"Church Of Christ Float" Wins Sweepstakes In Christmas Parade
The following excerpt is from a front page article appearing in the Dec. 4, 1967, issue of the Ontario Argus Observer, Ontario, Oregon:
Thousands Line Winter Parade Route Saturday
"Braving low temperatures and freezing winds, thousands of persons lined Ontario streets Saturday to watch the eighth annual Christmas parade.
"They were not disappointed. Although the wind had badly damaged some of the 32 floats prior to parade time, most were extremely colorful Children along the route gazed in amazement as Santa Claus, clowns, marching bands, drill teams, and many other surprises drifted by.
"Ontario's Church of Christ won the float sweepstakes with a display of a large star and Bible."....
The article goes on to describe other floats, etc. Accompanying the article on the front page appeared a large picture of the winning float, captioned "Sweepstakes Winner" Underneath the picture appeared the following:
"THE EVERLASTING LIGHT, a religious float constructed by the Ontario Church of Christ, won sweepstakes honors during Saturday's Christmas parade through city streets. A large Bible, not visible in this photo, was draped across the front and the Christmas star appeared in glittering gold." (A-O Photo)
Surprised, brethren? I suppose we really shouldn't be. I have said (along with many others I am sure), that nothing will surprise me any more, but it surely hurts that those who claim to be the Lord's body will behave in such fashion! And most disturbing is the fact that the thousands who watched this parade, and the thousands more who saw the pictures and read the account in the papers (it was also in the Boise, Idaho paper, which has the largest circulation in the state of Idaho), will certainly think that members of the Lord's church believe Dec. 25th is the birthday of Christ and observe it as a religious holiday.
Last year this same congregation also won a prize for their float in the Christmas parade. According to an article in the Dec. 5, 1966, edition of the Ontario Argus Observer, (which someone recently gave me, (again on the front page,) we quote:
"A crowd of about 15,000 turned out in Ontario Saturday to watch the eighth (sic--should be seventh) annual Winter parade, officially opening the Christmas shopping season...
"First place in the organization section was awarded the Church of Christ, for its float of a steeple with church bells and a pair of doves."
This whole unscriptural, sectarian business, brings to mind the words of the apostle Paul to the Galatians, which apply in principle with equal force: "Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain." (Gal. 4:10,11.)