Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 10, 1966
NUMBER 27, PAGE 11b-12

News & Notes

Clyde O. Moore - 2706 Paul Avenue - Lufkin, Texas 75901


On the dates of Nov.14-19 a series of meetings are planned by the church in Venice, California. Below are a list of the speakers and their subjects:

Nov. 14-"Evidence of Bible Inspiration"- Osby Weaver Nov.15-"The Apostolic Office"- Homer Walker

Nov. 16-"The Personal Ministry of Jesus"-George Garrison Nov. 17-"The Priesthood of Christ"-Bob McCurdy

Nov. 18-''The Holy Spirit" - Roy Cogdill Nov. 19-"Is God Dead?"-Joe Neil Clayton

W. C. Moseley is the local preacher.

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Bill Lambert of Greenscatle, Indiana, will assist the church in Flint, Michigan, in a series of gospel meetings, Nov. 6-13, where Carroll Bates is the local preacher.

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The Gardiner Lane church in Louisville, Kentucky, will conduct a meeting Nov. 10-20 with Doyle Banta doing the preaching. Grover Stevens is the local preacher.

The Manslick Road church in Louisville, Kentucky, will be engaged in a gospel meeting, Nov. 9-16, with Bob Crawley doing the preaching. J. F. Dancer is the local preacher.

Bob Crawley will do the preaching in a gospel meeting at Glasgow, Kentucky, Nov.9-16.

New Churches

It will be of interest to brethren to know that a church is now meeting at 179 High St. in Edwardsville, Ill. Brother Fay Starr and his family are responsible for getting this work started. Brother Starr is a preacher of much experience and is to be commended for providing his own living and working to plant the Lord's cause in needy places. Services at Edwardsville are as follows: Bible Study-9:45 AM; Worship-10:00 AM and 6:00 PM; Wednesday service-7:30 PM. To reach Edwardsville go east On Interstate 270, turning north on Highway 157. To reach the meeting place, turn right off 157 on High Street near the police station.

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A faithful congregation will be starting in Glasgow with a gospel meeting October 9th at 2:30 PM with brother Bob Crawley of Lexington doing the preaching. Services each night at 7-00. This congregation will be meeting at 742 East Main Street (Grinstead Shopping Center). After the meeting they will continue to meet at this same location each Lord's day.


A debate will be conducted in Oklahoma City, Nov. 7-12 between J. T. Smith, Christian, and a Mr. Christian, who is a Baptist. Following are the propositions.

Nov.7-8 - "The Establishment of the Church." Nov. 9-10-"Whether or not baptism is essential to salvation."

Nov.11-12-"The question of whether or not one who is born again child of God may so sin as to be eternally lost."

The debate will be conducted in North Rockwell church building, located 920 North Rockwell Street.

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A debate will be conducted in Odessa, Texas, Nov. 7-8, 10-11, between Jesse G. Jenkins and J. Ervin Waters. The debate will be conducted at the Crescent Park building, located 1415 Royalty. Time of the services are 7130 each evening. Following are the propositions:

#1-"The Scriptures teach that an assembly of the church of Christ for the communion should use one cup drinking vessel in the distribution of the fruit of the vine.

Waters Affirms

#2-"When a local church assembles for the communion, it is scriptural to use individual cups (drinking vessels) in the distribution of the fruit of the vine."

Jenkins Affirms

#3 -"It is scriptural for a congregation to teach the Bible in systematically arranged classes, with women teaching in some of these classes."

Jenkins Affirms

#4-"The scriptures teach that when people come together to be taught by the church they should remain in an undivided assembly and be taught by men only, speaking one at a time.

Waters Affirms

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Howard See, evangelist of the Duke Street church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee will meet Mr. Eddie Garrett of the Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Middletown, Ohio in a public discussion on November 7,8,10, and 11. The debate will be conducted in the building where the Lord's church meets in Franklin, Ohio. The subject the first two evenings will be "conditional or unconditional salvation". The last two nights the "possibility of apostasy" will be discussed.

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Brother Charles Holt will meet Vernon Barr in a religious discussion, Nov.28-29, Dec.1-2. The debate will be conducted in Lufkin, Texas. The subject of Apostasy will be discussed all four nights. More on this discussion later.

Need Preacher

The church in Cash, Arkansas, will be in need of a full-time evangelist beginning the first of the year. The church is self-supporting. The attendance averages in the 170's. A house is also furnished the preacher. If interested write or call collect: J. A. Cullison, Cash, Arkansas 72421, Phone GR 7-5407 or Carl Hollis, Cash, Ark. , Phone GR 7-5452