News & Notes
W. C. Sawyer will assist the Shively church, Louisville, Kentucky, in a gospel effort, April 30-May 7.
The Gardiner Lane church, Louisville, Kentucky, will conduct a gospel meeting May 7-14 with Yater Tant doing the preaching. Grover Stevens is the local preacher.
Frank Jamerson will be with the church in Round Hill, Kentucky, May 7-13 in a series of gospel meetings.
Billy Moore of Butler, Mo., will be with the church in Warrenton, Mo., in a gospel meeting, May 8-14.
Dale Smelser, evangelist for the Lewis Ave. church in Zion, Ill., announces a meeting for April 30-May 5 with Luther Blackmon doing the preaching.
Lowell Williams will be with the church in Portage, Indiana, in a series of gospel meetings April 30-May 7.
The spring meeting in Hammond, Indiana, will be May 14-21 with Johnny Edwards doing the preaching.
A Teacher Training School will be conducted at the church building, 3679 W. Grand Ave. , Chicago, Ill., April 24-28. Services each evening at 7:30. Following are a list of teachers and subjects:
April 24, 7:30... "Is The Class Arrangement "Scriptural?"... Charles Boshart.
April 24, 8:15... "May Women Be Teachers ?" Rolland Fritz.
April 25, 7:30... "Qualifications for Bible Teachers" ...Ray Warren.
April 25, 8: 15..."Teaching Children".. Gaylon Dalton April 26, 7:30... "Discipline in the Classroom"... Billy Boyd.
April 26, 8:15.... "Teaching Adolescents".... Karl Diestlekamp.
April 27, 7:30.... "What Shall We Teach".... James Sasser.
April 27, 8:15... "Teaching Adults"... L. A. Stauffer April 28, 7:30... "Use of Audio-Visual Aids"... Ben Puterbaugh.
April 28, 8:15. "Home Study Bible Classes"... Cecil Belcher.
An open Forum period for preachers and others will be held each day 2-4 pm with different brethren presiding. Outlines of these speeches will be printed and copies will be mailed to anyone sending a self-addressed, stamped (15) envelope.
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W. L. Wharton will be with the church in Stone Park, Ill., in a gospel effort May 17-21; the Grand Ave. church, Chicago, Ill., May 22-28; and the church in Albion, Michigan, May 29-June 4.
Sewell Hall will assist the Ensley church, Birmingham, Alabama, in a gospel effort April 23-28:
Paul Johnson will be with the Huffman church, Birmingham, Alabama, May 1-7.
The Mt. Olive church, Birmingham, Alabama, will be engaged in a gospel effort, May 21-28, with Curtis Flatt doing the preaching.
Two were recently baptized into Christ at Pisgah, Ohio... On March 26th one was baptized at Pleasant Run church, Lancaster, Texas... On March 29th one was baptized at Southside, Pasadena, Texas... One was recently baptized at Clovis, Calif. One was baptized recently at Sciotoville, Ohio... On March 5th one was added to the Lord at Pine Hills, Orlando, Florida... On March 5th one was baptized into Christ at Gardiner Lane, Louisville, Kentucky...On March 8th one was baptized at Hobart, Indiana...During a recent meeting at Haynesville, La., there were two baptisms... Three have been added to the Lord in recent weeks at the College Road church, Lafayette, La... One has recently been baptized at the Expressway church, Louisville, Kentucky... On March 19th one was baptized at the Riverside Drive church, Nashville, Tenn... One has been baptized recently at Hazelwood, Mo... Two were baptized recently at Moundsville, West Virginia...Since January one has been baptized at Haynes Street church, Dayton, Ohio ... On March 12th one was baptized into Christ at Crawfordsville, Indiana... One was recently baptized at Tenth and Francis, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
An Urgent Appeal
Tom Bunting, 2410 S.W.14th Street, Miami, Florida 33145: "First, a sincere thanks to all who have shown an interest in the work in Norway. Even though some could not help at this time I appreciate the letters received. It is apparent that we shall not be able to store our furniture without considerable cost. Therefore, we are now in the process of selling our furniture. Then by the second week of May we should have all of the things we plan to ship to Norway packed and on their way. That is only five weeks away and obviously a very short period of time. Our estimated travel expenses for the round trip is from $3000-$3500. I shall need at least $600 per month support. So far in the travel fund we have $785 and our promised support is $275 per month. We urge you to contact us if you can help us in a material way. We covet the prayers of the brethren in this endeavor.
Preachers Move
Harley Amick, Box 187, Spur, Texas 79370: "I moved to Spur, Texas, on March 1st to work with the Hill Street church. We are to have a meeting May 29-June 4 with Robert McDonald of Baytown, Texas, as the speaker.
New Church
Marshall Stubblefield, 4712 Arbor Drive, Apt. 12, ---' 'ling Meadows, Ill.(sic) "We started meeting in a school building (1020 Sayles Rd.) Palestine, Ill., on the 1st day of January with 17 present and last Lord's day had 37 present. We were very much encouraged with our growth. We believe in using the Bible as our only guide in establishing the Lord's church and extend a welcome to worship with us to anyone who is in our area. If you know of anyone living in the Northwest side of Chicago please send their names to us so we may be able to contact them."
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J. V. Starling, 226 Center St., Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455: "Several months ago a small group of brethren began meeting in a rented store building in Pocahontas, Ark. With the assistance of many faithful preachers and several churches we now have an attendance of about 50. This congregation is endeavoring to stand for the simple truth of God, free from the current liberalism so prevalent in most areas. The meeting place is on State Highway 90, just beyond the High School, in Pocahontas. Anytime brethren are traveling through this area they will find a most cordial welcome at all services."
Preacher Needed
Do you know of a young preacher who might consider working with a small group in Purcell, Oklahoma? We have about 25-30 sound brethren and the promise from the 10th and Francis church of support if suitable man is found. Contact David Edwin Harrell, Jr., University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
Thomas F. Shropshire, 1613 Francis Lane, Plano, Texas: "The church in Allen, Texas, supported me in a meeting in Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 28-March 5. The church I assisted is composed of a few brethren, who, because of the questions they raised with reference to entertainment in the church and things which were being supported from the church treasury, were compelled to leave the church where these things were being practiced and worship where they could serve God according to his word. This church is few in number but great in devotion to God and love for the truth. They meet in the basement of the home of brother R. C. Richardson. By separating themselves, they acquired the animosity of the above mentioned church as well as its opposition to the work which they undertake to do. But in spite of this, they stand firm in their determination to remain loyal to the truth of God's word. What a contrast there is between them and so many who have no concept of the church other than to find one that is made to order and who complain if everything is not to their liking, comfort, and convenience.
We spent our time in teaching and encouraging the members and the few others who came, in understanding what the Bible teaches about the church and its operation. We believe a great deal of good was accomplished. I am to conduct a meeting in El Dorado, Kansas, March 27-April 2."
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Tom Roberts, Box 566, Sherman, Texas; "The Westwood church of Christ, 314 No. Tolbert, Sherman, Texas, will have a gospel meeting April 3-9 with David Tant of Decatur, Georgia, doing the preaching. On the final day of the meeting at 2:30 we will have a singing.
A new congregation had its beginning in McKinney, Texas, on March 12. They will be meeting in a rented building until such time as they can purchase or build a permanent building in which to meet. If you have relatives in or near McKinney, contact Mr. Weldon Scott, Box 352, McKinney, Texas. A number of families from the Denison area have taken their stand for the truth and are now meeting with the Westwood church. The truth is once again being heard in the North Central Texas area which has been previously swept into digression. The gospel is being preached over radio in this area over KDSX, 950 on the dial at 8:15 each Sunday morning."
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Donald M. Jones, 688 Crescent, Santa Maria, California 93454: "The church which meets at 113 West McElhany, Santa Maria, California, recently completed a meeting with Bert Wilson doing the preaching. Nine were baptized and two were restored to the faith. The church in this area has been blessed. We are witnessing exceptional growth."