Along The Border
This is to report that Filiberto Jimenez, P. O. Box 47, Lukeville, Arizona 85341, faithful Gospel preacher, is in need of immediate support. Brother Jimenez preaches at Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico, along the far western U.S. - Mexico border, where Fidel Cisneros formerly preached.
Prior to Filberto's contact with Anders Butierrez, who is the faithful preacher at Mexicali B. C. Mexico, and who is supported by the faithful California churches at Brawley and Montebello, plus the faithful church at New Hope, Tennessee. Filiberto Jimenez preached for the Assembly of God denomination throughout Mexico. He was educated in their denominational seminary. He was once offered the "entire" country of Guatemala, for this denomination, but refused. After quite a bit of study with the faithful church at Mexicali, and also some studies with the faithful church at San Luis R. C. Sonora, Mexico, he obeyed the Gospel on December 28, 1964. He was baptized at the 5th Ave. church building in Yuma, Arizona by Andres Gutierrez. At a later date, his wife was also baptized.
In June 1965, he and his family moved to Tijuana B. C. Mexico, a city of 250,000 (just south of San Siego, California), where there was no faithful church, but where there were five liberal churches. The Charles House family went to Tijuana and helped them for about four or five months with the preaching and teaching. During this time, two of Filiberto's teen aged children obeyed the Gospel, and one other North American identified there. The 50th & University church in San Diego helped with some of his support for several months at that time.
The schools in Tijuana were very crowded, and would not accept more children. His wife became discouraged and prevailed on him to return to Mexicali from whence they had come, so that the children could attend school. From November 1965 until March 1967, they were members at Mexicali.
March 12, 1967, Brother Jimenez took over the responsibilities of an evangelist at Sonoyta, Sonora Mexico. His family consists of his wife Lupe, and eight children. Between March 12th and April 30, 1967, he has received a total of $65 support. He tries to make a living selling patent medicines in the town where he lives there in Mexico, but it is practically impossible.
He is standing for the truth, and will not accept support from liberal churches whatsoever. This man is worthy, and is in immediate need of $200.00 per month regular support. Please contact him direct: Filiberto Jimenez, P. O. Box 47, Lukeville, Arizona 85341.