Clarifying The Issues
That there is controversy among brethren in Christ today is something of which all are aware. That there is misunderstanding, confusion, and strife among professed followers of Christ no one will deny. It is sad but true.
No doubt a part of this problem exists because some no longer believe we should hold to a "thus saith the Lord" in what we believe, teach, and practice; in other words, "We don't have to have Bible authority for everything we do." But I am firmly convinced that much of the misunderstanding and confusion exists because brethren do not know the real issues the things that are opposed and not opposed; many who do know can't state the issues clearly.
Of course, I am aware that all could know; but many do not. Some may not know because they have little interest or little knowledge and try to pass it off as a preacher fuss, even at this late date. Others may not know because they have been misinformed. Still others do not know because they are new converts and are facing the problems for the first time. Our primary purpose in this study is to help this group. Some do not know because they are so prejudiced they refuse to hear anything contrary to what they have decided is right, even though they know they have not really examined all phases of the controversy, it is difficult to get brethren to separate the real scriptural issues from all of the matters of preference, opinion, judgment, and prejudice, that are ordinarily aroused. It is tragic indeed when people lose sight of the basic and fundamental issues involved in any problem that faces us. For when such is done, heartache and division are inevitable and it results in the loss of souls. All of this points up the need for clarification and explanation of the issues involved in the present controversy. The need is still pressing even though it has been done many times in the past. This is the purpose of this study. A purpose which we hope to accomplish by focusing attention upon the real issues facing us and not upon some side issue. Until one understands the issues he is in no position to fight the battle that rages.
Proper clarification requires both a negative and a positive approach showing what the issues are not and what they are. First, the issues are not what some think they are; or would have you think they are. Many false issues have been raised which only throw up a "smoke screen." Pious acting and hypocritically humble preachers are good at this sort of thing. (II Cor. 11:13-15; 2:17) The "nicer" and more subtle they are the more dangerous they can be. Just remember this: The "nicest" false teacher in the world is still a false teacher! (I Jno. 4:1; Rom. 16: 17; 16:18; Gal. 1:6-9; II Jno. 9-11) Satan and his ministers are wolves in sheep's clothing who often appear to be "angels of light" and "ministers of righteousness." Don't be deceived by their "thin-candy-coated-shell." If one of them asks you: "Why do you attend at 1212 West 6th? Don't you think we are right?", follow the Lord's example (Mt. 21: 23-27) and ask him a question in return. Right in what? Get him to clarify this question. Force him to be specific.
In the problem over the Herald of Truth in particular and the Sponsoring Church in general the issue is NOT over whether it is right to preach the gospel on radio and television. No one known to me believes to the contrary. The issue is NOT over how far such radio and television preaching reaches. It is not wrong just because it is big. The issue is NOT over preachers or preacher jealousy. Preacher approval or disapproval does not settle one single truth. Jealousy among preachers (no matter to what extent it may or may not exist) has no bearing on the real issue at hand; even though we still have some who claim the preachers who are fighting it are just jealous. The issue is NOT over the right of churches to cooperate. Personally, I know of no one who believes congregational cooperation is wrong. Such is not wrong and is not now, nor has it ever been the issue. Yet, it is often said of some preacher or some congregation that he or they do not believe in cooperation; they are anti-cooperation.
We are so accused because we insist upon scriptural congregational cooperation - independent, concurrent action. Some ignorantly assert such is not cooperation. We might illustrate the foolishness of this by the example of a friend's car stuck in the mud and several men pushing him out using the sponsoring method (which they say is cooperation) and or the independent, concurrent method (which they say is not cooperation.) According to their theory, one man would have to push on the car and the rest would have to push on him.
Furthermore, the issue is NOT over means or methods. In spite of the efforts of some in their confusing claims, this is not now, nor has it ever been the issue. It is not a fuss over "HOW" to do it. For no matter WHO does it, some means or methods must be used. If the means or methods used are legally and morally right, no one opposes them as scripturally wrong. Neither is the issue over the work that is being done, as long as it is either evangelism, or benevolence, or edification; all three are authorized as works of a local church.
In the problem over the Herald of Truth in particular and the Sponsoring Church in general the issue IS over the right of one eldership (or church) to oversee the funds of many churches in the discharge of that which is the responsibility of all, or a work to which all are equally related. In the Herald of Truth, the Highland elders have truly become brotherhood elders; they have become a "board" for brotherhood operations. They and all others working through them have involved themselves in an unscriptural arrangement of churches for the purpose of cooperation in preaching the gospel to the lost. The Herald of Truth involves an unscriptural federation of churches which perverts the function of the Highland elders and destroys the equality of local churches.
The issue IS over scriptural authority for one church sending to another church for any purpose unless the receiving church is in need an object of charity. All Bible examples show that the receiving church was always an object of charity. There is not one single exception. None of the present-day sponsoring churches meets the qualifications to be a receiving church. The issue IS over Bible authority for one church either sending funds to or receiving funds from another church in the field of evangelism. It was not done in New Testament days. It is not authorized in the New Testament scriptures. If so, where???
The issue IS over Divine authority for one church to become the agency through which another church seeks to discharge any part of its responsibility in any field of endeavor. Where is the Bible authority for it? I repeat, Where?? There is Bible authority for one church sending to another or to the members of another when a state of want exists among them; but there is no Bible authority for one church sending through another, thus making one church the agency for another.
The issue IS over the Divine right of one eldership to function as overseers or as a board of directors for many churches in any work, whether it be evangelism, benevolence, or edification. Elders in their oversight and function as elders are restricted to the members, the work, and the resources of the church over which they are elders. (Acts 20:28; I Pet. 5:1-4) The Herald of Truth in particular and the Sponsoring Church in general ignores and violates restriction. Such a system extends the authority of elders beyond Divine limitations and centralizes financial power, oversight, planning, and control contrary to divine authority.
The issue IS over the destruction of the equality of churches and the violation of their autonomy when the "sponsoring," or "promoting" or "receiving" church assumes control and direction of a work to which others only send their money as "contributing churches." World Radio is an example of what I am talking about. The elders of the White's Ferry Road church of Christ, West Monroe, Louisiana, sponsor, oversee, and direct a work called World Radio. From "World Radio News" (their publication) comes this statement: "We do not look upon World Radio as simply 'OUR WORK', but rather the work of all Christians..." Where is the scripture that allows the elders of a local church to oversee and direct a centralized cooperation that is the "work of all Christians"?
Brotherhood projects and promotions such as the sponsoring church type (which includes the Herald of Truth and World Radio), if authorized at all (which they are not), are authorized for all churches; and are not the right of just a few churches.
The sponsoring church system (of which the Herald of Truth is a part) involves the Lord's people in a begging campaign which ought to cause all of them to hang their heads in shame; but they have no shame! They can't even blush anymore!