Controversies Of Yesteryear
My father, J. D. Tant, has been dead for nearly thirty years. When he died, it fell my lot to take over the remnants of his library, and a vast collection of tracts, clippings, letters, and personal miscellanea. Today, after more than a quarter century of occasional digging through some of these old boxes, I keep coming up with things that sometimes amaze, often amuse, and occasionally bewilder me. But one thing has impressed me with increasing force through the years — the old, old controversies, which my father and his generation fought over, keep cropping up over and over again. A couple of weeks ago I ran across a yellowed and brittle clipping from some ancient journal. It was a response my father was making to an article by Brother John W. Kurfees in which Brother Kurfees had offered some objection to calling members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) "digressives."
Now the word "digressive" was as much a part of my vocabulary as I was growing up as were the words Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic. We never spoke of "The Christian Church", but always of "the digressives." Anyhow, I thought it might be of interest to readers of the Gospel Guardian to get a glimpse of what brethren were arguing about thirty-five years ago. Here is the article:
What Are Digressives? J. D. Tant
I am glad to send this criticism of my old time friend and preaching brother, John W. Kurfees, that he and others may see my side.
(1) Brother Kurfees asks, are those I call "digressive" members of the church of Christ? At one time they were. But John says they went out from us. The same writer also says, "Whosoever goeth onward and abideth not in the doctrine hath not known God." Paul says that if a man be an idolater, with such a one not to eat. These brethren practice this condemnation, and stand condemned in the sight of God. So they are no longer my brethren. They have digressed from the straight way, so I do not hesitate to call them digressive.
(2) It is true that Paul found all manner of sin practiced by the brethren at Corinth, and wrote the church plainly to turn such over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.
These digressives not only became violators of God's law but became the bitterest enemies in Texas against the church of Christ. Not being satisfied to leave the church they often put the organ in the church house in the dark, and drove out some of as godly men and women as God ever made, and divided the church all over Texas. This class may be Brother Kurfees' brethren but not mine. I am wholly unable to fight their departure and still call them brethren. If I wanted to break up hell, the first thing I would do would be to kill the devil. I would not want to fight the powers of hell and call the devil "brother". So I hope my dear Brother Kurfees understands why I do not call these digressives in Texas brother. Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians all combined are not the enemies in Texas to the church of Christ that these digressives are.
(3) Brother Kurfees wants to know when our colleges became "Christian" colleges. They are known by their defenders only as "Christian" colleges. They have succeeded at many places in putting the churches under their control. A man's loyalty is measured by his endorsement of the "Christian colleges." I use the words only that people may understand my lesson.
If Brother Kurfees and his brother will advertise to the world that they are running the Lord's paint shop and beg the churches all over the land to take up collections to help support the Lord's paint shop, like these college men do to support their colleges, then it will be right to call it the Christian paint shop.
I hope Brother Kurfees understands me.