Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
Meeting Time Coming Up - A Lectureship on "Issues Presently Disturbing The Churches" at Southern Oaks congregation, Lake Jackson, Texas. February 3 through 8, 7:00 each evening. Robert L. -Bob- Craig the speaker...PLANO, TEXAS April 21-27 with James P. Needham, Lew St. congregation...BUTLER ,MISSOURI has a meeting scheduled for March 3-9, Fulton, St. congregation...MANSLICK ROAD in Louisville, Ky. will have J. R. Snell in a meeting March 19-26.
A Report of the Oglesby-Page Debate by Clark C. Buzbee: "On November 11-14, 1968, Tom Oglesby met G. E. Page in a public debate in Glasgow, Ky. All four sessions were held in the meeting house of the Westwood church. Bro. Oglesby was endorsed by the Westwood church, and bro. Page was endorsed by the Becton and Center churches. The interest and attendance was good with an increase in attendance being noted each night. About 150 people were present the last night. W. L. Totty was moderator for bro. Page, and this writer served as moderator for bro. Oglesby. The first two night's bro. Oglesby affirmed the scripturalness of church donations to benevolent organizations. Bro. Page is a veteran debater, but this was bro. Oglesby's first public debate. He proved himself to be a very capable defender of the Truth. I have prepared a detailed report of the debate. Anyone may have a free copy of this report by writing me, Clark C. Buzbee; P.O. Box 278; York, Ala. 36925.- New Albany, Indiana congregation continues to set records. The Silver Street church recently broke attendance records...announced this in a previous news item. Since then more attendance records have been broken. Claude Wilsford preaching. Records broken more recently involve 219 in Sunday evening worship and 176 in Wednesday evening service.
What W. W. Otey Said About The Gospel Guardian In 1951: "I have written and talked much trying to stay the 'trend' as much as possible in southwest in last 25 years. We have just one paper, started not long ago, that stands firm for the New Testament order. Write for some copies. Gospel Guardian, Lufkin, Texas. You will appreciate it I am sure." From a personal letter to a friend. Yes, The Gospel Guardian was alone back in those days...it carried the battle. Today it enjoys the company of a number of other good journals like Truth Magazine, Searching The Scriptures and The Preceptor. The Gospel Guardian continues to serve you as a national weekly.
Riverside Drive congregation in Nashville, Tennessee helps support the following men: Truman Smith, Sweetwater, Texas; Bill Simmons, Holly Hill, Fla; Daniel Tam, Ft. Myers, Fla.; Leo Rogal, Greensburg, Ky; David O. Lanius, Jr., McMinnville, Tenn.; Bob Tuten, Warner Robins, Ga.; Douglas M. Black, Miami, Fla.; Gilbert Holt, Clarksville, Tenn.; Andy DeKlerk, Port Elizabeth, S. Africa; Ronald G. Mosby, Louisville, Ky.; Richard Greenson, Shippensburg, Pa.; Earl Fly, Jackson, Tenn.; Norman E. Fultz, Dyersburg, Tenn.; Bill Hawkins, Henderson, Tenn. A sturdy congregation, this Riverside Drive!
Bill Haynes leaves Rose Hill in Columbus, Georgia for the "Blue Bonnet Hills of Texas.- The Work In Toledo, Ohio Area: Bruce Thomas 6030 Meteor, Toledo, Ohio 43623 writes of the work and needs in the area - -The county in which Toledo is located has approximately half a million people. We have seven churches, all but the one we attend has gone the way of liberalism. The group that we meet with has approximately 35 regular attendees, gives nearly $100.00 per week and we have Ray Corns preaching. Ray holds a full time job and makes this effort as well. Franklin Road in Nashville gives him some support and we pay Ray $60.00 per month as well. We meet in a rented store front, $115.00 per month, and have the usual problems...We have formulated some plans as follows: Find a suitable meeting place that we could buy here in the city, locate a preacher full time to help carry the fight. We feel that the fields are ripe but we feel that we are not in a position to do very much harvesting. We have to relocate in a more populous area. Right now just about everyone has to drive at least 15 minutes, some drive 44 miles one way.-
Daniel Sommer — A commentary — A Life History — Coming Soon. Daniel Sommer was a link with the Restoration Movement. His 90-year life spanned a good part of two centuries. Born 1850. Died 1940. Most people know him, or about him, through the rapidly diminishing use of the term "Sommerite.- No history of the church since 1850 can be complete without the recording of the life and influence of Daniel Sommer. We have two publications coming soon which will be assets to your library. The first will be ready for mailing February 1. It is a commentary of Daniel Sommer, on the Old Testament. It is in loose-leaf form and sells for $2.50. The life of Daniel Sommer is another publication. It goes to press soon and will be available in about three months. We will announce a pre-publication price on this book shortly. But order the loose-leaf commentary now.
Southeast Congregation In Akron, Ohio has "had the best year in its history." Morris D. Norman writes in Southeast Sower, "...there have been 18 baptized into Christ and 5 who have seen fit to make public acknowledgments of their faults. We have had two place membership with us. There was a 10% increase in contribution with comparable increase in attendance to all services. $700.00 was used for benevolence with the rest being used to preach the gospel in direct support (including 5 'mission' meetings and $50.00 monthly to James Lovell in Salem, Ohio), payments on and upkeep of our property, literature, and tracts, publication of the Sower, etc...Gene Frost will hold our Spring meeting the week of April 20.- Monkey Business: Back in December the South End Expounder of Louisville, Kentucky carried an offer of a free 29 page booklet entitled "Monkey Business, A Refutation of The Theory of Evolution by Kenneth Green.- South End Church of Christ, 4001 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, Kentucky 40215.
The Old Journeys Through The Bible Series: We can't supply them any more. They are out of print. The new "Journeys Through the Bible- published by R. B. Sweet Company is considered unacceptable by many brethren. We have just learned that the Old Journeys have been purchased by a sound brother and will be revised and republished under another name.
Book Review: That None Should Perish by Warren Howard. 187 Pages. Cloth $3.95 "In an age in which the popular thing is to deny the inspiration of the Scriptures and doubt the intervention of God in this life, or the existence of an after-life, it is refreshing to read a good book — well written — by a man who believes wholeheartedly everything the Bible says. Here are 26 chapters dealing with faith-building themes. This book exalts the Scriptures, does homage to God and glorifies Jesus Christ. Out of these basic foundations arises, through the author's genius, a temple that the storms of life cannot shake, nor the hand of death destroy..." (Reuel Lemmons)
Concord, N. C. Takes Full Support of Preacher: "For several years the Franklin Road church (Nashville, Tennessee) has assisted with the support of a preacher in Concord, N. C. They requested that our support be discontinued as of December 31 and expressed deep and sincere gratitude for the generosity of the Franklin Road church. A letter was received and signed by the male members of the congregation. Bro. Jack G. Byars is the preacher there now. It is always a joy to realize that congregations in hard areas have grown and increased in strength.- Franklin Road News Have You Sent In A $4.00 Subscription Or Renewal? If you did so, you will only receive credit for a nine months subscription. Our yearly subscription price is $5.00 per year. We need $5.00 a year to keep the paper a-going. Inflation and all that sort of stuff is the problem you know. And, mailing costs are going up again this year.
Greek Class For Preachers In Nacogdoches, Texas. Harold Tabor is teaching a class in Greek for preachers in the area. Meets each Tuesday morning. Brother Tabor also teaches Bible classes for students at Stephen Austin college in Nacogdoches.
James P. Miller is leaving Seminole Heights in Tampa, Florida...moving to 12th Street in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Expressway, Louisville, Ky: This congregation has 246 members. Weekly average attendance in 1968 was 242. In an annual report the elders break the membership down as follows: 221 Faithful Members, 16 Lukewarm members, 9 Cold Members. In the first year of its existence (1962) the congregation had 193 average attendance, weekly.
Bound Volumes — Volume 19 — $3.00. Two or three pages out of order. Other minor illregularities. These volumes normally sell for $6.00. We culled them out of the good ones. We also have plenty of good Volume 19's at $6.00. We have only seven of the bad ones — $3.00 plus postage.
Ad For Preachers: "Wanted, needed and will be appreciated — A preacher of the truth with some support and able to work for part of living, a community of 15,000 souls to reach. The best climate in U.S.A. Write box 4137, Huachuca City, Ariz. 85616 or call 602-458-4960.- (Second run)
Sale On Hard Back Bibles — Large Ones: We have a number of these on our shelves. They are 9 1/2 x 6 7/8- — The whole Bible, a reference edition, King James, large print. Helps for the reader in the back. Alternative Readings and Renderings. Words Which Have Changed Meaning. Normally sells for $4.00. Sale price $3.00 plus postage.
Denominational Status For Madison Avenue In Nashville, Tennessee: One of the most significant signs of departure from New Testament Christianity we have observed recently is in the acceptance of an award by Madison Avenue in Nashville. We have heard much of the Disciples of Christ (Christian Churches) reaching full denominational status in their recent restructure as to organization. At least one "church of Christ is not far behind — in this plunge toward full denominational status. Dr. Ira North's Madison Avenue Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee received the 1968 Guidepost award, an award coveted among denominational bodies. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who presented the award said Madison was an -extra-ordinary church. It is "extraordinary by denominational standards. It possesses those denominational status symbols which are appreciated in denominational circles. (Note that I referred to the church as "Madison Avenue- — I think it should just be "Madison." But then, perhaps Madison Avenue is right...it seems to operate on the Madison Avenue type publicity.)