Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
Newport, North Carolina
After five years of partial work due to the illness of his wife, Brother Marvine Kelley has moved to Newport, N. Carolina to do local work with us. His last full time local work was with the good church in Brawley, Calif.
Our efforts have been very fruitful and we rejoice in our progress. In the past month there have been 25 responses, including 8 baptisms. The attendance and contribution are the best ever, average wise. Last Sunday for the morning services we had 157, which is a near record.
We have an unlimited field of prospects locally and at the Cherry Point Marine Base. The congregational zeal is meeting the challenge.
We have purchased a new home for the preacher and plans are being completed for the construction of an additional parking area. Our future plans call for us to enlarge the auditorium. For the first time we have a five day a week program on a local radio station that is being very well received. We feel we will harvest a profitable yield from this endeavor in the future. Brother Kelley is an experienced radio speaker, having conducted a daily program for more than seven years.
The congregation is settled and quiet and thinking only in terms of doing the Lord's work. We begin a meeting Oct. 5 through the 10th with Brother Kelley doing the preaching. We are looking forward to a rewarding effort because of the personal work of a greater percent of the congregation.
We look forward to a long pleasant and profitable work with Bro. Kelley. When in this area, worship with us. E. R. BOWLIN, elder; CHARLES PRINGLE, elder; RAYMOND SIMMONS, elder.
The work in McMinnville is a very good work. In the past 15 months two have been baptized and twelve have identified with the congregation. Upon my leaving the congregation here will be in need of a faithful preacher. Anyone interested in the work in McMinnville may contact Bro. A. T. Wood, Route 5, Box 117, Smithville, Tennessee 37166; Phone: 934-3416 or Bro. Fred Moore, Route 4, McMinnville, Tennessee 37110; Phone: 473-4260.
Public Debate -- -- Subject: Instrumental Music In Worship Place: College Auditorium Of The Platte Valley Bible College
SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBRASKA (East 3rd Ave. & 20th St.)
TIME: November 5, 6, 7, 8, 1969. (7:30 each night)
Dwaine E. Dunning, preacher for the church of Christ (instrumental music) of Bridgeport, Nebraska and teacher in the Platte Valley Bible College of Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
AND David D. Bonner, preacher for the church of Christ (non-instrumental music) meeting at 6th and Meredith, Dumas, Texas.
PROPOSITION: The Scriptures authorize Christians to worship God with singing (vocal music) and there is no authority for Christians to use mechanical music (such as pianos and organs) in the worship of God.
Affirms: David D. Bonner Denies: Dwaine E. Dunning
ARRANGEMENTS: 1st night — One 60-minute speech by each speaker.
2nd night — two 30-minute speeches by each speaker.
3rd night — two 30-minute speeches by each speaker.
4th night — summation by each speaker — two 30-minute speeches by each speaker.
P.S. David Bonner has been invited and will preach a 30-minute sermon in the chapel service of the Platte Valley Bible College, Thursday, Nov. 6th, at 10:00 A.M.
PLEASE NOTE that the discussion will be held on a Wednesday through Saturday night. (Nov. 5-8)
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA — The story of the church in South Bend, Indiana is typical of the history of many congregations in the north. South Bend means Notre Dame to sports fans and until just a few years ago it was the home of the Studebaker automobile. When you are in South Bend you are almost in Michigan.
In 1923, a few Christians began meeting in the home of Zadoc J. Piety, kin to Samuel Piety whose work in by-gone years was prominent in the north. An ad was placed in the local newspaper and other Christians came to the church-in-the-home. Soon word spread to other communities that a church was started in South Bend and Christians from these communities, like Sycamore, Indiana, informed relatives living in South Bend of the new church. Numbers were added to the group.
Samuel Piety and John S. Johns were the first preachers to assist the South Bend group. In 1926, A: W. Dicus preached in a tent meeting. From 1926-1937, the church met in a rented hall. In 1937, the brethren moved into a frame building at Caroline and Calvert, a building purchased from the Seventh Day Adventists. Daniel Sommer held at least one meeting here.
Early leaders in the congregation included T. J. Ewer, Zadoc J. Piety, Forrest A. Johnson, Martin L. Darrell, Frank Moore, Charles Hoggett and Vance Smedley. Preachers serving the congregation through the years in-dude Doss Hall, Joe Johnson, M. F. Cotrell, Tom Harris, Roy Burgess, Francis Tyler, Joe Hazlebaker, Robert Maclndoo, Charle Rickman, and Bob Nealy.
In 1955, there was an "outgrowth" from the Caroline and Calvert church, and another congregation was started. Two morning services had been required to handle the crowd.
In 1960, construction on a commodius brick building was completed at the same location on the corner of Caroline and Calvert.
Through the years many members holding convictions contrary to the sound traditions and heritage of the congregation became associated with it. In 1964, a major division occurred and the liberals left to start a new congregation. Those who remained with the building were left with a heavy financial burden and were in for a struggle. Sound preachers from Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois, dozens of them, came to the rescue and the congregation emerged from difficult days and soon supported Bob Nealy fully in his work as local preacher.
The name of T. J. Ewer stands out in the history of the church. He was a pillar in the church for many years. He died in 1967, at age 87. The evidences of his influence are seen in the lives and conversations of the members.
Members now with the congregation who have been with it from the beginning are the Vance Smedleys, Noah Moores, Claudius Fields, and Jenness Alspach, daughter of T. J. Ewer.
Larry Devore presently preaches for Caroline and Calvert, having recently moved here from New Carlisle, Ohio. This writer has observed brother Devore's progress as a preacher since 1966, at which time brother Devore left his skilled trade to preach the gospel fulltime. Brother Devore is numbered among many young men who without formal college work have applied themselves well to Bible study and gospel work to become efficient laborers for the Lord. It is refreshing to view the evidences of his growth and his sacrificial spirit. His wife, Patricia, has been a real asset to his work. They have two pre-school children. — W. E. W.
Book Reviews — Carl A. Allen; Box 724, Lufkin, Texas 75901
These two books: An Introduction to the Old Testament, and Introduction to the New Testament, compose a unit. If you buy both books you will have a ready reference to all the books of the Old and New Testaments. These books are not commentaries. They simply fix the date, contend for the authors of the books, note the purpose and give an outline and general material about the book. I would encourage you to order both of them today.
"INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT," by Henry Clarence Thiessen, is "intended to set forth the conservative view of the New Testament in the light of these discoveries (archaeology, CAA) and to indicate what are the justifiable inferences that we may deduce therefrom."
Each book of the New Testament is considered and the Name, Author, Date, Purpose, Outline etc., are dealt with. Some excellent material is present on the subjects: Cannon of the New Testament; The Materials of the Textual Criticism; Methods of Textual Criticism and Inspiration of the New Testament. This is a reference book that should be in every home and library.
The price is $5.00, and may be obtained from "The Gospel Guardian Company," Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901. Send the cash and you will save the postage. Order today.
"AN INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT," by Edward J. Young, is a work "confining itself to the consideration of those aspects of Special Introduction which are most fundamental to the subject. It is, therefore, the literary characteristics of the books that are emphasized in these pages. What is the nature of these books? Are they compilations of more or less heterogeneous fragments, composed at various ages and finally pieced together by later editors or redactors? Or are they, as this present volume seeks to demonstrate, literary units which exhibit an inner harmony and underlying unity?"
I have used this book extensively and recommend it as a reference book to everyone. All the books of the Old Testament are treated individually, considering the Name, Author, Date, Purpose and a general "Analysis" of the book. When I want a quick look at one of the Old Testament Books and am interested in refreshing my mind from clear, concise material I reach for An Introduction to the Old Testament, by Edward J. Young. This book sells for $5.00 and may be obtained from "The Gospel Guardian Company," Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901. Send the cash and postage will be paid.
DOYLE BANTA: "You are doing a great job with the Guardian". . . EDGAR E. HOLCOMB: "I truly do love and enjoy the paper and look forward to its arrival each week.". . . DAVE LEWIS: Continue the good work with the Guardian, have thoroughly enjoyed it". . . J. F. DANCER, Jr.: "Keep up the good work on the Guardian. I enjoy it each week."... PAT FARISH: "If I were a raving type I would really rave over the appearance of the paper lately; it is REAL good.". . . EUGENE CRAWLEY: "Still enjoy reading the 'Guardian,' and appreciate the good work being done."
NEW PUBLICATION: "The Story of The Fort Worth Norris-Wallace Debate" by Foy E. Wallace, Jr. This is a documentary record of the facts concerning the Fort Worth Norris-Wallace debate held in Fort Worth, Texas in November of 1934, and will be of great interest to Gospel preachers, elders, and students of the Bible. A 346 page book beautifully bound in red, priced at $6.00 per copy. Order from The Gospel Guardian Company.
PUBLIC DEBATE: On "Instrumental Music in Worship." Scottsbluff, Nebraska, November 5-8. College Auditorium of the Platte Valley Bible College. Dwaine E. Dunning of the "Church of Christ" (instrumental music) of Bridgeport, Nebraska and David D. Bonner of the Church of Christ, Dumas, Texas.
ELDERS, SOUTH HOUSTON, TEXAS: "In December brother Ray Votaw will return to the South African scene for the fourth time. Since 1952 South Houston has supported him wholly or in part in preaching locally and in South Africa, as well as providing a part of travel funds. Currently he is in need of $3,000 on this travel fund for himself and family. We recommend him to Christians everywhere, endeavoring to interest you in this behalf that the cause of the Lord might be furthered. Send assistance to Ray Votaw Rt. 2, Box 313 B, Buna, Texas 77612."
PREACHER NEEDED: Savanna, Oklahoma, Write E. E. Sturgeon, Savanna, Oklahoma for information. Small town near McAlester, Oklahoma.
THE SPIRITUAL SWORD is a new publication, a quarterly, "launched both in determined opposition to skepticism, liberalism, and relativism and in strong affirmation that the Bible is the infallibly inspired word of God and that men can learn and obey the truth." Thomas B. Warren is the editor, Rubel Shelly associate editor. All matters pertaining to this journal are under the oversight of the elders of the Getwell Church of Christ, Memphis, Tennessee. The paper is being made available free of charge to elders did preachers. Address 1511 Getwell Road, Memphis, Tennessee 3811. This is another journalistic effort by "Liberals" to stop modernism in their ranks.
SUGGESTION TO CHURCHES ON LITERATURE: Recently a couple of congregations ordered a sample of each book available in several different series of Bible class literature, for their files. The cost is near $100.00. This provides for the congregation a file of books available in various series and gives elders and teachers an opportunity to choose Bible class books particularly relevant to their needs.
TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS: Your expiration date beside your name on your copy of the Gospel Guardian may be in error. We are awaiting delivery of new addressing equipment and are behind in making changes on the addressing plates. But the correct expiration date is properly recorded in our card files. So don't worry, unless you have failed to renew your subscription!
WOODVILLE, TEXAS — Brother John Iverson has just closed a five night meeting with us, October 5th through 9th, at the Pine Street congregation in Woodville, Texas.
This was my first association with John Iverson in a gospel meeting and it was a genuine pleasure to work with him. He did his work in a masterful way and his lessons were most timely. In addition to his regular sermons during the meeting, he preached a 30 minute sermon on the local radio station and also conducted a ladies Bible class on Tuesday morning.
We are most appreciative to both brother Iverson and the Red Bluff brethren. Darwin Kerr; P.O. Box 57; Woodville, Texas, 75979.