Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
GUTHRIE DEAN: 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901.
"The work continues to go well here at Park Hill. We are presently preparing a picture church directory. August 9 through 14, I conducted a meeting with the Pleasant Valley church in Wichita, Kansas in which there were five baptisms. There has been at least one baptism there since the meeting. August 24 through 30 I conducted a meeting at the West Main church in Pangburn, Arkansas in which there were nine responses. Four restorations and five baptisms. My meeting schedule for this year includes five meetings in Arkansas, two in Kansas, one in Chicago, Illinois, and one in Indiana."
Marvine Kelley:
"I terminated my work with the good congregation in Newport, N. C., August 15 after one year. I resigned reluctantly with the good will of the elders and the congregation. I have a circulation problem in my legs and have had for about 6 months. I did not know that I had this problem but am told that it is incurable unless I am able to undergo surgery. Duke Hospital at Durham, N. C. refused to operate. I am at present, teaching at Brajosport Jr. College. I do not have to stand and every effort is being made to see if some solution to my problem can be found.
"I would like to do fill-in work for some congregation in a hundred mile radius when I am able to go. The money means nothing as I am adequately supported by the College.
"I solicit the prayers of the brotherhood that God may see fit to let me stand again where for some 30 odd years I have stood.
"For references contact Charles Pringle or Raymond Simmons, Drawer 1, Newport, N. C." — Marvine Kelley.
WILLIAM C. SEXTON, 2804 Lafayette, St. Joseph, Mo. 64507:
"The tenth and Lincoln street church of Christ had a meeting Sept. 21-27 with Billy Moore of Butler, Missouri, the preacher.
"I have been preaching once a month at the Barnard congregation in Barnard, Missouri, during the summer months. I plan to speak for them one Sunday a month, at least for awhile.
"My son, Randall Sexton, who has completed two years at Florida College, will continue his education at Missouri Western College here in St. Joseph as he majors in Education. He would like to preach on week ends within 100 miles of St. Joseph. He has been preaching part time for the last 5 years. He may be contacted at 2804 Lafayette, St. Joseph, Mo. 64507 or by calling 816-233-3214."
Searcy, Arkansas:
"Guthrie Dean of Ft. Smith, Ark., will hold our fall meeting in Searcy from Oct. 12-18. Our building is at 900 W. McRae Ave., just a block west of State Highway 16N. Time is 7:30." — Ralph Edmundson
Benton R. Graves:
"I will move from Eden, N. C. and begin work with the church in Garden City, Ga., November 15th, 1970. The work here has been a very enjoyable work and a profitable work. We have had 33 responses to the Gospel in the three years I have labored here, 17 of them baptisms."
"The church is at peace. A preacher that is looking for a good work would do well to call Bro. Eldridge Smith for information (919) 627-7975.
"I continue to enjoy The Guardian. The special issue on fellowship was the best yet. Keep up the good work." — 213 Dunn St., Eden, N. C.
Yater Tant:
"I had a real good meeting at Embry Hills (Atlanta, Ga.) Baptized three... the preacher over there is doing one of the best 'local jobs' I know of anywhere. They have 102 members, and we had an average of 136 for each service of the meeting. There were 37 non-Christians who attended one or more times — as compared to 6 non-Christian attendants at their previous meeting, six months ago."
Preachers Moving:
Maurice Jackson to Mound and Starr in Nacogdoches, Texas, from Stevens Avenue in Huntsville, Alabama. James W. Adams moves from Mound and Starr to Pruitt and Lobit in Baytown, Texas.
Rufo B. Samodal
Rufo B. Samodal of The Republic of the Philippines sends thanks for books someone sent to him: "I am thankful for the books sent to me, . . . and I do not know who paid it for me, and please extend my thanks to the one who sent to me." He is engaging in a fruitful work. His address: % Church of Christ, Margosatubig, Zamboanga del sur N-318, Republic of the Philippines.
Request From Nigeria For Books:
Samuel S. Elayse, Suruleve Church of Christ, P. O. Box 498, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria was baptized into Christ in January 1969. He is studying to preach the gospel. He requests books which he is unable to purchase."
C. R. Scroggins:
"This is to inform you that we conducted a late August meeting here at Southside in Hobbs. Although no immediate responses were recognized, we did make contacts that promise to lead to private Bible studies. Yours truly did the preaching." 305 West Castle, Hobbs New Mexico.
Larry Devore
"I will be in a meeting at Roseville, Ohio, October 19-25. Granville Tyler with us here in South Bend, September 14-23."
Book Wanted:
Volume I of E. M. Zerr's Commentary on Genesis to Judges sought by Randall Collins, Rural Route 2, Greencastle, Indiana 46135. Anyone help him?
Edwin Hayes:
"I moved to Panama City to work with the small Beach Church located on Highway 98 W. The membership is small, numbering about 35, but they are very zealous and energetic. We start a radio program on Sept. 6. This is the only church in the immediate vicinity that is standing for the `old paths.' If any who read these lines have friends or relatives in the area that we might contact, please let us know." — 1901 Chestnut Avenue, Panama City, Fla. 32401.
Charles F. House
"Charles F. House reports 16 baptisms by preachers along the far western U. S.-Mexico border, in his August report."
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt JOHN W. PITMAN, P. O. Box 229, Jamestown, N. Dakota 58401.
"Since last report Leslie Diestelkamp of Rochelle, Illinois, preached in a weeks meeting in Jamestown, Aug. 34. The largest attendance during the night services was 20, several contacts were made but due to the church being new here it seems the town's people are a little shy about attending, but they will talk freely about Bible matters. We are able to have the services in the North Dakota Credit Union League at 202 4th Ave. S.E. 2nd floor. Our next meeting will be Sept. 27 — Oct. 4 with Paul Keller of Moundsville, West Virginia. We plan to cover most of the town with announcements and other information concerning the church for which Christ died. After the meeting here Paul will go up to Grand Forks, North Dakota for a meeting with the church meeting on the Air Base. Gary Burlington is the preacher there. We were made to rejoice Sunday Night, Aug. 23 when one lady was baptized for the remission of sins in the swimming pool at one of the Motels in town. She was a Methodist and had been sprinkled. Her husband said, "I may end up doing the same thing." We only hope that her obedience to the gospel call will lead many more to obey among the over 15,000 here and the several thousand in near by towns. Her home is 40 miles away. She had been coming before we moved. We now have 9 members making up the church here. We have others that are coming and some are taking Bible courses by mail. The 25 minute radio program has several who have called the station to say they are listening and enjoy the program."
OFFICE NOTES — Wm. E. Wallace TIP FOR TEACHERS OF TODDLERS: "Teaching Toddlers, Two's and Three's" by Olga Money. A great aid for teachers of this age level. Also, "Pattern Time" by Olga Money, one of the finest pattern books designed for use primarily with pre-school children. 56 pages of delightful seasonal patterns. The patterns are arranged seasonally with at least one attendance record included under each month's heading. $1.25.
THE JULE MILLER FILMSTRIP set for cottage meetings is being used more and more by `conservative' brethren. I demonstrated the series to a couple of churches recently and it was enthusiastically received. Several preachers have spoken well of their experiences with it in home studies. The set offers sound teaching, the only objectionable feature being the pictorial representations of Jesus. But this is offset by an abundance of charts, passages, and good basic teaching which holds the attention of those who view. It is quite simple to use. Records do the "talking" for you, and the films keep the attention of those you seek to teach. The course is available in slides also. There is an excellent training Course that can be purchased, teaching how to use the series, and encouraging brethren to work in cottage meeting efforts. A "package deal" offers the training course filmstrips, the projector, the cottage meeting set, and a number of extras for $189.50. Without the training course series the package deal is offered at $149.50. Send for information. I am certain you can use this means quite effectively in reaching non-members and also in teaching members in various classes.
PAT BOONE AND THE GIFT OF TONGUES — James D. Bales The Pentecostal movement, which has been penetrating many different denominations, is now beginning to manifest itself here and there in churches of Christ. The most prominent one among us to become involved in this type of movement is Pat Boone whose affirmation of the baptism of the Spirit and the gift of tongues was made public earlier this year in a publication called Testimony. The July issue of the Christian Bookseller Magazine announced Pat's forthcoming book entitled: A New Song.
A long-time personal friend of Pat's, the author spent considerable time in prayer, study, conversation, and correspondence with Pat. As a result, he has written a book on tongues for which he has gathered material for years. The book not only deals with specific arguments and experiences of Pat Boone, but also with those of other tongues speakers.
Chapters in the book deal with such themes as the following: (1) If any of the gifts are for us today, all of them are for us; including- the gift of apostleship. Pat thinks that all are available if we have faith enough to receive them. (2) Like the Pentecostals, Pat minimizes the mind, so a chapter deals with the place of the mind both in conversion and the new life in Christ. (3) If we are to help most effectively those who are in danger of being misled, we need to understand why people seek the gift of tongues, so a chapter is devoted to this topic.
(4) The psychology of, and the unscriptural nature of, teaching people how to speak in tongues is examined.
(5) Chapters are devoted to a survey of tongues in pagan religions, the fact that tongues in the Bible were languages, and the claims of the Pentecostals that tongues are usually ecstatic utterances instead of human languages. (6) Tongues speakers are evaluated in the light of their claims, their accomplishments, and their teaching. The author emphasizes that regardless of what wonders someone claims to be able to perform, we must go to "the law and the testimony" and measure their teaching by the word of God. Regardless of what some claim to do, if they contradict the Bible they must be rejected. (7) Attention is also devoted to some of the confusion into which Pat, who thought he was guided by the Spirit, was led. Pat honestly thought he was guided by the Spirit into keeping his beliefs from the brethren until his book appeared and the whole story could be told. This resulted in the deception of brethren and could not be the work of the Spirit since the Spirit is not a deceiver. While thinking that the strategy of the Spirit was to keep it from brethren for the time being, Pat's numerous public statements defeated this strategy. (8) The last section of the book is devoted to numerous questions, with answers, which many have raised concerning the arguments and scriptures which are used by those who claim to work miracles today.
The author has endeavored to deal plainly as well as compassionately with Pat and others who claim the miraculous gifts today.
The book, Pat Boone and the Cat of Tongues, will help brethren to deal with issues which will be raised with the appearance of Pat's new book, which deals with his experiences, and the film The Cross and the Switchblade in which Pat plays the role of David Wilkerson, the Pentecostal preacher.
Advanced orders, at $4.00 a copy, will help facilitate the publication of this book. Order from James D. Bales, Station A, Searcy, Ark. 72143.
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt THE NEW BOOK — The Book of Acts in Poetry, by Jim W. Middleton, Sr. is something different, inspiring, edifying and informative. You will find it difficult to lay down once you begin reading it. A great gift item for young and old alike. $2.00. Brand new publication.
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt BOOK REVIEW — Carl A. Allen
To our readers I would like to recommend some commentaries on the New Testament. I feel that this is in order; because, I am continually asked: "What do you recommend on the New Testament?" There are some individual works, which I think, are the best and should be studied by the saints of God. They are:
(1) THE FOURFOLD GOSPEL, by J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton. This is a harmony of the four accounts of the Gospel of Christ. The four writings are made into one and with the text of the "Fourfold Gospel" one can read a complete account of the Gospel of Christ. Also, each passage has notes to help the student. These notes are scholarly and informative. For the beginner or the mature Christian I recommend this book for reference and study.
(2) COMMENTARY ON ACTS, by J. W. McGarvey is the best. I know of no better text on the book of Acts, as a whole, than that written by brother McGarvey. The book of Acts is made alive and the details suggested will impress the reader. This is a must in one's library.
(3) A NEW COMMENTARY ON PAUL'S LETTER TO THE SAINTS AT ROME, by R. L. Whiteside, is the best in print. For a good discussion of the material in Romans and many of the difficult passages made clear — you will find good suggestions for the solution. Brother Whiteside has done a splendid job in his commentary. (Note: This volume in the sixth printing. First printing 1945. 19,000 printed).
(4) THE NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY, Epistle To The Hebrews, by R. Milligan. What brother McGarvey's book is to the book of Acts and Brother Whiteside's book is to the book of Romans; R. Milligan's book is to the book of Hebrews. This book is a great aid and should be in the possession for the problems of that book.
(5) MORE THAN CONQUERORS, by W. Hendrikson, is an interpretation of the book of Revelation. Aside from a few places where foreordination and predestination is taught it is one of the best books I have read on the book of Revelation. The first edition of this book was in July, 1939 and up until 1954 it had gone through seven editions - this alone speaks for the book.
The books listed above are standard works and can be found in any preacher's library. You will find more preachers of the Gospel of Christ using these books than any other books in their library. So, when you buy these books you are buying their choice.
Order these books from the Gospel Guardian Company, Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901.