Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
FROM R. L. MORRISON: "I have made arrangements to move to Columbus, Georgia shortly after the first of February. Will be preaching for the Rose Hill church on Hamilton. I imagine they have already informed you of this so their ad can be changed. I would appreciate it if you would make some mention of this in the Guardian, as I probably will forget to notify some I should. My new address will be 2509 Gould Street, Columbus, Ga. 31906. I have been in El Centro 3 years and 3 months. Do not know the total number of baptisms at this time but do remember there were 9 in 1968."
FROM AUSTIN TAYLOR: "The New Year has come in and it is time to make plans to reach out to as many people as we can, who are lost in sin, with the gospel of Christ. Let us help and encourage people, especially young people to sing and teach rich, spiritual lessons to those about them. Many, many people have made their decisions to surrender to Christ and obey his gospel while they listened to the tender and persuasive words of Christ, in song. Songs, like sermons, are formed by people. Songs are now being sung in many parts of the world that were composed in the United States and some close to where we live. Good songs were not composed for money, but by people with the love of God in their hearts. There are still millions of people who have never heard a gospel sermon or a gospel song. Young people can do much good by singing of Jesus and his love. Singing as the Lord has commanded us to sing, is a wonderful and joyful service. Let us arise and work and sing and help each other to shun the appearance of evil, and be happy in the Lord all the way home. I expect to be in Sabinal, Texas, in June, with Texas Normal Singing School, helping young men to prepare themselves for this service."-352 West Main Street, Uvalde, Texas 78801.
JAMES R. COPE scheduled for a meeting in Camden, South Carolina April 13-20 — McRae Rd.
GUTHRIE DEAN states in the bulletin of the Park Hill church in Ft. Smith that "Our attendance for 1968 was higher than the year before. We had thirty-five responses, but had eighteen to move away. This leaves Park Hill a net gain of seventeen new members for 1968."
EASTSIDE IN ATHENS, ALABAMA proposes to spend $18,660 in the preaching of the gospel away from Athens in 1969 as compared to $12,380 actually spent last year...of every dollar given, more than 62 cents goes directly into preaching the gospel.
LUTHER BLACKMON scheduled for a meeting at 40th and Emerson in Indianapolis April 6-13. KENNETH VANDUESON scheduled for Fulton St. in Butler, Missouri March 3-9.
OUR ADS GET RESULT: "Please discontinue the ad...we have hired Bro. W. H. Smith from Conway, Arkansas. He saw the ad in the Guardian and wrote us concerning it..."
A liberal church in California sent us an ad for a preacher...a few days later we received a telegram requesting cancellation of the ad — said our services were not needed.
A NEW PAPER: — "Gospel Teacher" -- It is unique. A 4-page tabloid. Monthly. It has departments including "Young People's Page", "Preacher's Corner" (the first issue has an excellent outline). Attractive. Well printed. Jack L. Holt, editor. Harold Fite, assistant editor. Good men! I've known Jack well for a long time. He is an excellent writer, among the best pulpiteers. He does not go along with his brother Charles' new movement. Jack's paper is certainly worth the $1.00 a year subscription price. Address: P.O. Box 395 Richardson, Texas 75080. Good reading!
AN IMPORTANT LETTER FROM BOBBY WITHERINGTON: "...Having lived and preached in Owensboro, you doubtlessly remember bro. Ernest White and his family. I feel reasonably certain you can recall his son, Gary who has been preaching for several years, but who, in recent years, has gone along with liberal brethren in matters pertaining to the work of the church...the enclosed copies of letters from him and bro. A.C. Grider plus the reports on his work in Venezuela, inform us of his recent stand for truth and also provide information pertaining to the work he has done in Venezuela. I'd like to make this request of you: Would you please make mention of his stand for the truth and of his present emergency through the pages of the Guardian. Frankly, I believe that if he is able to remain in Venezuela his influence for good and his potential for seeing to it that the work be on solid footing, according to a 'thus saith the Lord,' would be considerable.' 712 Victoria Place, Louisville, Ky. 40207, WHAT IS THE HERALD OF TRUTH? By A.C. Grider. We have a new supply of these tracts, a new and better printing. 8 for $I.00. One hundred for $12.00
GRANVILLE TYLER scheduled for a meeting in Griffith, Indiana March 31 — April 2. Two services daily — 10: 00 A.M. and 7: 30P.M.
RAY VOTAW who has spent over 15 years preaching in Africa is in the U.S.A. travelling among the churches telling of the work in Africa.
CHALKBOARDS...BLACKBOARDS...GREENBOARDS: The Gospel Guardian is now in the chalkboard business. We have the very best boards with "Vista-Vision" surface. Our frame on these boards is unsurpassed for sturdiness -- I x 2 brick mold, counter sunk 34", white pine, mitered corners glued with electric glue and reinforced in the back. Frame unpainted. $16.00 plus shipping costs. 3' x 4' size. These boards are constructed much better than those in metal frames, better than others in wooden frames. A real quality board for classroom or pulpit.
W. C. Hinton, Jr. writes from Japan telling of 124 people enrolled in his Bible Correspondence Course.
THE ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGES lectures are scheduled for Feb. 23-27 and some very interesting panel discussion topics are on tap: "The Claims of Authority," "The Threat of Liberalism," "New Benevolent Challenges," "The Problem of Intellectualism," "The Inner-City Challenge," "Insights in Race Relations," "Tests of Fellowship" and "Instrumental Music in Worship."