Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 6, 1969

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Dear Little Heads In The Pew

In the morn of the Lord's Day, I like in the church to see

The dear little children clustered Worshipping there with me.

I am sure that the gentle preacher, Whose words are like summer dew,

Is cheered as he gazes over The dear little heads in the pew.

Faces earnest and thoughtful, Innocent, grave and sweet,

They look in the congregation Like lilies among the Wheat.

And I think that the tender Master, Whose mercies are ever new,

Has a special benediction For the dear little heads in the pew.

Clear in the hymns resounding, To the leaders' clarion call,

Mingle the fresh young voices Eager to praise the Lord.

And I trust that the rising anthem Has a meaning deep and true,

The thought and the music blended, For the dear little heads in the pew.

When they hear -The Lord is my Shepherd,- Or "Suffer the babes to come,"

They are glad that the loving Jesus Has given the lambs a home.

A place of their own with his people, He cares for me and for you,

But close in his arms he gathers The dear little heads in the pew.

So I love in the great assembly On the Lord's Day morn to see

The dear little children clustered And worshipping there with me;

For I know that my precious Savior, Whose mercies are ever new,

Has a special benediction For the dear little heads in the pew.

— Adapted from a poem by Margaret E. Sangster

Somebody Cares

Note: In 1954, Akron, Ohio, someone handed me a card with this poem. I had several hundred printed and have passed them out in various places. I have had a number of people tell me how much it has meant to them. The author of the poem is unknown to me. — WEW SOMEBODY knows when your heart aches

And everything seems to go wrong, Somebody knows when the shadows

Need chasing away with a song, Somebody knows when you're lonely,

Tired, discouraged and blue, Somebody wants you to know Him,

And I know that He dearly loves you.

Somebody knows when you are tempted, And your mind grows dizzy and dim,

Somebody cares when you're weakened, And farthest away from Him,

Somebody grieves when you've fallen, You are not lost from His sight,

Somebody waits for your coming, And He'll drive the gloom from the night.

Somebody loves you when weary, Somebody loves you when strong,

Always waiting to help you, He watches you — one of the throng,

Needing His friendship so holy, Needing His watchful care so true,

His name? We call His name "Jesus"

He loves everyone. He loves you.-


If a man on the verge of starvation were to sit down to a table with bread before him, and declined to eat until he had arrived at a scientific solution of the processes of germination and fermentation and calorification and deglutition and digestion and physical assimilation, what would you think of him? A fool? Sure!

If your soul is hungry, don't quibble about the things you don't understand, partake of the Bread of Life, then you'll live! — Quests and Conquests