J. M. Gainer, 231 Raleigh Ave., Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 24: "Three baptized and two transferred membership at the Arlington Church since last report."
W. Earl Mansur, Aurora, Mo., Jan. 29: "After over five years in California we are now with the church here. We look forward to a pleasant and profitable labor. Please forward the G.G. to the above address."
W. F. Showers, Box 104, Pleasanton, Texas, Jan. 29: "After two and one-half years of enjoyable work with the Taft, Texas, church, I moved here on December 31. I am following Robert Welch who has moved to Florence, Ala., to work with the brethren. He is truly held in high esteem by the members here as also are his predecessors, Doyle Ragsdale, Robert V. Hamilton, Holland Boring, and R: H. Echols. R. E. Davis of Fort Worth has moved to Taft to work with the congregation there. We are looking forward to our spring meeting in which Clifton Rogers of Port Arthur, Texas, will do the preaching. The meeting begins March 12, ends on the 21."
H. Lester Parker, Blythe Cal.: "The church here has recently been strengthened by a gospel meeting in which brother John W. Wilson of San Bernardino, Cal., did the preaching. One of the local Baptist preachers was challenged to debate but refused to try to defend his erroneous teachings. Brother Wilson ably preached the gospel and spoke out with courage and conviction against the wrong kind of "cooperation," against "missions," entertainments and encampments, and other dangers which beset the church. I preached for the good congregation at San Bernardino the past Lord's day in the absence of brother Wright Randolph."
Cleon Lyles, Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 29.: "Seven were baptized, three restored and six placed membership at Fourth and State in January."
Frank J. Dunn, Dallas, Texas, Jan. 29: "One was baptized yesterday, making a total of 36 responses at Peak and East Side during January, including 6 baptisms and 15 restorations."
Review Of A New Tract
Leslie Diestelkamp.
In the spring of 1950, James D. Willeford, of Madison, Wis., delivered a great sermon in a lectureship program in Milwaukee, on the subject, "Did the Catholics Give Us the Bible?" This has now been printed into a neat tract, which is the best discussion of this subject this writer has seen in tract form. It should be used by churches and Christians everywhere in large numbers. The price is 4c per copy, $3.00 per hundred, and $25.00 per thousand. Order from the printer, James W. Nichols, Box 1108, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Wright Randolph, 3343 Arrowhead, San Bernardino, Cal., Jan. 29: "Have signed propositions to meet E. E. Crawford, Missionary Baptist, in debate beginning Tuesday night, February 20. I will affirm on Baptism for the first two nights and Crawford will affirm on the Apostasy proposition for the last two nights. Discussion will be in our building 1354 Mt. View, San Bernardino."
Chaplain Frank Trayler, 1406 Clower St., San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 28: "One hundred ninety-seven attended worship at Chapel No. 4, Lackland Air Force Base, at 2:00 p.m. today (114 taking Communion). A week ago 206 were present. For the past 12 weeks our contributions have totaled more than $450.00. A wedding ceremony on January 20 united two Christians—the Airman having been baptized by P. D. Wilmeth three days before the ceremony. Brethren, pray for us."
Robert A. Bolton, Box 737, Lefors, Texas, Jan. 29: '"One baptized, one restored and two identified in the meeting in McLean between December 31, 1950 and January 14, 1951. Brother Thomas Allen Robertson, the capable evangelist there is to be with this congregation in a two weeks meeting in June. We trust that we shall be ready for a good meeting then. Since the first of the year there have been three baptized and two restored in Lefors."
Please Read This
C. D. Plum, 3372 Camp Chase Drive, Columbus 4, Ohio, Jan. 26: "Brethren, I know a young married man; age twenty five, with six years preaching experience, and who completed two years at Freed-Hardeman College (the Special Preacher's course). This young man is "faithful," "able" and likeable. He would like to preach for one congregation, or more than one if in reasonable distance, so as to have support for himself and family while he attends college (preferably a college operated by members of the church), to do work toward an A. B. degree. If you know of a workable proposition with a congregation or congregations, though it be another college other than one operated by members of the church, he would also confer about that. Please write me at the above address, and I shall pass the information on to this one to write to you."
Dean Bullock, Box 61, Bellaire, Texas, Jan. 24: "Work on our new building has begun. We would like to locate some nice used oak pews, preferably ten feet in length, but will consider any length."
Vaughn D. Shofner, 1506 24th Place, Lubbock, Texas, Jan. 25: "Last Sunday we began our third year with the church at Southside. A man and his wife were baptized and one was identified. Our second year closed with an increase of 50 percent in financial contributions, 43 percent increase in Bible school attendance and 40 percent increase in additions to the church, over the year before."
Thomas Allen Robertson, Box 175, McLean, Texas, Jan. 24: "The work here in McLean continues to progress in an encouraging way. From December 31, 1950 to January 14, 1951, brother Robert A. Bolton was with us in a very enjoyable meeting. The visible results of that meeting was one baptism, one restoration, and two placed membership. I preached at Lefors, Texas, in the absence of brother Bolton while he was with us in the meeting. There were three baptisms and two restorations at Lefors while I was with them for the three Lord's days. Brother Bolton is a fine young preacher. He is positive in his statements, clear in his presentation and easily followed. Brother Glenn A. Parks of Camden, Ark., is to be with us in a meeting in March."