Folks And Facts...
A new congregation has been established in Waco, Texas. The new group meets at 3204 N. 25th Street. Brother Billy Dollar is working as preacher of the congregation. Brother Dollar is in need of additional outside support. If through Waco visit with us.
Roy E. Gulley, 1340 East Ash St., Tulare, Calif. On October 1, I began my third year with the church meeting at 5300 Pioneer Drive in Bakersfield. We are having very good attendance, interest and contribution. Several have placed membership recently. One young mother was restored two weeks ago. Several prospects in regular attendance and we hope to soon see them obey their Lord. I continue to retain my position with the Tulare County Welfare Dept. I am enjoying my association with the fine brethren of the Pioneer Drive congregation. We are finding that our ad in the Guardian helps traveling brethren to find our place of worship.
Larry A. Bunch, Palmetto, Florida: "I have moved to work with the church here in Palmetto in March of 1966. We have enjoyed a pleasant work and had intended to stay longer. However, we are moving this December (during the Christmas holidays) to Lawton, Oklahoma. The conservative church in Lawton is about three years old. There are seven families meeting with an attendance of 20-25. The 1960 census showed a population of 61,697. At present there is only $50.00 monthly that may be available. We are going to move and trust in God to provide the support necessary — I have four children ages 7, 5, 4 and 2. Could you place a notice in the GUARDIAN that the church here in Palmetto is needing a preacher? And also a notice about the work in Oklahoma — have those interested in supporting a preacher in Okla. contact brother Joe Watson, 1535 N. 43, Lawton, Okla., 73501. Area code 405, telephone number EL 7-1404. Those interested in moving to Palmetto should contact one of the elders: Verl Fielding, Arlin Wilsher, C.D. Cannon, Sr.
Help Needed In Tallahasse
Dear Brother Tant:
I have recently been accepted by the brethren at the Westside church, in Tallahassee, Florida, to work with them as their full-time preacher. Unfortunately, these brethren are not able to support me out of their own funds. Therefore, I am writing this letter in an endeavor to raise support. The Tallahassee brethren hope to have me established there by the beginning of the new year.
Brother Hoyt Houchen of Odessa, Texas and Bob Franks of Lafayette, La. will gladly answer any questions about my qualifications, or past experiences in the Lord's work. They will vouch for the fact that I have given much study on the divisive issues, and that I have had my share of experiences in opposing the moves of digressive brethren.
The Westside church in Tallahassee is the only one of three churches of Christ which is not caught up in the present-day digressive movement. They have a membership of 35 and an average attendance of about 60. During my visit with them I was greatly impressed with their zeal to do personal evangelism. In fact, they were more concerned about my attitude toward this than they were about my ability to speak from the pulpit.
We will need $600.00 per month support. We will appreciate whatever you can do to help.
Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours in the Faith, Robert L. Patton
6721 Vicksburg Street New 0rleans, Louisiana 70124