Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
GOSPEL MEETING, BEDIAS, TEXAS June 9-15. Earnest Finley speaking. Also at Bedias: Special series of lessons by different speakers each Thursday evening for five weeks, beginning June 19, continuing through July 17. Speakers and subjects: June 19 — "History Repeating Itself in Apostasy," William Wallace. June 26 — "Establishing Scriptural Authority," James W. Adams. July 3 - "Benevolence," W. R. Jones. July 10 — "Gift of The Holy Spirit," R. L. Craig, July 17 -- "Masonry," Robert L. McDonald.
"DARWIN CHANDLER has moved to San Antonio, Texas to work with the West Avenue church. Brother Leon Odom is staying with this church, and the work of preaching the Gospel will be carried on jointly by him and brother Chandler. Brother Chandler has openings for several meetings and singing-schools. If you need a singing school or meeting it would be worth your effort to contact him." West Avenue Church, 106 Sherwood Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78201.
OLD BOUND VOLUMES OFFERED: "I have been disposing of some of my books, and thought I would write you about a set of the Guardian that is almost complete as you might know some one who would like to have them. I think I have all of them except Volume 1. Volume 2 through 11 are bound, and Volumes 12 through 20 are in boxes, each volume in a box by itself and labeled, and they are all in good condition. I will take a hundred dollars for the whole set, but will not break them." J. M. Gillpatrick, % Southside Church of Christ, 2706 East 51 Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105.
JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA CALLING: "Jamestown, North Dakota is looking for some one capable of helping us establish a faithful and true church that isn't afraid of cold weather snow and ice. Last November Brothers Paul Earnhart, Ray Ferris, Gordon Pennock and Albert Wanous held a meeting for us. Since that time we meet in a rented basement room on Main Street downtown. Jamestown has a population of 15 to 18 thousand, located on the James river in Stutsman County. Mostly Catholics, Lutherans, and Presbyterians, but no church of Christ." Charles Dick, Courtenay, North Dakota.
ALTUS, OKLAHOMA REPORTING: "Southeast congregation in Altus would like any information about men or families moving in to this area with the change of command from Tinker AFB. Please contact Gale Commings, P. O. Box 955, Altus, Okla. 73521.
SOME MORE OLD BOUND VOLUMES OFFERED: "I have bound volumes three through five of The Gospel Guardian and unbound copies as follows: Volume Six (less issues two and four); Volume Seven (less issues thirty-one and fifty); Volume Eight (less issues sixteen and thirty-two); and Volume Nine (less issues twenty-five — twenty-eight, thirty-one — thirty-six, thirty-nine, forty-nine). If you can put me in touch with someone who would like to purchase these, I should be glad to have an offer." Write "Associate Professor of Christian Doctrine," Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, Tenn. 38117.
CHANGE OF LOCATION: "The church which formerly met at Birch and McFadden Streets in Santa Ana has moved into their new building at 16481 Main Street in Tustin, Calif. The new location is about 2'/2 miles from the old meeting place. The new building will seat 300 and has nine classrooms (Plus auditorium). Robert E. McCurdy is the present preacher having been located here for five years. Some of the preachers who have labored with this church in times past are Bill Irvine, Floyd Thompson, Lewis Duggar, Warren Cheatham, Jack Freeman, and others. The prospects for growth in the future are tremendous. We beseech your prayers upon this work and invite you to worship with us when in the Tustin — Santa Ana area of California."
"Robert J. La Coste of the Southeast Church of Christ P. O. Box 06326 Portland, Oregon 97206, reports that he is going to be moving to work with the church at Globe, Arizona. The Southeast congregation is accepting applications for an evangelist. Phone 1-503-771-9518."
YALE, ILLINOIS: "We are pleased to report that three have been baptized at Yale, Illinois and six baptized at Hildalgo, Illinois through the efforts of two meetings of Robert J. La Coste." From South East congregation, Portland, Oregon.
FROM COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO: A report from Harvey Clark expresses resentment about the plans to start a new church in Colorado Springs. For his views in the matter write him at 6747 Seneca Road, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80915.
ROMULO B. AGDUMA writes from the Philippines, stating that he has fought a battle against liberalism in the Philippines for at least 10 years. He feels that a report by another preacher in the Philippines left the impression that opposition to institutionalism in the Philippines is something new. He concludes, "For further information about me...in the 'fight' against liberalism here, please refer me to Brethren Jesse G. Jenkins, Jady W. Copeland, and Bill Crews whom I have corresponded with during the last 10 years about the work in my country." Mang, Cotabato 0-117, Republic of The Philippines.
BOUND VOLUMES AGAIN, OLD ONES: "I have 14 bound volumes of the Gospel Guardian for which I will sell at $3.00 per copy as follows: 1 copy of volume 3; 1 copy of volume 4; 1 copy of volume 5; 2 copies of volume 6; 2 copies of volume 7; 1 copy of volume 8; 1 copy of volume 9; 1 copy of volume 10; 1 copy of volume 11; 1 copy of volume 12; 1 copy of volume 13; 1 copy of volume 14. All in good condition." Cecil B. Douthitt 1919 Bluff Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901.
FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: "I have just completed a most pleasant meeting with the good brethren in Fayetteville, Arkansas. They are now meeting in their new brick building located in the newest section of the city. The attendance averaged better than ninety each evening. One adult man was restored to his first love and one adult woman was baptized into Christ. Both of the responses were a result of the excellent work done by the members before the meeting. They are a very zealous and hardworking group who devote much time to home studies which are paying off." James B. Lusby, 500 N. Somerville, Pampa, Texas 79065.
PAMPA, TEXAS: "Our work here in Pampa seems to be doing well. One adult man was baptized last Lord's Day. This brings the membership of the Central congregation to well over 200. They are very enthusiastic in the work of the Lord. Under the excellent leadership of its elders the Central church has undertaken an active program of work. The congregation provides the full support of two preachers and the partial support of another, has thirty minute radio program each week, offers a free eight lesson Bible correspondence course, prints a weekly bulletin which is distributed locally, has many home Bible studies which are bearing fruit, is soon to begin a monthly publication which will be sent to homes in a wide area, and is to begin construction of a new meeting facility with a seating capacity of 400-500 this summer. Our new facility will be located on five acres of land in a new area of Pampa." James B. Lusby.
DEBATE REPORT: "The debate on 'Salvation and Miracles' with the Church of God preacher in Eden, N. C. went well. The first night saw about 125 present and next night about 150 and the last night well over 200. There were a number of denominational preachers from the Eden area present for the last night which dealt with miracles. Brother Benton Graves started off rather slow and though he had the truth I feel that Mr. Worley did a better job in reaching the audience the first night. On the second night brother Graves began to really tie into the problem and I feel confident he carried the audience and made the most lasting impression with the things he presented. By the last night brother Graves was over the hump and had arrived. I have never seen a man improve so much in three nights of debating. When he finished tying into our miracle working friend it would have taken a miracle for Mr. Worley to have hoodwinked the audience. Mr. Worley was truly hurting on that last night and flat ran out of soap in his last speech. He jumped, he hollowed, he foamed at the mouth, he used questionable language, he bled at the mouth, he introduced new material into his last speech, he called us Cambellites, waterheads, water worshippers, etc...and he went down in defeat with a fizzel as he just couldn't think of a thing to say in the last five minutes except to hem and haw and call us names." Jack Gibbert, Rt. 1 Box 48, Myrtle Beach, S. C. 29577 NEW SERMON OUTLINE BOOK: "Sermons of Myron Keith" New, different, scriptural, more than fifty outlines of this gospel preacher printed in large (81/2 x 11) book with a durable, flexible cover. Practical and ready for pulpit use. $1.95 per copy plus postage.
DANIEL SOMMER 1850-1940: This is the title of a new book now on the presses. To be ready in July. Price will be $4.95. Prepublication price only $3.50. Order now. This book will be a valuable asset to the records of 19th and 20th century church history. 300 pages. Compiled by Wm. E. Wallace. Mostly autobiographical material. Pictures. Letters. Diary records. Documents.
GRIDER — TOTTY DEBATE CANCELLED: A. C. Grider and W. L. Totty were scheduled to debate in Indianapolis in May. Brother Totty's doctor advised brother Totty not to engage in the debate due to a heart condition.
MEETINGS: J. T. Smith at Samaria-Cookeville, Tennessee July 21-17, Beatyville, Kentucky June 30 — July 6...A. C. Moore at 4th Avenue West in Birmingham, Alabama July 6-12...Arthur M. Ogden at Eastland in Louisville, Ky. June 9-15...Blue Ash, Ohio May 26-June 1, Louis Garrett ANOTHER DANGEROUS CENTRALIZATION? "Six Christian colleges met here (Abilene, Texas) March 25 and formed the Association of Southwestern Christian Colleges. The colleges adopted a constitution for the association at the meeting held in Abilene Christian College's McGlothlin Campus Center. The officials agreed to meet again May 13th at ACC...The constitution of the group listed seven purposes. It called for 'cooperative programs for the development and improvement of the participating colleges.' Each college will maintain its complete autonomy while at the same time working cooperatively with the other member colleges in programs which are advantageous to all. Charter membership in the organization includes ACC, Christian College of the Southwest, Fort Worth Christian College, Lubbock Christian College, Oklahoma Christian College and Southwestern Christian College. The association will cooperatively seek gifts and grants from new sources, develop and maintain facilities for the advancement of higher education and promote exchange and joint use of faculty, libraries and other facilities...." From Abilene Christian College News Release.
Book Report
CARL A ALLEN — Box 724, Lufkin, Texas 75901
The Seven Churches Of Asia James M. Tolle
I have just completed reading a book that is worthy of consideration. It has only eighty pages; but, each page is such that will provoke thought in the students mind.
The Seven Churches of Asia is the title. This little book is concise, condensed and easily read. Information that is valid in understanding the first three chapters of Revelation composes the first four chapters.
Date, author and the general intent of the book is noted in the first chapter. It is argued that the book was not intended to be a "horoscope" with little or no interest to the first readers but, intended for every age to come. The second chapter is a most vital one — the conflict between Christ and Caesar or, the Christian and Rome. The problem of a Christian living under a deified state or king is magnified. Chapter three presents us as disciples of a living Christ attending to our needs today. This is excellent introductory material.
The Seven Churches of Asia are dealt with and an introduction describes the mi, s,[?] customs, circumstances and general material about that area that would help one to understand the praises and rebukes. An introduction is found at the beginning of each church.
Definitions of words compose a good part of this book; thus, you find some good material on the following words or phrases: golden, p. 21; angel, p.22; star, p23; I know, p. 27; toil, p. 27; patience, p. 28; weary, p. 30; first love, p. 31; him that overcometh, p. 33; paradise, p. 34; tribulation, p. 38; devil, p. 40; ten days, p. 41; crown, p. 41; parchment, p. 43; the hidden manna, p. 48; a white stone, p. 48; names, p. 60; defile, p. 61; walk, p. 61; blot out, p. 63; the key of David, p. 64; keep and deny, p. 66; worship, p. 67; my patience, p. 79; throne, p. 79 and many more.
Some false doctrines were dealt with and exposed: Nicolaitans, p. 30 & 47; teaching of Baalam, p. 45; and Jezebel, p. 52. the material on these subjects is worth the price of the book.
Here are a few interesting quotes from the book:
1. "The letters to the seven churches of Asia do not refer to a cooperate body including all churches, but to local congregations, unfederated, autonomous, independent, and not centrally controlled. There is no proof that more than one congregation ever existed in the cities where the seven churches were located, and the diocesan concept of the church is entirely foreign to the teaching of the New Testament." P. 21.
2. "Is the congregation to which you belong like the Ephesian church? Is it 'sound in the faith,' or is it like so many other churches — sound asleep?" p. 27.
3. "When any church is mainly concerned with members, and elegant meeting place, and the social standing of its members, it may fill its building for services, but only those who are unconverted to Christ and who have not the Holy Spirit." p. 28.
4. "But beware of those teachers and preachers in the church who boast of their superior knowledge of the Bible, who constantly talk about the deep things of God. Their so-called deep things can be from the devil and not of God. In their supposed probing of the depths of God's word, they can overlook, even ridicule and reject, some of its more obvious and basic truths. Their teaching can be purely and speculative, after the wisdom of men rather than the wisdom of God (I Cor. 2:5)." p. 53.
5. "In Holman Hunt's great picture called 'The Light of the World,' we see one with gentle, patient face, standing at a door, which is ivy-covered, as if long closed. He is girt with priestly breastplate. He bears in His hand thy lamp of truth. He stands and knocks. There is no answer, and He still stands and knocks. His eye tells of love; His face beams with yearning. You look closely and you perceive that there is no knob or latch on the outside of the door. It can be opened only from within. Do you see the meaning? (J. R. Miller)." p. 78.
YOU WILL WANT TO READ THIS BOOK. It may be purchased from the Gospel Guardian, P. O. Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901. The price of the book is 75 cents (The price of one fishing plug — on sale).