Matters Pertaining To The Godhead
The nature, power and offices of the Godhead has ever been a contested battleground by religious errorists. This they have chosen because spiritual things cannot be discerned by natural standards. One early creed (Nicene, 325 A.D.) was formulated to combat certain erroneous doctrines pertaining to these matters of faith.
A modern cult, Jehovah Witnesses, hold a peculiar view. They teach: 1) Jehovah to be the one and only God; 2) Jesus Christ, once Michael the Archangel, is now "a god"; 3) The Holy Spirit consists as a non-living, non-intelligent, non-personable, non-divine force from God. This they attempt to base upon "pneuma", sometimes translated both "wind" and "spirit."
A second peculiarity comes from various sectarian movements of Pentecostal and Churches of God, so-called. They teach the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to be identical in the person of Jesus. Jesus, it is claimed, merely holds offices of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Much could be cited with which to combat these perversions. However two passages are submitted. Brother Srygley was credited with having stated that if he had three cats to whip he would merely sack them and thrash the bag! Refutations of various errors concerning the Godhead are often similar and may be handled "bagged" together.
Matthew 12:22-30. Our Lord cast out devils and the wicked Pharisees blasphemed by saying, "This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of devils." Jesus denied their wicked accusation, but confessed instead, "If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you."
Beelzebub was a spirit being, a "pneuma", an evil spirit. In essence the Pharisees said, "You cast out devils by an evil spirit of Beelzebub." Jesus' reply was, "No, I cast them not out by an evil spirit, but by a good one, the Spirit of God."
By what rule of logic can a Jehovah Witness reach into a passage of Scripture, pull out an evil "pneuma" and ascribe it to be an intelligent being, while with the other hand, pull out the other good "pneuma", and ascribe Him to be a mere force like the wind that blows? They attribute more power and glory to the evil spirit of Beelzebub than the Holy Spirit of God.
We also reason the "Jesus Only" position. Jesus was not identical to Beelzebub. Even the Pharisees understood that when they accused Jesus (one person) of using Beelzebub (another person) to cast out devils. By the same rule, Jesus was not identical to the Spirit of God. Jesus showed as much when he confessed that he (one person) had used the Spirit of God (another person) to cast out devils. There surely were three mentioned in the persons of Jesus, Beelzebub and the Spirit. The Spirit of God was used in antithesis to the spirit of Beelzebub, of which Jesus was neither.
I Corinthians 11:1-16. Paul corrected the impropriety of women praying or prophesying with heads uncovered within the Corinthian church. He reminded them of an existing headship. God is head of Christ. Christ is head of man. Man is head of woman.
I can as near prove God to be a woman as a "Jesus Only" advocate can prove the Father and Son to be identical. Paul said, "the head of Christ is God." "Jesus Only" respondents claim that to mean that God and Christ are identical. Very well, the same passage also says, "The head of every man is Christ." So, Christ is man! If God is Christ, Christ is man, and man is woman, does not that make God to be a woman? Absurd? So also is the notion that Jesus is the Father.
— 518 Alta Loma Road, Goodlettsville, Tenn.