Truman Carney, St. Louis, Mo.: "Foy E. Wallace, Jr., to be in St. Louis, Mo., for a two-week meeting, beginning November 5 to 19. This meeting will be with the Spring and Blaine congregation, located at 3800 Blaine Ave."
A. L. Harbin, 173 De Witt, Napa, Cal., October 19: "The work in Napa is making steady progress. Attendance last Lord's day was exactly 100 percent above the figure of fourteen months ago. In addition to full-time work here during this time, I have preached 443 radio sermons, spoken many times elsewhere (including the baccalaureate sermon at Graton pacific Christian Academy at Graton), and preached through two gospel meetings here in Napa. On a recent vacation in Oklahoma, I had the pleasure of preaching in Dill City, Clinton, Sulphur, and to both congregations in Duncan. It was a real joy to see so many with whom we have lived and labored in years past.
Should like to book meetings for July and August 1951, and locate with some congregation in Texas or Oklahoma about September 1."
M. C. Cuthbertson, 1220 Elden Ave., Los Angeles 6, Cal., November 7: "I was with Northwest Church, Seattle, Wash., during a part of October. One was baptized and one placed membership. We believe that good otherwise was done in this meeting, and that it will help the work in time to come. They resumed work on their new building the day after the close of the meeting. The churches in Seattle, and near, are not large, but have great opportunities before them. The new building and location will mean much to them. C. E. Fritts is the preacher. I spoke in Salem, Oregon, twice and renewed our rich friendships there. Choice Bryant is now working with them, and will do a good work with them, we believe. Herman Campbell looked after the work and preached in my place."
Murray Marshall, Box 83, Melrose, N. M., November 8: "Who would like to swap pulpits with me for December 24-4th Sunday in December? Prefer exchange with someone in North or East or Central Texas. Melrose is near the Texas panhandle, 125 miles northwest of Lubbock, and 125 miles southwest of Amarillo. It is near Clovis and Portales, N. M. If you want to preach here (December 24 only!) please contact me soon. The work here goes fine. We enjoy the association of other fine brethren around, Luther Roberts, Clovis; Grover Ross and Robert Allen, Portales; Jack Freeman, Arch; Osby Weaver, Tucumcari; R. P. Drennan, Ft. Sumner. When you come by, stop over."
Rufus R. Clifford, Old Hickory, Tenn., November 11: "Two have been baptized and two restored recently. Attendance at midweek meetings averaging above 400. Sunday evening Bible school opened last Sunday with 352 present. Enrollment should go over 400 tomorrow."
W. S. Wiley, 503 E. Huisache, Kingsville, Texas: "The Gospel Guardian is one paper I do not lay aside before reading everything it contains. It is good to know that there are thousands of Christians, among them unnumbered preachers, who are set for the defense of the gospel. Eight have been baptized here in recent weeks. One of these in a meeting just closed. Dean Rhodes of Bishop, Texas, did a fine job of preaching the gospel. He is a very congenial fellow-worker in meeting work, and a sound preacher."
A. L. Harbin, 173 De Witt Ave., Napa, Cal., November 3: "Two were baptized here Sunday. Further increase in attendance was apparent at both services. Our contributions are averaging some three dollars per member per Lord's day. The congregation is sound in the faith, and we hope to see great things accomplished in the not distant future."
Frank Trayler, 1406 Clower St., San Antonio, Texas, November 6: "The church meets at 3:00 p.m. on Sundays in Chapel No. 44 at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, with Chaplain Frank Traylor in charge. Chaplain Trayler is stationed in the area surrounding Chapel No. 4."
John H. Gerrard, 4401 W. Broadway, Louisville 11, Ky.,
November 6: "Closed last Thursday night at Lisbon, Ohio. The church building is located at Chestnut and Pritchard Streets. The meeting gained in attendance from the first to last and many attended from congregations in other towns. The presence of other gospel preachers was also a great help. Bro. Marvin Rockhold did a superb job of directing the song service. We are trying to get work started on our new church building here at West End as soon as possible."
Willis G. Jernigan, 424 West Second St., Spur, Texas, November 6: "Two persons (grandparents) baptized here yesterday, another responded to place membership. The new educational building nears completion. Yesterday's offerings $1,291.70."
Warning Of Beggars
This open letter is to warn you of two professional beggars.
On October 18, 1950, a man named Dallas Fred Burleson came to us asking for help. He had an old 4-door green Packard, which he could only drive 20 miles an hour because of rod and bearing trouble. He has a wife which he claimed was sick with pellegra and T.B. He had a dog tied in his car which he uses to beg food, which he later eats himself. He spoke of Jimmy Doolittle and showed me a letter to himself from Doolittle's secretary.
We found that they had received help from the church in Wichita Falls, only thirteen miles away, on Monday or Tuesday before they came here Wednesday, and that they had also received help from the church in Harold before that, despite the fact that Harold is about 20 miles west of here and they were going to Espanola, N. M., to her relatives, so that they could take care of her.
While in Wichita Falls, he was hard of hearing, and Mrs. Burleson did the talking, saying they were going to Chicago, we think. While here, Mrs. Burleson was sick in the back seat of their car, had been in the hospital "night before last" in Wichita Falls, and he did the begging saying they were going to Espanola, N. M.
We made the mistake of making some long distance calls after we helped them. We urge you not to help this couple, and to use your telephone before helping any questionable person financially.
Your brothers in Christ, The Elders
By Don D. Mansur, Preacher Church of Christ Burkburnett, Texas
Forrest D. Moyer, Box 118, Post, Texas, November 6: "Last night I closed a meeting in Iraan, Texas, where R. V. Wood is the efficient preacher. There were fifteen responses during the ten day meeting. This fine church and their good preacher are working in harmony and love for the salvation of souls. Next Sunday, November 12, I begin a meeting in Buhl, Idaho, which will continue thru November 22. The work here moves along well. There has been sixteen responses since last report. A. C. Mcllroy conducted our fall meeting and preached in his usual fine way."
Roy Burgess, Benton Harbor, Mich., November 6: "We had fourteen baptized and five restored in our meeting effort here, which ended Sunday night. Interest was very good throughout. This is considered very successful in these parts. My meeting in Jordan, Ontario, was postponed until January 7, in order to finish the building. Worship with us at 1069 Milton St., when coming through Benton Harbor."
R. V. Wood, Box 340, Iraan, Texas, November 6: "We begin our second year with the church at Iraan with bright prospects for the forward progress of the Lord's work. We just closed one of the best meetings the church has ever had. Forrest Moyer of Post, Texas, preached. There
were two baptized, thirteen restored, and the church greatly strengthened. Brother Moyer is a young man but a fearless proclaimer of the word of the Lord, clean in heart and life, and we predict for him a great future in the preaching of the gospel of Christ."
Joe Neil Clayton, 633, EN 16th, Abilene, Texas, November 7: "I would like for you to enter my name on your subscription list. The Gospel Guardian has attracted a great deal of attention at A.C.C., and is read widely among the preacher students as well as others. I am subscribing for several reasons. One is that the editorial staff is outstanding, and another is that it handles a great deal of vital information that all should be familiar with, even if they do not always agree with it. I am enclosing money order for the amount of subscription. May I wish you much success in your work and may you prosper in the things that are right."
Preston Cotham, Box 229, Childress, Texas: "Yesterday (November 5) was a good day, with three baptisms, and one restoration, and splendid attendance at all services."
An Appeal To Parents
Howard White, Honolulu, Hawaii
Have you received the heart-heavy news that your boy in the armed services is going overseas? Many Christian parents have. We know because some of these faithful boys worship with us in Honolulu, Hawaii, every week. Some call us to say that they are here, but not allowed "leave" to attend worship. We love these faithful men for their courage and devotion in seeking out the church of our Lord. We strive to encourage them all we can. They also are an encouragement to the congregation here.
We wonder how many hundreds more stop over in Hawaii? Even if you write us that they are here, we have no way of getting in contact with them. This is an appeal to YOU, PARENTS, to write your BOY and to remind him that there is a faithful congregation here in Honolulu. The address is 1732 Keeaumoku, which is easily reached by a Punahou-University bus. The telephone is 6-7952. Appeal to him to make every effort possible to be faithful in attendance while here that he may grow spiritually and to help strengthen the cause of our Lord here in the Pacific.