Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
Reporter — Elvis Bozarth
Illinois: Elvis Bozarth preached Aug. 31-Sept. 6 with the church that meets on 69th Street in Chicago. One was restored (a sister actually repented, for wearing immodest dress!). The members have decided to disband and place membership with the church meeting at 74th and Ashland where Rudolph Berry is the faithful preacher. . . The Grand Avenue church needs a preacher as soon as possible. Write to them at 3679 West Grand Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60651. Ray Warren has recently moved from there after two years to Rosedale, Michigan. Elvis Bozarth was there the four years before that.
Indiana: James Needham was with the Glen Park church in Gary, Sept. 14-20... W. C. Hinton has recently returned from Japan and begun regular work with the church meeting at 604 Highland in Hammond. .. The High School Rd. church in Indianapolis conducted a vacation Bible school, Aug. 17-21 with different speakers in the adult class each night. Jimmie Tuten has recently moved there after nearly eight years with the Spring and Blaine church in St. Louis. His address is 3103 North High School Road. . . John Belcher was with the Washington Street church in Noblesville, Aug. 24-30. . . John Clark spoke on Evolution at Pekin, Aug. 30- Sept. 4 (in case you are wondering, he is agin' it!). . . Johnnie Edwards preached for the Pikes Peak church (1 mi. east of Stone Head on Rd. 135-S) Aug. 17-22. . . J. C. Roady preached at Fredrickburg, Aug. 24-30. . . Johnnie Edwards was at Seymour, Aug. 31-Sept. 4. . . Larry Haley spoke at Stilesville, Aug. 17-23... Delmar Winninger of Columbus preached at Traders Point, Aug. 10-16.
Kentucky: Harry Pickup, Jr. will be with the Gardiner Lane church in Louisville Oct. 25-30. . Mayne Earnest will be with the Preston Highway church Oct. 4-11. . . The South End church has begun a new radio program on WFIA (900), 2:30 p.m., M-F. Kenneth Green and two other preachers will answer questions on open line (I heard that Walt Hudson and some others have a similiar program in Portland, Oregon. Maybe one of these preachers will write an article for the Guardian about these programs.). .. Austin Mobley will preach at Gooch-town Oct. 5-11 and James P. Miller was at Valley Station Sept. 14-20.
Maryland: Elvis Bozarth was in the Baltimore area Aug. 3-9 in an unsuccessful attempt to establish a church at Reisterstown. But while there he preached three times at 2906 Taylor Ave. where Bill Eskut preaches and once at Gettsburg, Penn. (contact Wilson Legg, Rt. 4, Box 354, Phone 334-2217). Some members there who were formerly with the disbanded Mt. Airy, Md. church are interested in starting a sound church in Frederick. Write Bozarth for information.
Michigan: A preacher is still needed for Albion. Assistance is needed to pay the interest on the building note, $30.00 monthly. If you can help, send your money to Ray Warren, 20615 California, St. Clair Shores, Mich. 48081.
Ohio: Austin Mobley of Tallmadge preached in a meeting at Newark, July 27-Aug. 2 in which 6 were restored and 5 placed membership, and he will be with the Southeast church, 853 E. Archwood in Akron, Sept. 27-Oct. 4. .. The Tallmadge church will have a meeting Oct. 12-18 with Morris Norman of Southeast doing the preaching. . . C. D. Plum was at Silver Park in Alliance Sept. 13-20. . . Jimmie Tuten will be at Barberton, Corner of State and Robinson, Oct. 26-Nov. 1. . . Weldon Warnock was with the Kenmore church in Akron Aug. 17-24. . . Robert Jackson was with the Berea church Sept. 13-19. One was baptized and three restored. The Southwest church in Berea (Second and Front) reports since August 1, three have been baptized, six restored, three restored and placed membership, and three others placed membership. Two have moved away. Glen Shaver will be with this church November 2-11 in a singing school. .. Paul Keller will be with the church in Lewisville, Oct. 26-Nov. 1. G. O. Winland of New Martinsville, W. Va. has been preaching for them since July, 1969 but has had to give up the work due to the distance. Larry Hayes of Paden City, W. Va will begin working with them Oct. 1. . . Wallace Whitehorn was with the church meeting at 2848 Fox Ave., Minerva, Aug. 11-19. .. Tom Wheeler will be with the Narrows Run church Nov. 1-17... Delbert Westbrook preached at New Matamoras Sept. 13-19. . . John Fant of Neward was with the North Ridgeville chruch Aug. 24-30. .. The Thayer Street church in Akron had a lectureship meeting Sept. 21-24 with day and night meetings. Earl Robertson spoke three times on Fellowship, Sewell Hall spoke three times on Menace's Of Society (Drinking, Dress and Drugs), Connie Adams spoke three times on the Holy Spirit. Other speakers were: Austin Mobley on Woman's Work and Place, Billy Murrell on Now That I'm Retired, P.E. Butler on Christian Maturity, James Cooper on Internal Evidences three times, Ron Chaffin on Christian Liberty, Morris Norman on The Christian and Society, and Charles Campbell on Situation Ethics. The regular evangelist is James O. Lovell.
Pennsylvania: Elvis Bozarth worked in Erie, Aug. 24-29 to assist the one sound family there to make contacts. Write to Arnie Granke, 1201 W. 28th St., Erie, Penn. 16508. . . Weldon Warnock will be with the Tomlinson Run church Sept. 21-27.
West Virginia: Tom Wheeler of Paden City preached in a meeting with the Dale church Aug. 24-30.. . Irven Lee of Hartselle, Ala. will be at 210 Cedar St., Moundsville, Nov. 4-11. The local preacher, Paul Keller, will be with the church in Jamestown, North Dakota, Sept. 27-Oct. 4 and at Grand Forks, N.D., Oct. 5-11. . . Paul Casebolt will be at Middlebourne, Nov. 16-22. . . He preached at Wellsburg, Aug. 31-Sept. 9... Weldon Warnock will be with the Paden City church Oct. 19-25. . . Claude Davis was with the Union Chapel church Aug. 12-23.
Wisconsin: Robert E. Speer has left the Southside church in Springfield, Mo. after two years and is moving to Wisconsin Rapids. ..
States in my reporting area from which I have received no information are: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia. So far as I know there are no loyal churches in Connecticut, Delaware, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
PLEASE SEND NEWS ITEMS FROM THE NORTHWEST TO: Elvis Bozarth, 387 Nobottom Rd.,Berea, Ohio 44017.
Office Notes — W. E. W.
A package in the morning mail brings us a number of good items to sell including:
HOW TO PREPARE A SERMON by Harold E. Knott, 15th printing. Paperback. The purpose of this book is to give a brief helpful approach to the science of sermon construction on correct homiletical principles. The questions given at the end of each chapter are intended to suggest discussion for study groups and training-classes. — $1.95.
HOW TO SPEAK AND PRAY IN PUBLIC by J. Vernon Jacobs. Paperback. Contents: How To Overcome Fear, How To Read Scripture, How to Pray, How to Make Talks, How to Tell Stories, How to Lead a Discussion, How to Preside, How to Serve As An Officer, How to Plan Programs, How To Be An Assistant Teacher, How To Make Calls, How to Win People to Christ. — $1.25.
A SHORT COURSE IN TEACHER TRAINING by Elizabeth Haslam. Suitable for teachers of all age levels, those with no teaching experience. Workbook 25 cents. Manual 75 cents.
MERRILL C. TENNY'S BOOKS include, New Testament Times, $5.95; John: Gospel of Belief, $4.95; Galatians, $4.50; New Testament Survey, $6.95; Interpreting Revelation, $4.50.
EDWARD J. YOUNG'S BOOKS include: Introduction to Old Testament, $6.50; Prophecy of Daniel, $4.95; My Servants The Prophets, $4.50; Thy Word is Truth, $2.25.
FOY E. WALLACE'S BOOKS ON SPECIAL SALE: Sale Prices — Neal-Wallace Discussion, $3.95; God's Prophetic Word, $5.95; Book of Revelation, $3.95; Bulwarks of Faith, two volumes in one, $5.95; The Gospel For Today, $4.59; Number One Gospel Sermons, $2.00; The Mission and Medium of The Holy Spirit, 75 cents; The Current Issues, 75 cents; Story of The Fort Worth Norris-Wallace Debate, $4.95; The Sermon on The Mount and The Civil State, $3.75; The Christian And The Government (November Delivery), $6.95.
BIBLES FOR GIFT SEASON — The season for universal exchange of gifts is upon us. What is better than a Bible. . . as a gift? We imprint names on the Bibles we sell without charge.
TALKING ABOUT GIFTS, if you haven't seen Jim W. Middleton's "Book of Acts in Poetry" you are not acquainted with something unusually good. First class, professional poetry — the complete book of Acts. $2.00.
FOR YOUR EDIFICATION: "The optimist says things never are as bad as they seem, the pessimist says they're never as good as they seem. .. and the sensible man agrees with both their viewpoints. That is, he doesn't exaggerate the importance of good news, but neither does he exaggerate significance of bad news. He can read the newspapers and listen to the radio without risking his sanity or endangering his heart. Why? Simply because he never forgets that all contemporary events are merely parts in a much larger picture, and none of them has an established and final face value until time has put those events in their proper perspective." — Lifetime Sneaker Encyclopedia HOYT H. HOUCHEN, 12528 E. Alaska Place, Aurora, Colorado
"I have recently preached in a gospel meeting at the Northeast congregation which meets in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 6323 East Platte, in the Eastgate Shopping Center. H. L. Bruce is the preacher there and is doing a commendable job. The group is small in number but strong in faith. The Harvey Clark and Levoy Free families are now working with this church and they are great strength and encouragement.
"Our work at Boston Street, 1297 Boston Street in Aurora, Colorado, continues to grow and the work is very encouraging. We had record attendances this past summer with visitors attending from all over the nation. On one Sunday we had 168 in Bible classes and 217 in the morning assembly.
"My meetings this year have been in Fort Collins, Colorado; Booneville, Mississippi; Portales, New Mexico; Columbus, Indiana; Bradley, Illinois; Lubbock, Texas (West End); Brownwood, Texas (Woodland Heights); and Colorado Springs, Colorado. I am to be with the Maryvale church in Phoenix, Arizona, Nov. 16-22 and this will complete my meeting schedule for this year.
"In addition to my support, the Boston Street church is aiding in the support of Herbert Eraser at Fort Collins, Colorado; H. L. Bruce at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Karl Diestlekamp in Milwaukee, Wisconsin."