Floyd D. Chappelear - 1101 Dyson - West Columbia, Texas 77486
Harry Pickup, Sr. is to be with the 77th Street church. Birmingham, Ala., July 2l-28..James R. Cope with the Caprock church in Lubbock, July 29-August 4...Roy Foutz with the Wendell Ave. church. Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-30... George Jones. July 7-14, Louisville, with the Eastland church...Eastland Hwy. Louisville, will have Robert Turner the week of October 21-27...Leon Goff will preach at Haynesville, Louisiana, June 24-30... Ron Mosby at the Caneyville, Kentucky church, June 24-30...The Highland Street church in Hammond, Indiana will have Morris Norman, Sept. 22-27...William Wallace will be with the South 46th Street church in Fort Smith, Arkansas, June 24-30...Ward Hogland will begin meetings in Austin Texas, beginning July 7 and another at Huntsville, Alabama beginning July 15.
Viet Nam Report
Sgt. Larry Hogland, reports that 12 attended their last service in Viet Nam. The little church in Vun Tou started with three members and they are now having 12. Larry and another man take turns preaching for the brethren. We commend these men for their faith in the battle zone of Viet Nam.
Preachers Moving
Bob Craig of Port Arthur, Texas will begin as the evangelist of the Southern Oaks congregation (Lake Jackson, Texas) July 1. His address will be 118 Sage, Lake Jackson, Zip 77566.
Clayton Adams is now preaching for the church in Garden City, Georgia. His address is 4510 Augusta Road, Garden City, Georgia. Garden City is in the area of Savannah.
W. R. Jones, effective June 3 my new address is: W. R. Jones, 6007 DeMoss, Houston, Texas. I would like to continue receiving your bulletin.
Books Available
Several used copies of the book, Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry are available. The price is $2.50. Write me and I will put you in touch with the preacher who has these. (Floyd Chappelear)
Preachers Needed
The church in Connersville, Indiana, is looking for an evangelist to work with them. The work there looks to be very promising for the right man to come in and work a good work. The work is the only one in a city of 25,000. Prospects for excellent growth are good. If interested write either Tom Spargo or Howard Eldridge, c/o Central Pharmacy on Central Avenue, Connersville, Indiana.
The church in Brownwood, Texas is also looking for a capable preacher. For more information write them c/o Elders, Box 67, Southside church of Christ, Brownwood, Texas.
The church in Brazoria, Texas, is in need of a full-time evangelist to work with them beginning immediately. If anyone is interested please write the church c/o James Moore, 902 Loggins Drive, West Columbia, Texas, 77486. Brother Moore is presently doing the preaching for this faithful group.
Personal Reports
Kenneth Marrs, 4337 W. Claremont, Glendale, Arizona 85301: Brother Dan Shipley, of McAllen, Texas, was recently with us in a good meeting here at the Valley Congregation in Phoenix, Ariz. records are falling with regularity in this five year old congregation. 294 were present for Bible study and 320 for the preaching service last Lord's day. The Lord willing, we shall begin construction of the auditorium to the building in a few weeks.
Rodolfo Caldernon M. & Jorge Rodriguez G., Calle 60 No. 460, Sector Reforma, Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico: Since the first of April, we two preachers and wives, are working in Guadalajara. One church of Christ has existed here by more than twelve years, but it is controlled by liberal elements in this country and the U. S. A.
Virtually the rupture between conservatives and liberals has taken place in Mexico. Therefore, the need to establish sound congregations anywhere. So, we decide to come here from Reynosa, Tamps, and Monterrey to work in the preaching of the ancient gospel as found in the New Testament. Guadalajara, because of its size, location, fanaticism and importance is a strategic point to the work now and in time to come, we believe.
The Lord has blessed our work. We are meeting in the home of one of us. To less of two months from our arrival, the church is composed of nine members (five Christians have placed their membership with us) and the attendance has been wonderful, we believe. The last Sunday we were about thirty.
Brethren, if you are thinking of visiting Guadalajara come to worship with us. Your presence will be very encouraging to us and you will be welcome. The schedule of services is: Sun. Bible Study 10:30 a. m., Worship 5:00 p. m., Wednesday, 7:30.
Charles G. Maples, Sr., 1117 Fifth Avenue West, Birmingham, Alabama 35204: A group of faithful brethren in Peoria, Illinois, who formerly met at 1509 East Paris Avenue, have found it necessary to withdraw themselves from the elders, who remain at Paris Avenue. These faithful brethren, who are currently meeting at the YMCA, stand for the truth and we commend them for it.
Wayne Earnest, 306 West Main. Newbern, Tenn. 38059: James Cope of Tampa, Florida will be with us in a meeting June 3-9. I will do the preaching in a meeting at the Buckhorn Church near Pontotoc, Mississippi, July 15-21. We have had 3 baptisms and one restoration here at Newbern recently.
Charles House, P. O. Box 21, Douglas, Arizona, 85607: Our current and greatest need is for literally thousands of copies of gospel literature in Spanish to mail out to every person here in the twin cities. Those of our brethren who have PHOTO OFFSET PRESSES who would be interested in helping us literally saturate this general area with literature are invited to correspond with us. We will furnish the copy, for you to "shoot" and print. I believe truck lines will haul to churches at a reduced rate. Check it at your end, if interested. We have already arranged with the Mexican Post Office to deliver our literature at an unusual bulk rate, which is too good to pass up.
Fred Stacey, 4667 Cooper Road, Cincinatti. Ohio 45242: The Blue Ash congregation of this city has just completed our second of three ten day meetings planned for 1968. Bro. Roy L. Foutz was the preacher in our January meeting and Bro. Farris J. Smith of the Berney Points congregation in Birmingham, Alabama preached in our May meeting. Two were baptized during the May meeting and two more have been baptized since the meeting ended. This is the results of plain Bible preaching. Any congregation desiring plain Bible preaching would do well to call on brethren Smith or Foutz.
We have one more ten day meeting for this year. Brother Grover Stevenson of Lousiville, Kentucky will be doing the preaching for us in August. When in Cincinatti visit with us.
Harley Amick, Box 174, Lowell. Indiana, 46356, After 20 months with the Hill Street church of Spur, Texas I have moved to work with the Prairie Street church of Lowell.
The group at Spur is small but steadfast, believing the Bible to be the only source of God's doctrine. They have need of someone with partial support to work with them.
Harvey Fails, one of the fine young men of the West Side church in Irving, Texas, will be preaching full time this summer in Duncanville. Texas.
Eugene Britnell, P. O. Box 3012, Little Rock. Arkansas 72203. I preached in a meeting in Mulvane, Kansas April 22-28 where Ross O. Spears is the local preacher. During May Edgar J. Dye preached a meeting for the Arch Street church here in Little Rock during which four were baptized. 1 was in a meeting in Carrollton, Texas June 3-9. Paul Kelsey is the preacher there.
Hoyt H. Houchen, 3701 E. 29th Street, Odessa, Texas 79760: This Spring has been a busy one for me, having preached in five gospel meetings since February. These meetings were at Yuma, Arizona (5th Ave. and 12th St.,) Central in Beaumont, Texas, Miranda Street in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Zion, Illinois. and Bradley, Illinois. One was baptized at Las Cruces. New Mexico and five were baptized at Zion, Illinois. It is encouraging to see the number of conservative churches in the Chicago area. We are about to begin our third year of work with the Crescent Park church hen. in Odessa. We have a color telecast each Sunday morning over a local station, channel 2. Several have visited our services as a result. We had one baptism last Lord's day. Visit with us when you can. The Crescent Park church meets at 1415 Royalty, Odessa, Texas.
Church of Christ, 720 Old Indianapolis Road North. Mooresville, Indiana, P. O. Box 83: We need a Gospel Minister, if interested please contact Merle Sears.
Rodney M. Miller, 2283 5-B Weiler Blvd., Ft. Worth, Texas: Our meeting will be June 17-23 with my Father James P. Miller doing the preaching. The address is 6101 Linton, Haltom City - A suburb of Ft. Worth. The work here continues to grow with the addition of several new families.
James L. Sloan, 714 N. Calhoun, Perry Fla.: After 3 years with the church in Perry. Fla., I am moving to work with a small group in Charleston, S. C. which began meeting about 2 years ago. It is the only congregation in that city which stands opposed to the modern trends in the church today. Anyone knowing of prospects in that area may contact me at the following address: James L. Sloan, 2111 Barbour St., Charleston, S. C. 29407. Any preacher interested in moving to Perry can contact Bruce Nowlin, 209 Pineland, Perry, Fla. 32347.
New Congregation
Gorin Rutherford, 1115 Tyler, Apt. 22, Topeka, Kansas 66612: On January 7 three families began meeting in the home of the Carl Goddards. Topeka, Kansas. After looking for a more suitable meeting place, a location was found at 5313 South Topeka Avenue. which is U. S. 75, south of Topeka, near Forbes Air Force Base. Meeting times are Sunday 9:45 A. M. 10:45 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Wednesday 7:45 P. M. Efforts are continuing to be made toward finding a more suitable meeting place in Topeka, as this present location is somewhat difficult to locate, as it is not directly on the street.
Some practices and attitudes of congregations in Topeka which were objectionable to those meeting in the new location were: cooperation efforts of congregations in the campaigns for Christ, support of institutions by the churches, building and maintaining facilities for social purposes, support by the church of a student in college, evangelistic oversight of churches, and general liberal attitudes toward the word of God.
Anyone knowing of persons interested in meeting with us may contact Carl Goddard, 5530 West 18th (Cr. 2-4227); Dennis Farris, 2873 Jewell (Fl. 7-0566) or myself, address above, (Ce. 5-5546).
Preacher Available
Roy S. Fudge, 803 N. Main, Beaver Dam, Ky. We moved to Beaver Dam the last of 1967 to work with the church here. The church here has been supporting us in the amount of $100 a week and paying $60 a month house rent. This has not been adequate for my family of eight. We have six children, the oldest of which will be entering College this fall. Four of the others will be in school this year also. Our second boy will be in Athens Bible School at Athens, Ala. Where he is under the Doctor's care for a chronic condition. Because of this we feel we need to be near him if possible. I would like to hear from any church in Ala., Georgia, Florida, or Tenn. that might use us. You can contact me at the above address or call Area Code 502 - 274-7174.
We have had seven baptisms and two restorations since coming here. Our attendance has averaged 112 a week and contributions have averaged $212 a week.