Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
J. C. PADGETT appointed to serve as an elder of the Gardiner Lane congregation in Louisville, Ky., March 30, 1969.
TOPEKA, KANSAS: "Following more than a year of efforts, we, a group of Christians in Topeka, Kansas, have purchased a meeting place at 553 Wilson Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. This location is in a section known as Oakland, which is between north Topeka and Topeka, Kansas. Thus our identification will be Oakland Church of Christ. We are very thankful to have new families, who are manifesting an interest in the power of the Gospel and in obedience to the revealed will of Christ. If your readers know of anyone interested in serving Christ according to the New Testament or anyone who might so become interested, we would be grateful to have their names."
FROM TARSUS TO ROME WITH PAUL: Notes on the life of Paul by Jimmy Tuten, Jr. For use in class rooms and Bible studies. This 41 page study guide lays stress on people and places in connection with the life of Paul. It has been used effectively at Spring & Blaine in St. Louis and is now being used at Tenth and Francis in Oklahoma City and at South Side in Kansas City. They sell for $1.20 each, $1.00 in lots of twelve or more. Order from Jimmy Tuten, Jr. 6316 Penrod Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63139.
OTHER JIMMY TUTEN PUBLICATIONS: "Class Notes on Revelation," "How Our New Testament Came To Us," "Miracles of Calvary," "The Origin of Christianity," and "Class Notes on the Holy Spirit." Order these also from Tuten. All his publications are well worth the price.
JOHNNIE PASCHALL of Evendale, Ohio will move to Crawfordsville, Indiana to preach for the congregation there, beginning July 1st. Did you ever read BEN HUR? By General Lew Wallace? Lew Wallace lived in Crawfordsville. His office and home is now a showplace.
JUNE MEETINGS in Birmingham, Alabama area: Berney Points with Ross T. Saunders, June 1-8; Westwood with A. C. Moore June 1-8; 5th Ave. in Bessemer with Bob Owen June 8-14; Harvey Williams at Fairview June 8-15; Hollis Creel at Sterrett June 8-15; Sewell Hall at Belview June 15-22; Franklin Puckett at Pinson June 15-22; Franklin Puckett at Inglenook June 22, beginning.
DONALD R. GIVENS: "The saints meeting on Thomas Blvd. in Port Arthur, Tens rejoice in that ten have been baptized in the last six weeks. Four of these were baptized in a meeting with bro. Marshall Patton. Bro. Patton did a splendid work in preaching the gospel with purity and simplicity. This congregation is blessed with three good elders: Brethren Fergusson, Fontenot, and Hamby. We are thoroughly enjoying the work here and look forward to future fruitful days in the Lord's kingdom." 2948 Thomas Boulevard, Port Arthur, Texas.
ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE CALLS FOR HELP! We can fear for the cause of Christ whenever we cease hearing appeals for support of able gospel preachers. Here is another appeal which we hope will be read, and which, above all, we hope will bring forth ACTION on the part of those with ability to respond. In the April 10, 1969 issue of the GOSPEL GUARDIAN, bro. W. C. SANDEFUR told of his plans to go and preach the saving gospel in the state of Maine. I know bro.Sanderfur personally and desire to give my recommendation of him and his work. He is an able Bible student; a well qualified gospel preacher; and his character is above reproach. No, he is not perfect; but neither is any other human being. He has (and I bear first-hand witness) great zeal and knowledge and a burning desire to help the small group of brethren in MILLBRIDGE MAINE. My acquaintance with bro. Sandefur was when I preached in Vovato, Calif. I was deeply impressed with his sincerity and his enthusiasm to help the Millbridge brethren. The brethren in Maine think highly of him as he helped them so much when he was there before in the Air Force. He is now stationed at Hamilton A.F.B., Calif. and will be retiring from the Air Force in August of this year. How many gospel preachers do you know of who are going to the northeast? How many sound works are there in Maine? Here is one brother WHO IS GOING. He only asks your support while there...the Air Force will move him to Maine. Contact him NOW at: 309 Bolling Drive, Hamilton A.F.B., Calif., 94934. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding him Donald R. Givens, 4349 Vassar, Pt. Arthur, Tex. 77640, Phone: area code 713-962-6610.
CLARK C. BUZBEE: "For the past two and one half years I have been working with the Lord's people in York, Alabama. We have also had a part in the work at Boligee. Six have been baptized, and thirteen of the Lord's people have been restored. The Lord willing, my family and I will be moving to Moultrie, Georgia this summer. I will be working with the Central church there. The church here in York will be needing a man. He will need to get outside support, but the church here owns their building, and they have a nice, large three bedroom, two bath home they can provide in addition to about $50.00 per month in salary. Anyone interested may write me or George Fletcher, York, Alabama 36925."
PRYDE E. HINTON: "Please announce that Thomas G. O'Neal of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, will begin a series of meetings at Sayre Church of Christ meeting house, at 7:30 P.M., April 21, 1969. This series will continue through Sunday, April 27, with preaching each day at 7:30 P.M.; and on Sunday at 11:00 A.M., if the Lord wills. J. P. Gurganus, of the Bellview Church in Birmingham, will direct the singing." - Sayre, Ala.
NEW CHURCH IN NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA: "...About 2 years back I came in contact with Bro. Jerry Wright, and had the pleasure to teach and see him, and his good wife obey the gospel, and since then his two oldest children. In as much as the majority of the congregations throughout the two Carolinas are under the influence of our liberal brethren, it was of necessity that he drive to Concord, N.C. (48 miles one way) to assemble with brethren that stand opposed to institutionalism. They did twice on Sundays and again on Wednesday night, to say nothing of the fact that they attended all of the gospel meetings. My family at the same time live at Salisbury, N. C. 27 miles from Concord. So Bro. Jerry and I decided that it was time for us to move so that we could combine our effort. So my family will be moving to Newton, N. C. be the Lord's will. We assembled for our first service March 2, 1969, with attendance of 19 (13 Christians).Four of these, my son and daughter and their friends visiting from Florida College. We are having a regular attendance of 16 with 10 Christians. There are several of our brethren in that area driving into Hickory, worshipping with the liberal church there. We have already talked to some of these and its quite obvious that they have been warned as to us `antis.' But we will be working and preaching the word, praying that God will give us the increase." Giles M. Painter, Rt. 5, Box 725, Salisbury, N. C.
SOME MEETINGS: Cecil Willis with Floral Heights, Wichita Falls, Texas August 13-20...flurry Ozetnent Expressway in Louisville, Ky. May 11-18..,James P. Miller with Wendell Avenue in Louisville, Ky. June 23-29...Bill Cavender April 28-May 4 in Borger, Texas.
SUMMER SALE ON BOOKS: We have a real good summer sale on books available. Write for our sale brochure. This will be a great opportunity to build your library and get some books you have long desired.
KENT HARRELL — After five years and two months of pleasant association and work with the brethren in Camden, S. C., we will be moving in June to the Chattanooga area to work with the brethren meeting in North Hixon. This group had its beginning a little over four years ago when some of the brethren were forced out over the issue of local group support to human institutions. The brethren have a nice adequate building and are working hard for the cause of Christ in that area. I will be working with the Hamilton County School System as a Speech Therapist until such a time as we can become self-supporting. If you know of brethren in the Chattanooga area, or those moving to this area, please inform them of the work in North Hixon. Have them contact Bob Hart, 3624 Premium Dr., Chattanooga, Tenn. 37415. Phone: 877-1706.
ON THE RISE AT EMBRY HILLS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA: Jefferson David Tant reports in "Ancient Landmarks," "We continue to reflect a pattern of growth...Preliminary sketches of our new meeting house have been approved, and we are anxious to build!"
GOSPEL GUARDIAN COMPANY SOLD: Your news editor has signed papers to purchase The Gospel Guardian Company. Transfer of ownership will take place June 30, 1969. The original Gospel Guardian of 1936 was owned by my father Foy E. Wallace, Jr. The present Gospel Guardian was an outgrowth of The Bible Banner, another publication owned by Foy E. Wallace Jr. It is with a great deal of enthusiasm and optimism that I enter into this new relationship with The Gospel Guardian. Yater Tant will continue as editor for a prolonged term and I will serve in the capacity of "executive editor" and publisher of the paper. We have plans on the go for continuing improvement of the paper and the business. Your comments and suggestions are solicited. We need your interest in our continuing service to sound brethren and churches. — Wm. E. Wallace DEBATE IN AUGUST: Larry H. Hafley of Plano, Illinois will debate Adrian C. Swindler August 18, 19, 21, 22 on church supported benevolent organizations and sponsoring church arrangements.
REPORT ON THE NEW BUILDING IN ANNADALE, VA....Washington, D. C. area: "The finishing phases" of a building is often about as an extended ordeal as a preacher's conclusion — "finally brethren." Getting the contractors back for their respective "finishing touches" is a slow-go. With Spring having "sprung" last week, contractors are running to and fro starting other jobs. But, all our contracted work should be finished in about two weeks..."J. W. Evans. He writes further, "I now have commitments for all but $80 per month of my needed support..." Write him at 57408 Austin St., Annandale, Va.
NEW RECORD AT WENDELL AVENUE IN LOUISVILLE, KY: "For several weeks we have been hoping to break all records in attendance for both Bible study and worship. Last Sunday was the day we did it! Everyone seemed thrilled that this new record was set. Wendell Avenue seems to be on the move, so let's keep it that way." New Records: 139 in Bible Study, 181 for worship. W. C. Sawyer preacher.