Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
LARRY DEVORE: "After about two years of pleasant work with the Fuston Avenue church in New Carlisle, Ohio, I am moving to South Bend, Indiana, to work with the Caroline St. church there. My address in South Bend is 1802 Caroline St., zip code 46613."
MORE NEWS FOR GOSPEL GUARDIAN SUBSCRIBERS: Elsewhere in this issue you will see a picture of Jesse M. Kelley, first class preacher, excellent printer and fair carpenter. The picture portrays him as the latter. The camera caught Kelley in the business of carpentry as he works to set up a printing shop in the building which houses The Gospel Guardian business. Beginning September 1 The Gospel Guardian will be printed in Lufkin, Texas, in our building. For several years our printing has been done in Memphis, Tennessee. Each week the paper has been printed there, shipped to Lufkin for addressing, and mailing from Lufkin. While our present printer, Brooks Webb, has been most cooperative and efficient, having our printing in Memphis and our business in Lufkin has created many problems regarding deadlines, schedules, proof-reading, and some other things. Webb has encouraged this change in printing to Lufkin for the best interest of the paper. He has sacrificed much in the way of time, money and sleep for the good of the paper, and his wife Bertha has contributed her share of sacrificial service. The Gospel Guardian is indebted to both of them.
With Jesse Kelley printing the paper here in Lufkin we will be giving one week service on news items — the news we receive one week, will be in the mails the next week. We can also give much better service in church ad changes, display and classified advertising. In addition, the editor of the paper can promise quicker appearance of articles submitted for early publication. Proof reading of the printer's type will be done so that he will not be delayed in his press work.
It is with much enthusiasm that we look toward Jesse Kelley's forthcoming connection with The Gospel Guardian. He will be in business for himself and will take in a considerable amount of job printing from the public.
The Gospel Guardian thanks Brooks and Bertha Webb for a job well done, and welcomes Jesse Kelley.
RALPH R. GIVENS, 1007 North 5th, Perkin, Illinois, 61554: "I am now working with the 13th St. congregation here in Perkin. Shortly before leaving Berea, Ohio we baptized a man who had been a Presbyterian for many years."
ROY L. FOUTZ: "I have worked with the South Houston church for six years, and will move to Texarkana, Arkansas and begin work with the Franklin Drive church on July 20, 1969. Brother Franklin Davis has been preaching for this church on a part-time basis for several years, and has done a splendid work. All of us feel that the prospects for Texarkana and the area are usually good, and we will work to that end. My mailing address will be: 2301 Franklin Drive, Texarkana, Arkansas 75501."
THE ARLINGTON MEETING BOOK: It is on the presses and should be available by October 1. This is the book you have been waiting for. It contains the speeches made in the Arlington, Texas event of early 1968 when "conservative" and "liberal" brethren met in a "retreat" to discuss and debate various issues. The book has been long delayed by various problems, but will soon be ready for mailing. Order from The Gospel Guardian Company.
GREEK AND HEBREW CLASS at Mound and Starr in Nacogdoches, Texas to begin September 16, 9:30 A.M. Everyone invited, but all are requested to send registration so Harold Tabor, the teacher, will know how much material to prepare. The Greek class will be a second year study, the Hebrew class a first year study. Write Harold Tabor, Box 35, Nacogdoches, Texas if you wish to register for these weekly classes.
PAUL M. CALDWELL: "Recently, Clifford Campbell and Joe Gregory were appointed elders to serve with Montie Wolven at the Belmont congregation in Indianapolis. Charles Doss, James Puckett, Alvin Jennett and James Cherry were appointed deacons to serve in addition to Charles Carpenter, Willie Colson, Ed Grubb, Oscar Herring, Lawson Knight, Levon McDaniel and Homer Shrum. We have had 30 baptized, 24 restored and 7 to place membership in the past year. We have enjoyed two good gospel meetings, one with Johnie Edwards and one with Leonard Tyler. Mike Willis, Harry Thedford, L. A. Stauffer Gene Warman and Harry Lewis spoke for us during our VBS June 16-20. I will be engaged in gospel meetings July 13-19 with the church at Loogootee, Ind. and July 27 — Aug. 2 with the church at West Baden Springs, Ind." 904 Thorndale St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46224.
NEW BUILDING IN OCALA, FLORIDA: Elsewhere in this issue there is a picture of the new church building in Ocala. Steve Hudgins writes, "It will seat 204 in the auditorium and two of the seven class rooms, one on each side, has sliding doors that can slide back and seat another 80 people. It is furnished with nice oak pews and pulpit furniture. The pulpit lowers into the floor to give a better view of baptismal services, chart, chalk board and flannel board lessons. A chalk board and flannel board are built into the wall in front of the baptistry and can be raised for use when needed. I designed the building, drew the plans for it and was the builder. With brethren helping with much of the work we managed to build this nice building for $28,700 which is a little over $7.50 per square foot. We have about 40 members, the work is self-supporting and we closed our first meeting Sunday June 29. We had outsiders at every service. The building is well located on three highways — U. S. 441, 301, & 27 south Ocala. We welcome brethren travelling through. My telephone number is 694-2922." 2922 S.E. 7th St., Ocala, Florida 32670 MICHAEL A. TANNER: "Two months have past since I began working with the Clinton Boulevard congregation in order to enable A. H. Payne to spend the Summer conducting meetings. From my point of view, they have been a profitable two months. So far the work of brother Payne and the brethren where he has held meetings has resulted in thirteen baptisms, while one was baptized and another restored at Clinton Boulevard. Plans are now being made to begin a program for the development of the brethren here into personal workers. We will appreciate any suggestion from those experienced in such work. My plans for this fall tentatively include going to Abilene Christian College, but I am more interested in preaching regularly and going to school as the time permits. Therefore, I am interested in talking with the brethren of any congregation which is in need of a preacher and is in or near a college town. If you think we can fill each other's needs, please write me as soon as possible." 5535 Clinton Boulevard, Jackson, Miss. 39209. GOOD PREACHER AVAILABLE HERE. wew
"More Fruits From Herald Of Truth"
Report from Harold F. Savely Brother Jimmy Thomas, of Hueytown, Alabama, closed a gospel meeting at Millertown, Kentucky on June 8th. During the meeting Brother James Holder, preacher from nearby Adairville congregation visited the services. When called upon to dismiss services by prayer, Brother Holder petitioned the Lord that "we reject the false teaching preached here tonight." When called upon to explain after services, he suggested Brother Thomas' reference to Herald of Truth was what he had under consideration. Following day he obliged to sign propositions with Brother Thomas to affirm the scripturalness of Herald of Truth in three twenty minute speeches to be at Millertown, Sunday afternoon of June 8th.
Millertown brethren called me to assist Brother Thomas as moderator in the discussion. However, before the debate, Brother Holder retracted his signed statement to give three speeches, but stated instead he would only once, after which the audience could question all they wished. He claimed he had been forced to sign propositions against his will.
In all desire to be fair, we allowed his one speech in which he called Herald of Truth "the greatest institution on earth." He read some scriptures which in the main dealt with benevolence of other churches toward Jerusalem, acclaiming that to teach the type church cooperation as Herald of Truth. He apologized for ever being there and stated that he might have to leave the section of the country because of the fact. He refused to answer six written questions presented prior by Brother Thomas in accordance with the signed agreement, stating that if any wished to know they could write Herald of Truth. He announced he was leaving, which he did, after the first speech, and said if any had questions they could contact him later.
Due to the turn of events, Brother Thomas spoke his twenty minute speech, after which any in the audience was invited to assume Brother Holder's affirmation. Brother Thomas spoke his second and a part of the third speech by charts with an excellent expose of Herald of Truth type of cooperation.
Brethren, is this the best Herald of Truth has to offer? We still have a few people so wedded to this "greatest institution," as Brother Hardeman used to say, "running around loose" that they cannot even pray to God without fostering their church wrecking hobbies. Bitterness from such as Herald of Truth has resulted in splits of nearby churches in that section, Dunmore (where the liberals sued for the building to no avail), Adairville, Elktown, and Auburn. I am sure that if brother Holder had announced his part of the debate, which he didn't, and brought more than his wife and one elder, they just might have been ashamed of his brash performance both times. I was. — 518 Alta Loma Road, Goodlettsville, Tenn. 37072 HELP RESTORE HIS EYESIGHT: Charles F. House reports, "As mentioned in the February, March and April reports, we also mention again in the current report: the SPANISH CHURCH OF CHRIST, P.O. BOX 21 DOUGLAS, ARIZONA 85607 is still appealing for funds to pay for the planned surgery of Bro. Raul Lopex Garcia to help him regain his sight. If it be God's will, Raul wants to dedicate the rest of his life to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The local church is doing what she can by paying for the pre-surgery Doctor visits, treatments, and medicines, since he is a member of this church. Payment for surgery, which will cost between $2,000 and $3,000 is beyond our ability at this time and the brotherhood is being thus informed, should they choose to help in this present emergency."
DANIEL SOMMER 1850-1940: This book contains valuable historical information, important documents, inspiring stories of the "old days," interesting pictures. Much has been said about Daniel Sommer and much has been told on him. One thing is sure: He made a mark on the Lord's church. Read the book and see what kind of mark he made. It sells for $5.95. A valuable addition to your library. The book is over 300 pages in length and well bound. Order from The Gospel Guardian Company. It may be returned if you are not satisfied that it is worthy of your reading.
MRS. MARGARET CRUMP, Louisville, Ky. submits the following interesting report by Earl Nightingale:
Importance Of Childhood Environment
Here's a fascinating report: Thirty years ago a psychologist made what was then a radical and rather daring change in the lives of 13 Iowa orphanage children. Within five years his study was completed, the results were obvious and the children disappeared into the mainstream of American life.
Last year Dr. Harold M. Skeels, now with the National Institute of Mental Health, began the onerous task of tracking down the orphans to discover what, if any, impact his controversial experiment had had in their adult lives.
The results of his follow-up testify to the strong relationship between intelligence and environment ... and demonstrates the great need on the part of children...for love and attention from adults.
All 13 children were less than three years old and mentally retarded when Dr. Skeels began his experiment. Three of them were so-called imbeciles with IQ ratings around 40.
At the time, normal orphanage procedure was simply to keep those unadoptable children whose development was delayed, and if they did not become normal, eventually transfer them to a nearby institution for the mentally retarded.
But by chance, two little girls, emaciated, undersized, colorless and obviously retarded, got transferred from the orphanage to the institution at very young ages. Within a year they were alert and mentally normal. It seems that each girl had been sort of taken over by an older institution inmate while others in the ward served as adoring aunts. The children were pampered, played with and taken on excursions.
By contrast, the orphanage, though standard and designed for mentally normal children, was so overcrowded with youngsters that they had no chance to form intense relationships with an adult.
So in his test, Dr. Skeels placed these 13 orphans, as house guests, in the institution for the mentally retarded. As with the two little girls, 11 of the 13 children attained normal intelligence including the three imbeciles, who more than doubled their IQ scores. Once normal, the 11 were put up for adoption.
Meanwhile, Dr. Skeels found a similar group in the orphanage to use for comparison. Though this group had originally been fairly well off intellectually (nine were of average intelligence), their IQ's dropped as dramatically and as quickly as those of the first group rose.
In two years, the groups literally switched positions intellectually, the first gaining an average of 28 IQ points, the second losing 26. One 10-month old boy in the orphanage, starting with good average intelligence, an IQ of 109, became an imbecile in five years. By the time he was 19 he had an IQ score of 19 and a speech defect so sever he could not make himself understood.
Dr. Skeels was successful in locating all the children in the original study and reports that they have continued their excellent progress. All are self supporting.
Dr. Skeels reports that there are still countless infants born with full normal capacity who will become retarded and expensive wards of society unless intervention occurs.