Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
HOLY SPIRIT SPECIAL TO BE REPRINTED! Our supply of the special edition of The Gospel Guardian on the Holy Spirit is exhausted. But we are reprinting it! So put your order in now. $20.00 per hundred. A review in Carolina Christian says of the special: "The Gospel Guardian combined three of its August numbers into a 48-page special on the Holy Spirit. As would be expected in the Gospel Guardian the articles are conservative in nature and sound forth the basic views of the leaders of the Restoration Movement since its inception. Yet most of them are a fresh and invigorating study of the subject. Anyone making a serious study of the Holy Spirit in conversion or in the life of a Christian should not overlook the valuable contribution made by this issue." (Volume 10, Number 10, October 1968, Howard Winters reviewing)
THE GOSPEL GUARDIAN CATALOGUE IS RECEIVING ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION: " Just received the very, very excellent catalogue. That is the best one yet. No one of our brethren have put out one that good. It is the best I have ever seen." Well, we don't quite agree with the good brother. Our catalogue is not that good. But we sure appreciate his enthusiasm, and his business...and we would be glad to have yours...do you have a catalogue? Another customer writes, "Your new 1969 catalogue is just wonderful". We are engaged in a program to upgrade every phase of the Gospel Guardian business...the book and literature service, bookkeeping, the weekly periodical...the whole thing. We would be happy to receive your suggestions and criticisms.
BOOK REVIEW: "Posture of Faith" by Gordon Wilson is a 13 lesson study in the field of "Evidences"--designed to strengthen faith. You can depend on the soundness of brother Wilson in the lessons in the book. "The Posture of Faith" is "a study of the conservative viewpoint on the Biblical fundamentals." A Gospel Guardian publication. Hardback $1.50. Paperback $1.00.
DIRECTORY OF "CHURCHES OF CHRIST" AND EVANGELISTS WHO ADVOCATE AND PRACTICE THE USE OF ONE CUP OF UNFERMENTED FRUIT OF THE VINE AND WHO OPPOSE CLASS SYSTEM OF TEACHING. It will surprise you to find out how many of our brethren hold these restrictive views. The directory sells for $1.00. It is complete. Order from us.
DON BASSETT: "Have recently moved to Memphis, Tennessee, and begun work with the East Memphis church. Three fine elders, Dalton Priestly, Harl Puckett, and Wendell Davis, oversee the church here."
WILLIAM R. WARD, SR: "Please note my change of address in the Guardian. Since we began work Sept. 1st we have had one restoration and two to be identified." P. O. Box 15, Booneville, Mississippi 38829 HELP WANTED: "We are in need of college graduates with degrees in engineering, forestry, chemistry and the sciences, with or without experience. Weyerhaeuser's operations in Plymouth consist of a 2,400-man complex in which pulp, paperboard, paper and plywood is manufactured. The Company owns 600,000 acres of timberlands in eastern North Carolina. The church here has its own building and consists of 7 families. Faithful Christians with the above qualifications are invited to write: Robert E. Herndon, Area Personnel Manager, Weyerhaeuser Company, Plymouth, North Carolina or phone me collect, 919-793-3111."
RICHARD A. PENTECOST, SR: 23101 Rein St. East Detroit, Michigan 48021. Phone 313-776-8004. "Churches needing a Gospel preacher for meeting work in 1969, may contact me at the address above. I am interested in churches that are unable to have meetings because of a financial situation. All that will be expected for support will be my expenses. Please contact me as soon as possible. I will travel to any part of the U. S. or Canada to preach the Gospel of Christ. For references you may contact the elders of the Expressway church of Christ, 4436 South Sixth St., Louisville, Kentucky 40214, or James P. Needham at the same address."
DARWIN CHANDLER: "After working with the Southside church of Christ in Brady, Texas for a very short time, I have accepted an invitation from the elders of the West Avenue church in San Antonio, Texas to work full-time with them in conjunction with Brother Leon Odom. The church in Brady is looking for a good man to move into the work here when I leave. Even though I have been here but a short while, I have learned that these brethren are good, sound, conscientious disciples. There has been no difficulty at any time, and the prospects for growth are good here. I can recommend this church to any gospel preacher who desires to work with a congregation which is at peace, and working together. The target date for my move to San Antonio is June 1, 1969. However, if the brethren here can find the man they want before then, they will move him at once, as I will be free to move before June 1, if they get another man. This is a worthy church brethren, and will be a good work. Correspondence may be addressed to me at 1922 S. Pine St., or to Joe Elliot, 2012 S. Walnut, or Walter Wilson, 1808 S. High, all in Brady, Texas."
PREACHER AVAILABLE: "If you don't mind, I would like for you to mention in your paper that I am looking for a congregation that needs a faithful preacher." Marshall Norman, 307 Cooper, Paris, Missouri, 65275.
BOOK REVIEW: "Preaching From Great Bible Chapters" by Kyle M. Yates will give you some help in making up some expository sermons. This book is a reprint, containing 13 sermons considering the following chapter: Ephesians 2, Psalms 22, I Corinthians 13, Psalm 51, Matthew 5, Isaiah 53, Luke 15, Isaiah 55, Romans 8, I Peter 1, Ephesians 4, Philippians 1 and Ephesians 3. You will have to weed out a little unsound doctrine, but the book will help you to enrich your sermons. Price $4.95. Order from us.
EUGENE BRITNELL at Eastside in Athens, Alabama in a meeting first week in December.
TIP FOR TEACHERS: A newly revised "Training For Service" publication by Orrin Root is fine as a "Survey of The Bible". It is designed to help teachers and workers. It is a 26 lesson course made up in an attractive, colorful paper back binding. It is one of the most interesting survey studies I have seen. The student's manual sells for 95, teacher's manual $1.25. There are a few unsound expressions such as "ordinances of the church" in the book, but you will find the lesson course most interesting and beneficial. Order from the Guardian.
SAM BINKLEY, JR. reports on the first month activity in the land down under. His temporary address is 32 Myrtle Grove, Preston, Victoria 3072 Australia. Melbourne has been chosen by the Binkleys as the place to work partially on the strength of the response to a two week gospel meeting in this city. He reports there were 17 adults in attendance who were not Christians. Three of these were baptized and some of the of the others have indicated an interest in further study.
The Williamses In South Africa is a monthly publication of the church of Christ, 604 Highland Street, Hammond, Indiana 46320. It contains interesting and edifying reports of the work of Paul K. Williams in the Republic of South Africa. You may get on the mailing list of this publication by sending your name to the Highland Street church.
ROBERT HARKRIDER concludes his report from Australia, "The future of the Lord's work in Australia looks good. The beginnings are now small, but doors are being opened and growth is steady. Space does not permit me to tell of the work in Queensland of Harold Comer and Rolly McDowell, but their reports indicate much progress too." P. O. Box 52 Caringbah, N.S.W. 2229 Australia.
HAROLD COMER concludes his Australian report, "We have been away from the United States for 16 months now. I feel that our work has been richly blessed — blessed out of proportion to the labour we have put in. The prospects that are to be seen now are beyond what we dared hope for a year ago. Obviously, all of them will not materialize but the ones that do present a future with much promise. Surely all of us who are interested in Australia should give Him the thanks for this past year." P. O. Box 136, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia 4670.
JIM R. EVERETT concludes his report from Australia, "...there is a great need for more sound preachers in Australia!" His address: P. O. Box 159, Miranda, NSW, 2228, Australia.
Wayne L. Payne's African work is reported in a bulletin published monthly by the Southside church, 1932 South Weller, Springfield, Mo. 65804. Payne's address: P. O. Box 4064-UCL, Ibadan, Nigeria.
THE STAR, a 16 page Bible teaching magazine, has enjoyed a steady increase in circulation through the first three quarters of 1968, and over 8.5 million copies are now in print, according to Alvin Jennings, editor of the publication.