Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
Glasgow, Ky. "The Westwood church here in Glasgow is interested in having a faithful man move here to work with them. Anyone interested should contact Joe Morris, Rt. 1, Glasgow, Ky. 42141. The work in Glasgow is a good one and has tremendous potential." Tom Oglesby Gibson City, Ill. "The church in Gibson is seeking a gospel preacher to labor with her in the word of the Lord. Any preacher desiring to move to this area may contact: Guy Moore, R. R. #2, Fairbury, Ill. 61739, Phone 309-377-2876. The church in Gibson is sound in the faith." R. A. Pentecost, Sr.
Mississippi City, Miss. "If it is possible to work a small notice in your paper announcing the need for a sound preacher willing to work in the Biloxi-Gulfport area, having his own support, we will greatly appreciate it...the congregation...is...faithful to the work and Word of God — the only one on the so called 'Golden Gulf Coast' and certainly the only one within easy driving distance of Keesler AFB." -Ronnie G. Roberts, 6326 "D" St., Biloxi, Miss.
Rantoul Ill. "The brethren here will need a good man to move here and work with them. The church here is self-supporting, owns a nice house, and has a commodious meeting place. If you know of anyone who might be interested in the work, and I mean it is work, would you please place them in contact with the brethren here. There are some good people here who are worthy of some help." Edward L. Brand, Jr., 121 W. Campbell, Rantoul Illinois.
Mooresville, Ind. "We are looking for a minister to work full time with the church in Mooresville, Ind., one who could support himself above $75.00 a week."--P. O. Box 86, Mooresville, Indiana Prescott, Ariz. "The Church which meets at 1135 Iron Spring Road in Prescott, Ariz. 86301 is in need of a Gospel preacher and wishes to hear from any one interested in the work. For more information contact Harold Tope, 421 N. Mt. Vernon, Prescott, Ariz. 86301."
Harlingen, Texas. "The Central Church of Christ in Harlingen, Texas would like to contact a preacher who would be interested in working with us. If you know of such will you please refer him to us." Central Church of Christ P. O. Box 2233, Harlingen, Texas San Angelo, Texas. "WANTED OLD TIME GOSPEL PREACHER - Preferably a man seasoned with experience and will back up his preaching with a thus saith the Lord. Please contact Bros. Roy Keith, telephone 653-7852 or J. I. Keeny, telephone 653-8410, San Angelo, Texas."
TELEGRAM: "M. Roy Stevens veteran gospel preacher and music teacher passed away early Sunday morning August 18th in a Freeport [Texas] hospital after a short illness. His funeral services were conducted in Clute and Yoakum, Texas by Homer Hailey, Dean Bullock, Al Jennings and Herman Sargent. Three sons, Eldred R. J. and Lanier are also gospel preachers."
NOTES OF INTEREST: A well-known promoter among the "liberal" brethren is quoted as saying that two-thirds of the preachers want to quit, feeling they are overworked and underpaid..."The extreme center is about the only extreme most Americans are willing to support."--Richard Scammon, former directer of U.S. Census Bureau..."Chileans say the ban will work no better than Prohibition in the United States." U. S. News and World Report on birth-control bill ban by the pope (Aug. 12, 1968)...James D. Claunch of Corinth, Mississippi reports the conversion of a Catholic lady, using "Nichol's Pocket Encyclopedia". Every Christian worker ought to have several copies of this little publication which has passed the million mark in circulation. Sells for 75 cents. Order from the Gospel Guardian...
THE PASSING OF THRUSTON B. KIMBRELL: Al Craig reports, "Bro. Kimbrell had suffered for many months from the dreaded effects of cancer. He had been preaching in the Northwest for about 18 years with all of that time being devoted to work with only two congregations. He served the church in Pasco, Wash. on two separate occasions and had been located with the brethren in Bremerton, Wash. three times. Brethren in this area knew him and appreciated his love and stand for the truth. The Lord's people will miss him. Bro Kimbrell was 42 years of age and leaves his wife Lucy and three small children. Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday afternoon, June 26 by Bro. Lowell Williams and Bro. Al Craig."
ARLINGTON, TEXAS SPEECHES: Harry Pickup, Jr. informs us that the work on the book containing the speeches of the participants in the Arlington, Texas meeting is underway. Progress is slow. Should be at least six months before the book will be available.
INFORMATIVE BIBLE LAND MAPS AVAILABLE: "Three informative Bible Land maps which are packed to capacity with descriptive notes are now available. These are very inexpensive, selling for as little as 250 each at used book stores which handle back issues of National Geographic. Either check with the used book store near you, or write The National Geographic Magazine...I will be happy to purchase these cost plus postage from stores in the St. Louis area, as long as they last. If interested write me, 6316 Pernod Ave., St. Louis, Missouri, 63139." Jimmy Tuten, Jr.
J. M. Gillpatrick moves to Tulsa--Southside--from Amarillo, Texas...Earl Kimbrough recently moved to Tuckerman, Arkansas...Edward L. Brand, Jr. moving to Lynnwood Avenue congregation in Shreveport, La. early October--from Rantoul, Webb to be Brunswick, Ohio in a meeting September 23-27, 317 Pearl Road...
HELP NEEDED: We have a number of reports about brethren and churches needing help. We'll list these next week. Would you read these reports, consider help?