When You Are Ill
Among life's problems, there are times when none is more perplexing than illness and suffering. We need to learn to make the best of every situation in which we find ourselves. A good many lessons can be learned while one has some time in bed.
1. One can learn to know God. Through suffering, Job came to know God as he had not known Him before. Job said, "I had heard of thee by the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee: wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:5-6). Illness may serve to cause one to know and depend on God.
2. Patience may be learned. James said, "...count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that, the trying of your faith worketh patience" (Jas. 1:2-3). Many people have been taught patience through sickness.
3. Illness teaches humility. The Bible teaches us to be humble. Peter said, "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in dud time" (I Pet. 5:6). Paul was given a thorn in the flesh 'lest he should be exalted above measure' (II Cor. 12:7).
4. Sympathy for others. Suffering and illness may teach us a deeper feeling of compassion for others. Paul said, "God, who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God" (II Cor. 1:4).
5. The need for obedience. Sometimes it takes a few days in bed to slow us down so we can see the 'need for obeying the Gospel of Christ. May we appeal to those of you who have not obeyed the Gospel to take the following steps in becoming a Christian. (a) hear the gospel preached, (Matt. 17: 5); (b) believe in Christ, (Jn. 8:24); (c) repent of sins, (Acts 17:30); (d) confess your faith in Christ, (Matt. 10:32); (e) be baptized, (Mk. 16:16); and (f) live a faithful, godly life, (Rev. 2:10).
I trust that if this time finds you ill, that the days of your illness will Se few and that you will do some serious thinking about your own soul.
4121 Woodyard Rd., Bloomington, Ind.