God's Work In God's Way
Highway signs, on all approaches to Burnet advertize the Rhomberg and Washington Streets church with a simple slogan: "GOD'S WORK IN GOD'S WAY." It is our way of saying that we want to do only that for which there is divine authority; and when God specifies, we wish to obey specifically.
The Need For Such A Declaration
By popular misconception many seem to think the church may do or support "any good work." Banqueting, fishing camps, gymnasiums for physical culture, hospitals, and now secular colleges, are given church support. The work of the church is thus perverted and her treasury misappropriated.
Nor does the end justify the means, (Rom. 3:8) When God specifies the organizational structure by which He wishes saints to function collectively, we are not at liberty to substitute a plan of our own. Inter-congregational committees and the "brotherhood" working through "super"(?) sponsoring church elders are clear violations of God's independent church arrangement.
God's Work
This refers to things that are assigned by God. Jesus came to "work" (verb meaning to perform) "the works of God" (noun meaning the tasks that God assigned). (Jn. 9:4) Christians are to "abound" "labor" (verb) in the "work" of the Lord. (noun, the task which the Lord assigned) (I Cor. 15:58) The work of the organized church is assigned in the N.T.; it is not just anything we decide is "good" and do. Her work, like her worship, will be collective work, not individual work. (Would we bring into the worship "any good thing the individual can do"??) In God's Way
God said "Go" but DIDN'T SAY HOW to travel. We have no desire to force our opinions about methods of locomotion, teaching or caring for children upon anyone.
But God DID SAY HOW to organize!! The independent congregations, each with her own elders, ruling their own flock — this is God's plan for the collective action of saints. (I Cor. 16:3; Acts 14:23; I Pet 5:2-3) Alms were sent to dependent churches to help them meet their own needs; but there is neither precept, example nor necessary inference of independent church receiving funds and acting on behalf of other churches.
_GOD'S WORK IN GOD'S WAY is a cry of faith. Let us he faithful!
1608 Sherrard Burnet, Texas