The Church And Human Institutions
Jesus Christ died for the grandest and the most glorious institution in the world — the church, which is His body, Acts 20:28; Eph. 1:22-23. The church is God's greatest work (Eph. 3:9-11); Jesus, the greatest gift (Jn. 3:16); and salvation the greatest blessing (Eph. 1:3,7). Is it any wonder then, that we are to glorify God in the church; Eph. 3:21.
Men, seemingly, have never been satisfied with God's work, and in every generation rise up to say, "God, I think I can improve on your work." If they do not actually say it, their actions prove it to be true. Such a presumptuous attitude (Psa. 19:13) is not pleasing to God, and indicates a heart that is not right with God!
Such attitudes are manifested in the present digression with brethren going back and forth over the country to promote and build human institutions to do the work assigned to God's agency, the church, or to deceive the churches into doing something the Lord hasn't told them to do.
I firmly believe, and insist, that the Lord's church is the only agency or society needed to carry out the Lord's work. The Lord's church can operate in only two capacities; individually, as Christians labor in the Lord's vineyard, and collectively, as the local congregation carries out its program of work. There is no scriptural example, necessary inference, or principle to authorize inter-congregational function or church confederation or centralization of any kind.
The church has been assigned work in three areas. (1) Evangelism. (2) Edification (3) Benevolence. The church of Jesus Christ is all-sufficient to do the work God assigned her to do, or else God failed in His greatest work! Who can believe it?
(1) The first century church was its own missionary society. So it must be today. Acts 13:1-3; Acts 8:1-5; 1 Tim. 3:15; Phil. 4:14-18. The individual Christian can go preach the Word, or a church can send him, or one or more can send to him to help him preach the good news of salvation in Christ. This way is safe and scriptural. There is nothing in Scripture or common sense which calls for a "sponsoring church" or any human society or organization to do any part of this work. This principle invalidates and indicts all the modern schemes of our institutional brethren today. I would to God that brethren would return to the New Testament principles!
(2) The first century church was her own benevolent society. The needy among the saints were taken care of quickly and efficiently. See Acts 6;1-6; 11:27-30; Rom. 15:26; I Cor. 16:1-4; I Tim. 5. If a worthy sinner needs physical relief, let the Christian(s) relieve his needs as individuals, Matt. 7:12; Mark 14:7; Jas. 1:27. Again we see that no human agency or institution is needed to do the church's work. I oppose institutional care for homeless or forsaken children on the basis of Ps. 68:6. It is, and always has been God's will that the homeless and forsaken (of any age) be placed in a family relationship. Institutional care is contrary to that principle. Also, it is evident that there is no scriptural authorization for the church to contribute its funds to any human institution to do anything! (We are not talking at this point about buying services. There is a difference.) If a human institution is not doing a work that belongs to the church, it is not worthy of support. If it is doing a work that God has assigned to the church, then it is usurping the function of the church, and needs to die immediately. Let the church be the church, and do God's work in God's way!
(3) The church is its own edification society. Matt. 28:20; II Tim. 2:3. There is no need to look to "our" colleges, or depend upon them to supply the preachers, elders, song-leaders, etc. for the church. The church is to reproduce herself through the generations by planting the gospel seed, Lu. 8:11. The church can not, yea, must not, rely upon colleges or any human institution to perpetuate the church. Whoever says, the church cannot raise her own men to teach and lead and reproduce herself is impugning either the wisdom or the power of God, or both! I do not oppose the existence of a school operated by brethren (such as Florida College) any more than I would oppose these same brethren operating a service station or a bank or a dairy. However, I am opposed to any of these being attached to the churches, either directly or indirectly. All of my spiritual obligations are to be discharged through the church (Eph. 3:21).
Of course, I have other obligations, such as providing for my family (I Tim. 5:8) raising my children properly (Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4), to be a good citizen (Rom. 13) etc. I can, if I desire, discharge a portion of my obligation to educate my children through such institutions as Florida College. The only basis for authorizing such schools is that they are an adjunct to the home, and as such are private business enterprises. They cannot be scriptural on any other basis. I feel that some of my brethren are inconsistent on this when they use local church bulletins to advertise or promote Florida College or the Florida College Chorus. Occasionally we even see a brother promoting his books or some other item. What scriptural principle authorizes such? I have no obligation, and the church has no obligation to promote a private business enterprise, or any human institution, and Florida College is a human institution. Who will declare otherwise?
The first century church was her own edification society. So it must be today. First century Christians were able to educate their children and train their preachers without one of "our" schools. I am not opposed to education. I am for it, and want all I can acquire. I know of nothing in Scripture that tells me I have any direct obligation to any human institution. I believe in separation of "church and state" and also of "church and college." Let us maintain both.
Let us do all we can to exalt the New Testament church, and give it the glory and fidelity that belongs to it; and let the church be the church, separate from every human institution. Let the church do God's work in God's way, and give God the glory in the church, Eph. 3:21. Jesus built the church, and has promised to save it, nothing else. (Matt. 16:18; Eph. 5:23)
— P.O. Box 5, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344