Clippings. Comments. News
New Creatures
During the week of Nov. 8th a gospel meeting was conducted at the N. Miami Ave. church, Miami, Florida. Bobby K. Thompson is the local preacher. Three were baptized, one of whom was a Roman Catholic. Leo Rogol of Hopewell, Virginia, did the preaching.
Nine were baptized during the week of Nov. 11th at the Southern Blvd., and Jackson Highway, Sheffield, Alabama. Guy P. McDaniel is the local preacher.
On Nov. 5th one was baptized at Grand Ave., Chicago, Ill., where Elvis Bozarth preaches.
Three have been baptized recently at the Crescent Park church, Odessa, Texas, where W. E. (Bud) Irvine is the preacher.
Derrel Shaw, preacher for the 6th and Meredith church, Dumas, Texas, reports a baptism for Sunday Nov. 15th.
L. L. Applegate of Vernon, Florida, baptized one Nov. 15th.
On Nov. 7th two were baptized at the Downtown church, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., according to Hershel Patton, the local preacher.
Frank L. Smith, preacher for the Huffman Ave. church Birmingham, Ala., reports three baptisms on Sunday Nov. 15th.
On Sunday Nov. 22nd one was baptized at the Herty church, Lufkin, Texas, where the editor of this page is the local preacher. I am in my 11th year with this good church.
During a meeting with the Southside church in Greenville, Texas, one was baptized.
One was baptized Nov. 15th at the Herty church, Lufkin, Texas.
Three were baptized during a recent meeting of the Rivera St. church, El Paso, Texas.
One was baptized at Liberty Road, Lexington, Kentucky, the first part of November.
On Nov. 8th one was baptized at the church in Wichita, Kansas.
Three were baptized at Wylie Heights, Abilene, Texas during October.
The first Sunday in November three were baptized at Riverside Drive, Nashville, Tennessee.
During a recent meeting at the Seminole church, Tampa, Florida, one was baptized. Two were baptized the first week in November at Rogers, Arkansas.
On Nov. 1st one was baptized at Park Blvd., Louisville, Kentucky.
Five were baptized the first Sunday in November at Valley Station, Kentucky.
One has recently been baptized at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo.
Two were baptized the first part of November at the church in Blytheville, Ark.
During an October meeting at the church in Frankfort, Kentucky, one was baptized.
During the meeting at Sinton, Texas, one was baptized.
Two were baptized recently at Hultman, Birmingham, Alabama.
One has been baptized at Eastland, Louisville, Ky. in the last few months.
On the nights of January 11th and 12th J. A. Clements and James L. Yopp will engage in a religious discussion on the matter of church supported orphanages. This discussion will be in Chattanooga, Tenn. More details will be announced later.
Preachers To New Locations
After about a year and half, Glen Shaver has moved from Shively, Louisville, Kentucky, to work with the church meeting at 8230 S. Laramie Ave., Oak Lawn, Ill. He conducted a meeting there Nov. 15-22. Three have recently been restored.
New Books
Bernard Bolton of New Richmond, Ohio, has recently written a tract, called, "Can Christians Celebrate Christmas?" The price of the tract is 10 for $1.00; 50 for $4.00; 100 $7.00; or 200 or more for $6.00 per hundred. Order from Bernard Bolton, R.F.D. 1, Richmond, Ohio.
News Briefs
The following is from J. D. Tant, Decatur, Georgia: "The church in Vernon, Florida, is now about eighteen months old, having doubled its membership (now eight members) in that time. Brother L. L. Applegate, who has spent close to half a century laboring for the Lord, is preaching for the small group there at considerable sacrifice. If a few Christians who are at retirement age could move there, they could mean so much to the work. Vernon is a small North Florida community of about 800 population, located about 45 miles north of Panama City. It is a clean town, a pleasant place to live, with hunting and fishing nearby, and an opportunity to be of special help to the Lord's work. If you are interested in moving there, or in sending assistance to brother Applegate, write to him at Cottondale, Florida."
Preachers Wanted
Wanted: preacher for full time work in Monticello, Kentucky. Contact Jack Shearer, Box 531, Monticello, Kentucky, giving qualifications.
Miscellaneous Matters
Ted Vogler, Los Molinas, California: "We have a two bedroom house, rent free, for anyone wishing to move here and care for the yard. For further information write to, church of Christ, Rt. 1, Box 77, Los Molinas, California, A. O. Rany, 9307 Presa St., Houston, Texas: "My meeting work for 1964 closed with the meeting at Home-Owned Estates congregation in Houston, where Bro Charles Beaty preaches. No public responses, but fine interest and attendance. In the last four months I have held meetings at Timberland Drive, Lufkin, Texas where four were baptized, and where Charles Holt preaches; at Southside in Sulphur Springs, Texas, where Malcolm King preaches, with no responses; and at Port Gibson, Miss., with one man baptized. At East Houston we have had four or five confessions of fault and a fine family came to us out of one of the big liberal churches, and confessing their errors, united with us here. Both attendance and contribution are gradually increasing."
David Lawrence, 124 Rosewood Drive, Trumann, Ark. "With the co-operation of several preachers in Arkansas a list has been compiled of congregations in the state opposed to institutionalism. There are, at present, 125 churches, only a very few of which are 'wavering' any at all."
If this information can be of service to brethren planning to travel or move to Arkansas, please contact me. Although the list itself is not available to the public, I will be glad to provide what information I can regarding specific areas."
URGENT APPEAL — Mack Kercheville, El Paso, Texas: "Vernon Hawkins and family coming home. Because of a serious breakdown in health it has been necessary for Vernon Hawkins to be rushed back to El Paso to the Hospital. It is expected that he will not have to be in a hospital for long, but will have to be under a doctor's care for a considerable time. For this reason, his wife and children are making plans to come home as soon as they can. Vernon told me last night that he thought it would take about $1,500 to get the family back to El Paso. I'm sure there will be other expenses in connection with Vernon's illness, etc. which we don't know how to anticipate. Brethren wishing to help the Hawkins family in this emergency should send their contribution to: Vernon Hawkins, First National Bank, Lordsburg, New Mexico. and then should send an airmail letter to Sister Hawkins, Casilla 800 Taloa, Chile and tell her of the contribution you have made. Please do not send money to Chile in any way. Send it rather to the bank in Lordsburg, New Mexico, where they have their account to avoid it getting lost or stolen. Above all include the Hawkins family in your prayers during this time. They have many sacrifices and have done a good work in Chile. They are deserving of our confidence and help."
Earl A. Pickle, 8006 Hillcroft Boulevard, Houston, Texas: "Yesterday, November 15, 1964 marked a climax for the captioned group of faithful brethren in that they met for the Dust time for worship, culminating at least three months effort to do so. These brethren are opposed to the modern day departures and stand ready to contend earnestly for the New Testament pattern. Although their beginning was small — six placed charter membership — they are full of faith and have quite an optimistic outlook to the work before them. Their rented meeting house is located at 612 N. Third Street in Conroe, Texas May we respectfully request herewith that an announcement of this new congregation be made in the Guardian together with an exhortation that all who might be in the Conroe area at service time to worship with this fine group.
These brethren plan a five night lectureship-type gospel meeting to begin Dec. 7, 1964 with services at 7:00 P.M. each evening."