Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 25, 1968

Gospel Guardian Gram

FROM THE PHILIPPINES: A letter from Rufo B. Samodal tells of his difficulties due to his stand against the liberal innovations of brethren connected with in Philippine Bible College. Samodal's financial support was cut off and he is in need of assistance. He recently organized four new congregations and report ten baptisms in a letter dated June 13. Major Wallace H. Little of the U. S. Air Force has done much good for Philippino brethren who resist the liberal encroachments. Little leaves the Philippines soon for Viet Nam. It appears that the Philippine Islands will be blessed with a number of sound churches.

MADISON AVENUE SALES TECHNIQUES IN THE CHURCH: "Why is the minister interested in such techniques? He lives under the tyranny of statistical success. When he begs people to attend and support his church he is crying out for his very life. Like the sales manager of the corporation, he must produce. The Church will soon discard the leader who does not improve the record. He can plead that the things of the Spirit are beyond measurement. He can insist that the ministry defies the quota system, yet these truths are discarded by [the] church members...The people demand growth...Tragically, this kind of growth is unrelated to 'growing in grace'. It is the kind of growth desired by General Motors, or the Republican Party, or the Masonic Lodge."--Evangelical Action 8/67

ACCIDENT PRONE? Traffic safety studies reveal types of drivers who are "accident prone". A similar study among churches might reveal 'trouble prone' preachers and 'division inclined' members who possess a rivalry creating spirit. Perhaps some are enchanted with the personal power to disturb church equilibrium.

THE TRUTH IS OUT: "They're planning to take the show 'To Tell The Truth' off television in September. It's too bad. A television program that required one out of three people to tell the truth could have provided a real novelty in this national election year." - The Courier journal Louisville, Ky. 6/3/68

OLD BOOK WANTED: Notes on The New Testament By Daniel Sommer. Anyone have one to sell?

SIGN ON RESTAURANT IN OHIO: "Noted for waitlessness".

"It is unfortunate considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth." - A. J. Balfour, Time 2/2/68

THE GRAY AREA: "The ability to recognize and cope with grays might be considered one of the marks of maturity."--J. D. Douglas

Subscription price of The Gospel Guardian is now $5.00 per year. But you can get in on 4 dollars in a club of five or more.

GOOD INTENTIONS: Someone said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Someone else sings "My can do can't keep up with my want to." Better get busy.

A recent poll and analysis of American piety concludes that people want a firm guide to personal conduct and some promise of a future life. Someone show them the Bible.

A letter from a couple in Tennessee printed in the Westvue Messenger of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, April 25, 1968 lists the following publications or materials as being responsible for their leaving their connection with the liberalism of institutional and sponsoring churches: The Bible, The Woods-Cogdill Debate, The Totty-Mosby rebate, Congregational Cooperation by Earl Irvin West, and various tracts and magazine articles too numerous to list.

"...clemency can never exert itself more laudably than when there is the most cause for resentment." - Pliny to Sabinianus

ELDERS IN ACTION: "...A new unique organization comprising elder's of Christian Churches in Corpus Christi, may be blazing new trails of Christian Action among the Disciples. So far as is known, this is the first and only such city organization of elders which has been formed in the Brotherhood." How about such organizations of the second century which laid the groundwork for the Roman Catholic church? The quote comes from The Christian Courier, June '68.

PREACHER NEEDED: Chattanooga - "We at North Hixson are in need of someone to work full time with us here. The work here is definitely a challenge to any one. One's faith will meet a great challenge of strength in the Chattanooga area. There are only two strong conservative congregations and two that are in the middle of the road they say...if you who would be willing to come to this part of the country put him in touch with me or us here at N. Hixson." "If anyone might be interested have him call collect — area code 615,phone 875-3660."--Fay C. Johnson, 3929 Forrest Highland Drive, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415.

OLD FASHIONED MEETING - At Eastland in Athens with 18 baptisms, 10 Christians making confessions of sins in June. (Athens, Alabama)

Herbert Knight moves to Paducah, Kentucky August 1 to work with Northside church. He is seeking to raise $600 support. $350 raised as of June 23. O. D. Dial to Sherman, Texas from Springhill, Louisiana....Tom Roberts from Sherman to Crockett, Texas...A new congregation is meeting in Muskogee, Okla. at 229 N. 18th...Cecil B. Douthitt is preaching fulltime for Southside in Ft. Smith, Arkansas....Harold Turner with Westside in Ft. Worth...Floyd Chappelear to Kirkwood, Missouri...Lewis Willis to Valley Station, Kentucky ... Bill Cain leaves Greenwood, Arkansas for California...Louis Cain leaves Caldwell, Missouri for California...James R. Cope in a meeting with Caprock in Lubbock, Texas July 29 through August 4...J. R. "Ronnie" Pope to University of Washington from Tulsa, Oklahoma to work on his PhD...VBS coming up in Paragould July 22-26...Paul Caldwell from Pekin, Indiana to Belmont in Indianapolis...Tom Oglesby from Glasgow, Kentucky to Saraland, Alabama...

— Wm.E.Wallace