Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 8, 1968


Floyd D. Chappelear — 1101 Dyson - West Columbia, Texas 77486

Earnest A. Finley, 718 Lambuth Lane, Deer Park, Texas, January 8, 1968 (located in southeast Houston metropolitan area): In March 1967, a new congregation began meeting in Deer Park, Texas at Carpenter Elementary School, the greater part of the congregation being made up of former members of the Red Bluff congregation in Pasadena. The beginning of the new work was necessitated by the fact that the Red Bluff church had outgrown its facilities.

I began working with the new congregation, known as College Park Church of Christ, last June, after three years pleasant association with the church at West Columbia.

Property is being bought in central location in what will be the residential section of Deer Park as it continues to grow. We hope to have the property paid for by the end of this year if not before, after which we shall begin construction of our much needed building. Membership presently numbers slightly under a hundred and is made up largely of middle-age or younger couples and their children. There is a great deal of potential in the membership of this congregation.

When you are in the Houston area, worship with us. Sunday worship 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Elvis Bozarth, 3679 West Grand Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60651: I have notified the Grand Avenue church that I will move during the summer at the end of my fourth year. Preachers interested in moving here may write at the above address. The church is at peace and the members are congenial and easy to get along with. My plans are incomplete.

Fred A. Shewmaker, 230 S. Wall St., Wilmington, Ohio 45177: Back in August I began work with the church in Wilmington, Ohio. With our coming the membership became 29. One has been baptized and we are now 30 in number. (Baptism 11/19/67)

Brother Vic McCormick was with us for a gospel meeting 11/27 through 12/3. Attendance was good and the preaching excellent.

If anyone knows of military men who are stationed in our area or who are being transferred to this area we would be glad to contact them if you will send us as much information as you can to help us locate them. Wilmington is located about 35 miles south east of Dayton. We are located only 6 miles south of 1-75. We invite all who are travelling in our area to stop and worship with us. The meeting house is at 186 Kentucky Ave., at "B" St.

New Congregation

A congregation started in Gettysburg, Pa., meeting at 712 South Washington. Herbert and Percy Wilson, whom I knew in Mobile, Ala., are instrumental in beginning this work. They are seeking some help in obtaining a preacher to work with them. We bid them God-speed and hope to visit with them shortly. J.W. Evans Grover Stevens, Louisville, Kentucky: Bro. Richard Priddy is one of the most enthusiastic Christians I have ever known. He and his wife, Sandra, were baptized two weeks ago, and they have been busy as can be telling everyone they see about Christ and His church. Richard agreed to preach on Wednesday night for us, and he did a very good job. He had a very good lesson, well documented with Scripture and very well presented. He spoke on how the doctrines of men oppose God. We will be hearing more from Brother Priddy. (Editors note: Brother Priddy was only a Christian for two weeks when he delivered his first gospel sermon. We would do well to imitate him even as he is imitating Christ.)