Facts And Folks. . .
Preachers Moving Around
Brother Kenneth Frazier is now laboring with a church in Montgomery, Alabama, after several fruitful years working with the Grant and Summitt Streets church of Christ in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Ellis Webb, after seven years of work with the church in Hamilton, Ohio, is moving to the church at 3361 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio.
Jesse M. Kelley has moved from Altus, Oklahoma, to La Porte, Texas. And Thomas F. Shropshire has moved from Allen, Texas, to work with the congregation in Altus, Oklahoma.
Gospel Meetings
Oliver Murray preached a gospel meeting in Rosenberg, Texas, Nov. 12 to 19, 1967. W.L. Wharton was in a meeting in North Freeport, Texas, Nov. 6 to 12. Brother Garreth L. Clair who is the new preacher at Glendale, Arizona will be conducting a meeting there beginning the 7th of January and continuing through the 14th.
Luther G. Roberts, 3745 Market Street, N.E., Salem, Oregon, October 6. 1967. The church here closed a meeting September 23rd in which Peter J. Wilson of Hillsboro, Oregon did the preaching. There were three baptisms and three confessed sins. Prior to the meeting four had been baptized and some confessed sins during the month of August. During this year so far I have preached in meetings at Hillsboro, Oregon and Orange, California. Beginning November 13TH, I am to be with the church in Hermiston, Oregon.
Fizzled Debate
Wilson Coon was to have debated Voe" Wrape, of Rosenberg, Texas, on the Institutional question. Half of the debate was to have been held in the building in Houston where brother Coon preaches with the remaining half to be conducted in the meetinghouse in Rosenberg where the sound brethren meet. Brother Wrape chose not to "show up" for the discussion. It seems, if the report is 100% accurate, that the elders where brother Wrape preaches would not allow him to defend what they believe to be the truth.
It would have been an interesting debate as brother Wrape signed to defend orphan homes under a board of directors, and those under elders. Wilson Coon and Leon Odom used the time allotted for the debate to good advantage, however.
Bingham -- Highers Debate
W. Eural Bingham of Corinth. Miss. and Alan E. Highers of Memphis, Tenn. are scheduled to meet in a four night discussion of church support of benevolent institutions and the extent of congregational responsibility in benevolence, in the meeting house of the Strickland church of Christ, located just off Highway 72, east of Corinth, Thanksgiving week.
Highers will affirm church support of benevolent institutions on Monday and Tuesday nights. On Thursday and Friday nights, Bingham will affirm that church responsibility in benevolence is limited to saints.
Brother Bingham preaches for the Meeks at Second Street in Corinth, which has made progress since its beginning in 1965. Brother Highers comes endorsed by several churches in Corinth and vicinity.
Brother Ferrell Jenkins of the Brown Street church in Akron and Brother Bill Heinselman of the Westwood congregation in that city will debate the Herald of Truth and Benevolent Organizations December 4 and 5 and 7 and 8. They will be debating the same subjects discussed by A.C. Crider and W.L. Totty in a November debate in Kentucky.
Preacher Wanted
The church in Susanville, California, will be in need of a gospel preacher after December 1. Some outside support will be needed, although Susanville will be able to supply partial support. Any brethren who are interested may write to the Susanville Church of Christ, Box 283, Susanville, California 96130."
Bill Cavender
"Brother Bill Cavender, who is associated with the Imhoff Avenue Church in Port Arthur and who was unfortunately stricken with a serious heart attack while vacationing in Colorado the last week in July, is now able to attend all the services of the Imhoff Church and to resume some of his duties. He left the hospital in Del Norte, Colorado, on August 22 and was returned to Port Arthur on August 25. A month and a half later he taught a Bible class; and late in October the bulletin he edits "Messenger of Truth" was back in the mails. We are all thankful that his life was spared and glad to know that he has regained this measure of health." -Bill Crews.
New Address
Frank Jamerson, 913 E. 17th Avenue, Cordele, Georgia 31015: "Please note my new address. Although plans do not call for us to be mailing out a bulletin in Cordele, I would like very much to remain on your mailing list. I terminated my work with the Wendell Avenue church in Louisville, Kentucky, the last of October."
New Church In Rome, Georgia
J.D. Tant, 4011 Phylis Place, Decatur, Georgia: "A faithful church is now meeting in Rome, Georgia, having held their first service on October 1. It meets in the Maple Community Center. Bible study is at 2:00 p.m., and the assembly and worship is at 3:00. Anyone desiring more information there may call Don Holms, whose telephone number is 235-0803....Gary Ogden has now moved to Lawrenceville, Georgia, to work with the congregation there. One was baptized there recently.... If any of our readers know of any Christians in or near Athens who are interested in standing firmly for the truth, please ask them to contact David Edwin Harrell, Rt. 3, Box 301B, Athens, Georgia, 30601. He teaches in the University of Georgia, and has only recently moved to the state from Oklahoma.
Harris Dark
Sewell Hall, Athens, Alabama: "I was with Brother Harris Dark late last month. He is making very encouraging improvement. Brethren who hear him preach fairly regularly tell me they can notice marked improvement even from one week to the next. Prospects for recovery seem better all along."
Leslie Diestelkamp, P.O. Box 498, Yaba, Nigeria, October 17, 1967. We are now hopeful that the Nigerian civil war will soon end. My wife and I plan to return to America in 1968. The date of that return is not yet determined nor is the place in which we will locate there decided. I must go where I am really needed. But as we anticipate the return of peace to Nigeria, and the abundantly fruitful work that will follow, we hope some mature preacher is already preparing to come here in 1968. Since brother James Gay and I may both leave Nigeria in 1968, it is very important that someone come to work with brother Wayne Payne whom we expect to arrive here soon. Two years here can be the busiest and most fruitful of your life as you preach to the lost, teach the saved and train the native preachers for service to Christ.
I am happy to announce that the church of the Lord is now meeting aboard the USS IWO JIMA (LPH-2). If any readers have friends or relatives aboard this ship they would like me to contact, I will be very happy to do so. Please contact me at the following address:
Lt. Vernon R. Butler
Uss Iwo Jima (Lph-1)
% Fpo San Francisco, Calif. 96601
Athens, Alabama, To Support Binkley In Australia
"At services on Sunday morning, October 15th, Brother Binkley announced that the elders have offered Eastside's support for their proposed work in Australia. Brother Binkley's gratitude was apparent and the comments we have heard indicate the enthusiasm of the congregation.
Australia is a country of great opportunity. The churches are very weak numerically and widely scattered. Work will be slow but every step forward will have far reaching influence for good. We rejoice that a man so well qualified is willing to go and that Eastside is able and willing to give him his full support. His five years of outstanding work Eastside will make this fellowship in the gospel especially meaningful.
Each of us should be constantly mindful of the Lord's work as we adjust our financial affairs from time to time. As we receive a raise in pay, a bonus, or other extra income, we should not forget the Lord. As debts are retired or our load lightens, we should consider an increase in our contribution.
Just a little extra from each of us as we are able can greatly increase the amount of work that can be done. May God bless our fellowship together to His glory." Sewell Hall
Albion, Michigan Needs Help
Dear Brethren in Christ:
I am writing about a need of the church of Christ, P.O. Box 85, Albion, Michigan. The preacher is Ercel Ray Warren who has been with them since September 1, 1966. I have been privileged to be close with these brethren from the time the work began in April, 1966.
These brethren have been hindered from the start by inadequate meeting places. The VFW Hall where they started was sold and converted to a factory. The American Legion Hall then was torn down. They have been meeting in Brother Warren's home until recently when this house was sold and he could find a house only in the country six miles from town.
They now have the opportunity to buy a Free Methodist meeting house that seats 175, and has full basement of classrooms, rest rooms, and office space that will meet the needs of these brethren indefinitely. The price is $10,000. They can buy it with $1000.00 down and the balance in monthly payments. They can meet the monthly payments but they cannot supply the down payment.
This is why I am appealing to you. I believe that it is both scriptural and possible for brethren individually to raise this money. Time is important here for the Methodists will not hold the property long. In all fairness I should point out that it has been for sale for 18 months and they have reduced the price from $14,500.00. Yet at the present price a small factory is likely to grab it up.
I suggest two ways of getting the individual money to these brethren:
1. Obviously, one way would be for those who know of the need to send their money directly to the name and address above.
2. Second, make a public announcement before the church of this need, designate some brother to receive and send on the money as a convenience to others. In any event, the Albion brethren want to know the name and address of each giver and the amount, so they can acknowledge each contribution.
The church in Albion is small, about 10-15 in attendance, and a monthly contribution of $75. to $100.00 There are four men, including Brother Warren. Public meeting places are unavailable and this need is urgent.
In addition to this, since the Albion church must now pay rent somewhere (private house or this building) they can no longer supply the $70.00 monthly support to Brother Warren. Some church needs to take this up plus give him a raise of about $30.00 monthly. Inflation has hit the preachers just as it has everyone else. Without a raise in pay periodically, the preacher actually comes to earn less because he can buy less.
Thank you in advance for your response to this plea.
Brotherly in Christ Elvis E. Bozarth
3679 W. Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60651