Facts And Folks
Alton Elliott
(By a friend)
Lost to the world and to faithful Christians August 13, 1967, was Rufus Alton Elliott, better known to his friends as simply, Alton Elliott.
The fact of his death has been made known in obituaries printed in the Searching the Scriptures and in Florida College Newsletter. Therefore, let us note the fact of his life instead.
Brother Elliott was best known for his ready smile and his willingness, if not his anxiousness, to "search the scriptures" with all who were interested. Especially was he willing to study with those who were more apt to "wrest" them than search them. For this he will always be remembered.
In his work at Jesup, Georgia, he (along with Pete McKee, the preacher at Waycross, Georgia) was able to teach the truth to a young liberal preacher who had been brought to Jesup to preach for a new faction. Generally, when a preacher is imported to preach for a faction and to "split" the local church such a man is unwilling to honestly consider any difference that might exist among brethren. Brother Elliott manifested such a spirit that the other brother "had" to consider the scriptures on these important matters. As a result, that young preacher is now working with a sound church in Alabama.
The most sincere compliment of all was paid brother Elliott when he was invited to return to a congregation with which he had worked at some time in the past. Few preachers are ever asked to return to a work they have left. Brother and Sister Elliott were making their plans to return to the former work when he departed this life. May he rest in peace.
Preachers Moving About
Don Hastings has moved to Saratoga, Arkansas. He was with the church in Covington, Georgia. H. Scott Owen is now preaching in Covington. Bill Fling, after eight years working with the faithful church in West Anaheim, California, has moved to Huntington Beach, California. Gilbert Copeland is now preaching at West Anaheim. Rufus Meriweather left the state of Florida and is now laboring with the sound brethren in Jesup, Georgia. Bill Miller also left Florida and now lives in Angleton, Texas. Owen McGee followed James Moore in the work at Damon, Texas.
Faithful Brethren Again Meeting
The faithful brethren in Brunswick, Georgia, are again meeting together. They had discontinued services in that city for a time and were driving to Jesup. Rufus Meriweather, the preacher at Jesup, is doing the preaching for these brethren in the afternoon. For further information contact: W.N. Potter, P.O. Box 13, Arco, Brunswick, Ga.