Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 16, 1963

Clippings, Comments, News

Clyde O. Moore, 2708 Paul Ave., Lufkin, Texas

Meetings This Week Frankfort, Indiana — John Iverson, the regular preacher for the Orange Hi-way church, Port Arthur, Texas, will preach in a meeting at the church in Frankfort, May 16-22.

Venice, California — The church meeting at 1503 Venice Blvd., will have a meeting, May 13-19, each night at 7:30. Following are a list of speakers and subjects:

Monday — "The New Testament Church" — Bill Cassio of Norwalk, California.

Tuesday — "Can One Be Saved Out Of The Church?" — Jady Copeland, Long Beach, Calif.

Wednesday — "Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ" — Bert Wilson, Ventura, Calif.

Thursday — "What Must I Do To Become A Member Of The N. T. Church? —

Friday — "Scriptural Warship" — Ford Carpenter, Culver City, Calif.

Saturday — "The Judgment Day" — Roy E. Cogdill, Canoga, Park, California.

Sunday AM — "Christian Living" — William S. Irvine, Long Beach, Calif.

Sunday PM — "Let Every Man Take Heed How He Buildeth" — Foy Layton, Venice, Calif.

Dothan, Alabama — Grandville Tyler of Decatur, Ala., will speak in the meeting at Dothan. The building is located 701 S. Appletree St. Earl Kirobrough is the local preacher, Tampa, Florida — The Belmont Heights church, located 5701 30th St., will have a meeting May 13-21st, with Bobby Thompson of Miami, Fla., doing the preaching, according to an announcement by J. T. Smith, the local preacher.

Willisburg, Kentucky — Donald Townley, preacher for the South End church in Louisville, Kentucky, will preach in a meeting at Willisburg, May 13-19.

Louisville, Kentucky — Rufus Clifford will preach at the Manslick Road church in Louisville, May 13-18.

New Creatures

During the week of April 10th there were six baptisms at Spring and Blaine, St. Louis, Mo.

On Sunday, April 14th, there were four baptized at Holden Heights, Orlando, Fla.

In the recent meeting at Valley Station, Kentucky, in which Frank Puckett did the preaching, there were four baptisms. Just prior to the meeting there were two baptisms. Ronald Mosby is the local preacher.

The 2nd and Main church in Eloy, Ariz., just concluded a meeting with Glen Barnhart of El Paso, Texas, doing the preaching. There were six baptisms. G. J. Bradley is the local preacher.

Two were baptized in the meeting at Dallas, Oregon. Norton Dye of Redbluff did the preaching. James Rury is the local preacher.

One was baptized at Pruitt and Lobit, Baytown, Tens, April 21. W. R. Jones is the local preacher.

Two were baptized April 21 at Mound and Starr, Nacogdoches, Texas. Brooks Webb has recently moved there as the local preacher.

Three were baptized in a meeting at Sandy-Huff, West Virginia. The meeting was conducted by Garreth L. Clair of Chicago, Ill. Roy Lowe is the local preacher.

During March there were 20 baptisms at Guatemala City, Guatemala Oles Pinson is preaching in this area.

One was baptized during the recent meeting at Racine, Wisconsin in which Hoyt Houchen did the preaching. Gordon J. Pennock is the local preacher.

Three were baptized the first two weeks in April at the North Park church, Abilene Texas. Hoyt Houchen is the local preacher.

In the recent meeting at the Clybourn Avenue church in Chicago, Ill., conducted by Vestal Chaffin, there were four baptisms, On April 21 there was one baptized at Southside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Those Who Have Fallen Asleep On March 29, Mark, the infant son of James Rury, preacher for the Dallas, Oregon, church, died of a heart defect. He was one month old.


The last of March, Luther Roberts of Salem, Oregon, debated an Anglican priest in 100 Mile House, B. C. The subjects discussed were Verbal Inspiration and Faith Only. Luther was assisted in this debate by Bill Fain of the Southwest church in Seattle, Wash., and James Rury of Dallas, Oregon.