Gospel Guardian Tellal Gram
ILLINOIS — INDIANA — OHIO — AND — KENTUCKY NEWS George T. Eldridge, reporter
Denver J. Niemeier during the month of September started his second year of Bible work with the Traders Point Church, Rd. 100 at 32nd St., Indianapolis, Indiana. His first year of work saw these visible results: 7 baptized, 4 restored, 4 identified, 79 average Sunday morning attendance, $284.00 average contribution, wages of a native preacher in Nigeria was raised from $30.00 to $50.00 per month, and $500.00 more than scheduled was paid on the church's debt.
Claude M. Wilsford started his fifth year of preaching work with the Silver St. Church, 1201 Silver St., New Albany, Indiana 47150 on Sunday, October 12, 1969. Brother Wilsford comments that time has flown and the four years seem but a short time since the Wilsford family moved from Pensacola, Florida to New Albany.
Jimmy Tuten, Jr. began his eighth year of preaching with the Spring & Blaine Church, 3800 Blaine Ave., St. Louis, Missouri 63110. There have been 51 responses, 35 of which were baptisms, from January, 1969 to October 5, 1969. Brother Tuten says "Spring & Blaine continues to labor zealously and harmoniously."
Radio Preaching. The Lord's Church meeting at Route 42 at Dimmick Road in West Chester, Ohio 45069 (Cincinnati area) has a daily radio broadcast, with Bernard Bolton doing the radio preaching. Ronald Pierce, age 31, accidentally tuned in the broadcast during his lunch hour, continued to listen daily, and enrolled in the Bible correspondence course. On October 8, as brother Bolton was going through the day's mail, he read these words which Mr. Pierce had written on Lesson 15: "Mr. Bolton, I do have a sincere concern for the condition of my soul. I believe in Christ, I repent, and you have convinced me through a study of the scriptures that I need to be baptized. Can you help me fulfill this need? I have transportation and will await your reply." Wednesday evening services were started by baptizing Ronald Pierce into Christ. Ronald Pierce left his Methodist background. Ronald Pierce is now a Christian Brethren: Bible preaching done by radio does do good.
THESE "HAVE BELIEVED OUR REPORT" Illinois. Benton Jimmy Tuten, Jr.'s meeting resulted in 3 baptisms and 2 restorations. The church meets at 4th & Maple Streets. Pekin — 13th St. church with Ralph R. Givens reports 1 baptism and 1 restoration. Peoria — 1509 E. Paris Ave. church reports 2 restorations and the baptism of Frank McIntyre, who was a member of the Roman Catholic church. The McIntyre is united in religion. Zion — 2310 Lewis Ave. church with B. Dale Smelser reports 3 baptisms and 6 identified (3 families). Indiana. Ellettsville — 303 Temperance church with Johnie Edwards reports 1 baptism and 2 identified ( 1 family). Griffith — 344 N. Griffith Blvd. reports 1 restored. Hobart — 200 N. Liberty St. church with Robert C. Archer reports 1 baptism and 1 restoration. Indianapolis — 860 S. Belmont Ave. with Paul M. Caldwell reports 3 baptisms and 1 restoration during Mel Myer's gospel meeting. Southport church with Gene Warman reports 3 baptisms during Johnie Edward's gospel meeting. Traders Point church with Denver J. Niemeier reports 1 baptism and 1 identification. Kentucky. Bowling Green — West End church with Weldon Warnock reports 1 baptism and 1 restoration. Free Will church in Monroe County reports 2 baptisms and 2 restorations during Ronald Mosby's gospel meeting. Glasgow — 100 Linwood Ave. church with Everett Hardin reports 1 baptism and 4 identified ( 2 families). B. G. Hope's gospel meeting with the Linwood church resulted in 2 being baptized. Louisville — Expressway church (4437 S. Sixth St.) reports 1 baptism and 4 identified. The Gardiner Lane church (1320 Gardiner Lane) with J. T. Smith reports 1 identified and 1 restored. The South End church (4001 Taylor Boulevard) with Kenneth Green reports 1 baptism, 8 identified, and 1 restored. The Shively church (1916 Rockford Lane) with Vestal Chaffin reports 1 identified, 2 restored, and 2 withdrawn from. It is news reading about churches obeying 2 Thess. 3:6. May God bless this church and all that obey His word. Murray — Doran Rd. at Holiday Drive with Aude McKee reports 2 baptisms. Somerset church with Lanning C. Courtney reports 1 restored during James E. Cooper's gospel meeting. Tompkinville — Armory Road church with Donald Townsley reports in the last four months three have been baptized and four restored (three of these being identified). Valley Station — 11408 Dixie Highway church with Lewis Willis reports 3 baptisms, 2 identified, 3 restorations (one of these was identified, too). Ohio. Adron — South East church with Morris Norman reports 1 baptism and 1 restored during Robert Jackson's meeting. Dayton — 300 Haynes St. with Edgar C. Walker reports 1 restored. Blue Ash (Cincinnati area) church reports 3 baptisms and 2 restorations during J. Frank Ingram's gospel meeting. Hilliard — 5000 Cemetery Rd. church with George T. Eldridge reports 1 baptism and 1 identified. Mason — 110 W. Main St. with James E. Cooper reports 1 baptism. Tallmadge — 737 Southeast Ave. with Austin Mobley reports 2 baptisms during C. D. Plum's gospel meeting. Northridgeville — Austin Mobley preached there on November 7 and reports that one was baptized and one was restored.
Other items of interest. The church at 210 Cedar Ave. in Moundsville, West Virginia with Paul C. Keller reports 1 baptism. Larry R. DeVore, 1802 Caroline St., South Bend, Indiana 46613 reports that since moving to work with the Caroline St. church the last of June that there have been 2 baptisms, 2 identified, and 3 restored. Larry held a meeting in Greensburg, Ky., Oct. 27 — Nov. 2.
Book Report Daniel Sommer
1850 — 1940 DANIEL SOMMER, was compiled and published by William E. Wallace. There are many books compiled on the history of "pioneer preachers," and yet, this one seems to find a soft place in one's heart. To read of the trials, persecutions, heartaches and disappointments, secures firmly in the mind that these men of old were human beings as we are. Yet, when you read the life of this man you will be greatly enriched and strengthened in the faith.
He was born in poverty, raised in obscurity; yet, he became a powerful influence during the years of 1870 — 1940. He never failed to speak his mind and did it in such a way to relieve an doubt concerning his meaning.
If you read this book you will take a, journey back to the days of the log cabins. You will go with him to the wood pile and the forest. Riding horseback to meetings in fair weather and foul weather will be a reality. With limited means of travel he had a driving force to do the Lord's will. He was specially adapted to preaching to members of the church, concerning Christian living. He had some criticism for those who would spend all their time preaching first principles and did not teach the members how to remain faithful. '
In the book you will find that he did not own a set of commentaries; nor had he ever owned One. You will also note that he always had a good command of Bible knowledge — he lived by the book. Of all the subjects that he studied, there were none that attracted his attention more than the "COLLEGE QUESTION."You will have to read this book — it is worth the price and the time.
Brother Wallace has done the brethren a service by putting this material in print. I feel I must add that someone "GOOFED." There are many mistakes in the book. I am not sure what happened; but, I think the proofreader did what many of my brethren do during preaching — sleep. But, the book will serve a valuable place in bridging the gap between 1900 — 1940. Little material of this nature can be found covering this period.
This book may be purchased from the Gospel Guardian Co., Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901. Price $5.95.
Carl A. Allen Box 724
Lufkin, Texas 75901 EFFIONG B. ESSIEN, NIGERIA: "This is to make known to you that I am still breathing though you might have thought that I have died during this war. Do you still remember me Effiong B. Essien? I am sorry I could not communicate you since 1967 because of the present crises in Nigeria. I was working in Ikot Ekpene as a worker. I have packed my belongings home. All those thinp including clothing, my religious textboolca were completely burnt to ashes when the rebel bumt my house. I am now jobless and homeless. All the Churches of Christ buildinp in the Eastern Ibibio lkono were burnt by the rebel. It is true that Christians were killed in Nigeria but those Christians were killed by the rebel." — % Mrs. G. D. Obot, Ikot Ekan P. A. UYO, Southeastern State, Nigeria.
Vaughn Shofner's wife dies from injuries suffered in auto accident — — Nov. 23 — — His address — 5701 'C' St., Little Rock, Arkansas 72205.
PREACHER NEEDED: "The Church of Christ meeting at 3221 West Court Street in Pasco, Washington is looking for a man to vrork full time with the congreption here. We are a small group. If interested write: Church of Clwist 3221 West Court St., Pasco, Washington."
NEW CHURCH: "I would like to announce the beginning of a new church in Baker, Louisiana. Baker is a small suburb of Baton Rouge, home of Louisiana State University. We began meeting the first Sunday in June. Our attendance numbers about 25 on Sunday. We are meeting in the Scout Hut on Magnolia Drive. Services are at 10:00 and 6:00 Sunday and Wednesday night. If some preacher has some support and desires to do work at L. S. U. we would like to hear from him." B. Hall Davis, Rt. 1, Box 235, Zachary, La. 70791.
COMMENTS: Joe W. Godwin, Sr: "Keep up the 'good work' with the Guardian; and our Saviour will be pleased." . . . Mrs. Edna G. Arnold: "The Guardian is getting better, and better, every week." ... Mae Dobeck: "This is for another year. I enjoy the articles so much and my sister reads it and she said that sure is a good book." . . . Truman Smith: "Bill, I certainly do like the new Guardian. Keep up the good work. Stop by when coming this way." . . . Warren Rainwater: "I have subscribed to, written for, and given to others the Gospel Guardian since 1955, but the more recent thrust of the Guardian toward better understanding among us suits my outlook to a T. Keep up the good work." . . . Larry Ray Halley: "I have expressed my reservations about certain items in the Guardian, but let us not 'get out of sorts' because our judgment raay appear to vary. The quality of the paper is good, and I have heard many fine comments about your excellent book service." . . . B. G. Hope: "Enjoy your paper. Keep up the good work." ... Robert Sochor: "I have been reading your magazine for quite some time now and have learned a lot from the articles I have read."
ROBERT W. LA COSTE: "Since the beginning of the work here in September as my first full time work, there have been two families identified. We are anticipating more responses soon. When in Hereford worship with us at 15th St. & Blackfoot."