in the news section of the Guardian, and maybe some who missed it before will see it this time, and let us know of friends or relatives that live here. If any have desired to move to this section but have been reluctant because of the church situation, then hesitate no longer. We have a fine, but small group here, working and worshiping according to the "Old Paths." Come and work with us." — Edwin Hayes, 1901 Chestnut Ave., Panama City, Fla. 32401.
Luther W. Martin
"In April, 1970, I was privileged to preach in a Sunday through Sunday meeting with the Parkview church of Christ in Unionville, Mo. Two obeyed the gospel. These brethren then asked me to preach in another Sunday through Sunday meeting in September, 1970. Again, two obeyed the gospel. One was a man seventy years old who had been a Methodist since 1929. The other was a young lady.
"My next meeting will be with the Hamilton congregation near Modena, Mo., October 18th through the 25th." — 707 Salem Ave., Rolla, Mo.
LARRY RAY HAFLEY submits the following, from The Banner of Truth, a publication of a church group believing in individual predestination. The selection follows. Author unknown.
Some Good Rules For Singing
Singing in the assembly of the saints is a vital part of their worship and praise of God as well as their exhortation and admonition of one another. It is, therefore, both a privilege and responsibility which all who belong to the heavenly family should take seriously, entering into it with all the devotion of heart and voice which they possess. The assembly is not a theater where we are to go to be entertained by others, but a blessed gathering of the Lord's children in which all are to participate as they are able. It is thus incumbent upon all to study to show themselves approved unto God in the singing, as well as in all other aspects of their relationship to Him.
Two hundred years ago, John Wesley promulgated some good rules for this spiritual exercise, and they can be helpful today as in the eighteenth century. Among them were these, which we heartily recommend to our readers. "1. Sing all. See that you join with the congregation as frequently as you can. Let not a slight degree of weakness or weariness hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up, and you will find it a blessing. 2. Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, than when you sang the songs of Satan.
"3. Sing modestly. Do not bawl, so as to be heard above, or distinct from, the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony. Strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound. 4. Sing in time. Whatever time is sung, be sure to keep with it. Do not run before nor stay behind it. Attend close to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can; and take care not to sing too slow. This drawling way naturally steals on all who are lazy. It is high time to drive it out from us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at first.
"5. Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually. So shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve here, and reward you when He cometh in the clouds of heaven."
A Moment Of Fear:
From a Column — By Roger Taylor Drug and Narcotic Counselor-Teacher Dear Mr. Taylor:
"After reading your column, I've wondered if I shouldn't have told-it-like-it-is in times of adversity with my two children.
"My youngest daughter is 12 now, and while I've tried to stem her curiosity about drugs... maybe this poem can best explain what I'm trying to say...
In the course of a lifetime, I'm sure that we all have experienced a moment of fear;
A loud barking dog... a shrill piercing scream... a siren so loud and so near...
The long breathless wait as two cars collide and we listen to hear metal crash...
The scurrying form we knew was a rat, when we went to dispose of the trash...
The startling sound of the telephone ring, that comes in the dead of the night...
A knock on the door — a voice calling our name sometimes caused a moment of fright.
These moments of fear can come one at a time, like the lightning that streaks through the sky...
Like a bullet that pierces the flesh of a man, there is fear as we know he must die.
Tonight I experienced my moment of fear as I gazed at my young daughter's face... For here was my child, the flesh of my flesh, caught up in life's human race.
Oh, yes! I knew fear. And the fear will remain, and come back to haunt me in dreams... In my hand, I hold two little methedrine pills I found in my little girl's jeans..."
From the Sentinel, San Diego, California — Name Withheld
New Church:
The church of Christ meeting at 4700 West 28th Avenue here in Pine Bluff met for its first service on Sept. 6, 1970, with 172 in attendance at Bible study and 196 for the worship service. The next Sunday we had 170 for Bible study and 186 for worship. We have now been meeting for one month and the Sunday morning Bible study attendance has averaged 166. The contribution is averaging (roughly) $500.00 per week.
The meeting house is designed to seat 320. But with chairs properly placed we could accommodate about 400 if we were forced to do so. Four good men, Garland Brown, Bob Henderson, Arthur Mounts and George Pruett, have served the church on the building committee and are to be commended for an outstanding job.
On the spiritual side we are blessed with a fine spirit on the part of all and interest is running high. Since our beginning three adults have been restored and identified. Also two teen-agers have obeyed the gospel. We plan a gospel meeting as soon as arrangements can be made. Come and visit us.
For the benefit of all concerned, we note once again that this new church was started with the blessings of 6th Ave. from whence we came. It was a planned, peaceful separation for the purpose of helping the cause of Christ in this city. We repeat: It was not a split.
We thank God for our blessings and covet the prayers of faithful brethren everywhere. — Edgar J. Dye, Evang. 28th Avenue Church of Christ, 4700 West 28th Avenue, Pine Bluff, Ark. 71601.