News — Facts &folks
On August 21st one was baptized into Christ at Covington, Kentucky.
One was baptized August 21st at the church in Eugene, Oregon.
One was baptized recently at the church in Clute, Texas.
On August 10th one was immersed into Christ at the Vivion Road church, Kansas City, Mo.
On September 14th one was added unto the Lord at Vidor, Texas, during their meeting.
One was baptized recently at the Southside church, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Following a home study course, two were baptized at the Southside church Pasadena, Texas.
During the meeting recently conducted at the Downtown church, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., there were two baptisms.
One was baptized recently at Palmetto, Florida. On August 21st one was baptized at the Arch Street church, Little Rock, Ark.
Three were baptized the last Sunday in August at the Gardiner Lane church, Louisville, Kentucky. Two were recently baptized at Cookville, Tenn. On August 21st one was baptized at the Thayer Street church, Akron, Ohio.
One was recently baptized into Christ at Huffman church, Birmingham, Alabama.
In recent weeks four have been baptized at the Caprock church, Lubbock, Texas.
Five were recently baptized at Leitchfield, Kentucky.
During July two were baptized at Highland Ave. in San Antonio, Texas. In recent weeks three more have been added unto the Lord.
Herbert Frazer, 1900 W. Elizabeth, Fort Collins, Colo. 80621: "On August 7 a new congregation began in Fort Collins, Colorado. This work has been established in response to a serious and pressing need in the area.
Only a very few churches in the state can be rightly reckoned as faithful. Most have been or are currently being led into liberalism. For several years I witnessed as church after church ignored warning and became proponents of institutionalism and centralization. I have also seen the "ultra-liberalism" as espoused by such men as Robert Meyers, Carl Ketcherside, et al., with the plea for fellowship despite basic differences, more and more advocated. Fort Collins has been affected by this movement to a very marked degree. Conditions have so worsened that a number, after earnest efforts to check the tide of apostasy within the congregation, determined to begin a new congregation fully devoted to the Truth. Such new work was undertaken only after sober appraisal convinced them that this was clearly called for.
The city of Fort Collins has a population of between 35,000 and 40,000 permanent residents. In addition, Colorado State University is located here, with a student body of 12,700.
The new congregation, to be known as the Foothills church, began with 17 members. Property has been purchased, which is serving as temporary meeting place as well as residence for the preacher. The location is 1900 W. Elizabeth.
I began working with this church at its beginning. We have been greatly encouraged during these few weeks. We feel that brighter days are ahead for the Lord's cause in the area. Should the reader know of those here to whom we might be of assistance, we would be happy to hear about them."
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Donald R. Givens, Novato, California: "We have had three baptisms in recent weeks in Novato. If you are being transferred or have friends at Hamilton A. F. B. , please contact us. The church meets at 807 Grant Ave. Our next gospel meeting will be November 2-9, with Ted Beever preaching."