Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
ALTUS, OKLAHOMA MEETING: November 3-9, Lindy McDaniel Preaching. 1105 South Navajo.
CHURCH IN SOUTH DENVER, COLORADO — On August 1st 1969, I began laboring with the University Hills Church which meets at 3098 South Glencoe Street, after spending three years with the church in Brooksville, Florida.
Though few in number, the brethren here are well taught and show great boldness to proclaim the truth. In November of 1968 the church began meeting in a dwelling which they had purchased. Doing their own work they have now converted it into a comfortable meeting house.
Since I moved here several good contacts have been made which we trust will bring good results later. In August of this year, brother David Harkrider preached here in a meeting which was a great encouragement to all. I look forward to a fruitful work here.
University Hills church is the only sound work in South Denver. We would welcome members who move into this area to work and worship with us. Also, if visiting in the city please look us up.
Our location is easily reached, as it is only one block off Interstate 25. When traveling north or south on INTERSTATE 25, exit on East Yale Avenue, go one block west, turn south on Glencoe Street.
If any know of persons living or moving into the Denver area please put us into contact with them. Write or call: Raford J. Petty, 3316 West Layton Avenue; Englewood, Colorado 80110 Phone 798-0580 or 343-2102 or 756-7012.
HIXSON, TENNESSEE: The members of the North Hixson church wish to make public their sincere appreciation for the teaching done by brother J. T. Smith during the week of October 6-10.
In April of 1969, brother Charles Holt had approached some of the brethren from North Hixson asking them to engage someone to meet him in debate on certain issues concerning the nature of the church and the eldership. Brother J. T. Smith was contacted, and he agreed to meet brother Holt. Propositions were eventually worded and signed by these two brethren, and the date was set.
About six weeks before the scheduled date, brother Holt informed the brethren at North Hixson and brother Smith that he had decided not to go through with his part of the debate. By this time, brother Smith was well prepared and he accepted an invitation to come to North Hixson and present his material anyway.
On Monday and Tuesday evenings brother Smith discussed the nature of the church as it is revealed in the New Testament, in contrast to the ideas taught by brother Holt in his writings. On Wednesday evening the sermon was directed to the North Hixson church. On Thursday and Friday evenings, the lessons dealt with the New Testament teaching concerning elders, as opposed to brother Holt's beliefs as set forth in the Sentinel of Truth. Brother Holt was present on Monday, Tuesday and Friday evenings.
The brethren at North Hixson were highly pleased with the manner in which brother Smith conducted himself, and felt that a great deal of good was accomplished by the lessons he presented. — Kent Harrell
"From Way Out West"
California: NIGEL BASS at Mentone (Women's Club Building) Oct. 19-26; JOHN W. WILSON of Chico at Clairemont Mesa in San Diego, Nov. 3-9; MILTON ANDERSON, of Roseburg, Oregon, at Wilmington, Nov. 3-9; ROBERT A. BOLTON at Palm Springs, Nov. 10-16; BILL MOSELEY of Tucson, Arizona at Ventura, Nov. 16-23.
Oregon: JIM KENT of Sunnyside, Washington at Dallas, Oregon, October 19-26.
Washington: E. L. FLANNERY, of Kent, at Sunnyside, Nov. 16-23; JIM KENT, of Sunnyside, at Walla Walla, November 30 to December 7.
"We enjoyed a good meeting with the brethren in Home Gardens, California. We had many visitors from the community each night and even had some 'liberals' and evening or two. We thought we were going to get a discussion out of the liberal group in Corona, but it never came to pass. A date was set (Oct. 18, Sat. at 2 PM) but they never showed up. My next meeting will be with the good brethren in Redwood City, California, April 6 — 12." — GLEN W. LOVELADY, 24930, Lakme Ave, Wilmington, California.
The small congregation in Santa Cruz, California is in need of a local preacher. Ron Eldridge, who has been preaching for them, is returning to his home in Illinois. The church can provide a small three bedroom house in which to live, but for the most part the preacher will have to provide his own support. Those interested may cantact Mr. Weldon Cecil, 212 El Camino Del Mar, Aptos, California.
BY THE WAY: "Nobody ever lost his shirt when his sleeves were rolled up!"
T. L. COOK, Eastside Church Las Vegas, Nevada. — "Things are coming along very well. In the last three months we had three to obey the gospel, seven restored and we have thirteen new members now. We've set and attendance record of 115; contribution is up but not what it should be. With the Lord's help, we are going to get this work going. I could use some financial help for three or four months. I have just about spent all my savings." (Editor's note. — This is Bro. Cook's first located work.)
LARRY W. BAILEY, Box 62, Changewater, New Jersey 07831. — I am preaching for a congregation of the Lord's people in N. W. New Jersey. We have eleven members with an attendance of around twenty.
JACK GILBERT, Virginia Beach, Virginia. — I would like to receive some bulletins from all over. My new address is: 541 N. Bethune Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452. I am happy to report I have all but $150 of my support as of today. If you know of any support loose at this time I'd appreciate your mentioning me to them.
KENNETH E. THOMAS, Kirkland, Illinois. — After working with the church in Kirkland, Illinois for over five pleasant years we have decided to make a move which will probably take place before the end of this month as things now look. The Elders here have requested that we use this means of informing prospective preachers that they are seeking someone to replace us in the work here. The church is at peace and are in a position to furnish a three bedroom brick house for a preacher and $125.00 weekly support. If interested please contact the elders c/o The church of Christ, Kirkland, Illinois 60146.
We will be working with the church in Brooksville, Florida.