Have you ever seen a person who had a useless limb? A limb maybe an arm, that has had its usefulness destroyed by birth defect, disease or accident? True, the arm is still a part of the body, a member of the living organism, but it is only present - nothing more. It contributes nothing to the wellbeing of the body, but is rather a parasite, a hindrance, a detriment.
Have you ever known a student who always came to class and was always able to answer the roll call truthfully with a "here?" But that's all the student could say. He never got his assignments for class; he never participated in class activities; he never contributed to the good of the class. He was just present.
We might also speculate about a salesman who regularly attends all the sales meetings and training sessions. He might even sit attentively listening to all the talks and suggestions, maybe taking notes. You might be impressed with the man and remark to the sales manager, "My, that fellow certainly seems to be attentive." "Oh, yes," replies the manager," "He's very faithful." You then ask, "How many sales has he made?" "Oh, he hasn't made any sales," is the reply, "But he's very faithful to come to meetings."
We've got an apple tree in our back yard. Has all sorts of limbs sticking out all over it. But it seems some of the branches are not bearing fruit. Oh, I can't deny that they are a part of the tree, but what part? Why, the part that's going to be pruned, naturally.
Silly, isn't it? But not very silly when you make the application. Then it becomes tragic.
How many members of the church do you know that are considered to be "faithful," just because they are there every time the doors are open? They may even participate in the services by leading prayer, waiting on the table, singing, etc., BUT DO THEY REALLY DO ANYTHING?
How many souls have they won to Christ? How much work have they done to spread the borders of the kingdom of God? How much effort have they put forth to make a significant contribution towards the edification of the local congregation of which they are members? Wellll, Naaaoow, none to speak of, but they're always at church when the doors are open!
Yep! The church, the body of Christ, with a useless member that is a parasite, a hindrance, a detriment. A student that's just "here." A salesman that never makes a sale. A branch that bears no fruit. But WATCH OUT! The Lord said he would come and cut off that unfruitful branch.
Say! We're not talking about you, are we?
-2394 Wesley Chapel Rd., Decatur, Ga.