Clippings, Comments, News
New Creatures
One was baptized during the recent meeting at Sinton, Texas. Oliver Murray did the preaching in this meeting.
On March 31st, four were baptized at the Union Road church, Lufkin, Texas, according to Jim McDonald, the local preacher.
During the recent meeting at Garden Valley Road, Tyler, Texas, one was baptized.
George W. Patterson, preacher for the South Oak Cliff church, Dallas, Texas, reports two baptisms during the month of March.
Four were baptized the last two weeks in March at the Riverside Drive church, Nashville, Tenn. Robert Jackson is the preacher for this church.
Jesse Kelly, preacher for the church in Newburn, Tennessee, reports four baptisms during March.
Two were baptized the last week in March at the Mt. View church, San Bernardino, California, where A. W. Atkinson preaches .
According to Bill Cassio, who preaches for the Norwalk, California, church, three were baptized during March.
Bill McMurry, preacher for the West Ave. church, Oklahoma City, reports two baptisms on March 24th.
One was baptized at the Walnut Street church, Greenville, Texas, on March 20th. Ward Hogland preaches for this church.
One was baptized March 31st at the Southside church, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Meetings This Week
Dyersburg, Tenn. — Floyd Thompson of Santa Anna, California, will preach in a series of meetings at the church in Dyersburg, April 21-28.
Oaklawn, Ill. — The church in Oaklawn, meeting at 8230 South Laramie, will have Guy Robertson of Akron, Ohio, as the speaker in a series of meetings April 26-May 3.
Tampa, Florida — John Iverson, the regular preacher for the Orange Hi-Way church, Port Arthur, Texas, will speak each night at the Nebraska Ave. church in Tampa April 21-28.
Centerville, Ala. — Jerry Sutton, the local preacher for the church at Centerville, announces a meeting for April 22-28, with Richard Weaver of Cullman, Alabama, doing the preaching. Centerville is located near Russellville.
Norwalk, Calif. — David Harkrider of Bellflower, Calif., will speak in a meeting at Norwalk, April 22-28. The building is located 14117 Clarkdale. Bill Cassio, local preacher, invites all to attend.
Mt. Pleasant, Texas — Charles Holt, preacher for the Westside church in Wichita Falls, Texas, will preach in a meeting at the church which meets at 815 S. Jefferson St. The dates of this meeting are April 22-28. Carl Allen is the local preacher.
Lufkin, Texas — The Union Road church in Lufkin will have a meeting April 22-28 with Bob Craig of Lometa, Texas, doing the preaching. Services each evening at 7. Jim McDonald is the regular preacher.
Bowling Green, Kentucky — The West End church, meeting on Morgantown Road, will have Robert Jackson preaching in their meeting, Aprll 21-26. Services each night at 7:30. Ferrel Jenkins, the regular preacher, invites all to attend.
Griffith, Ind. — The church which meets at 344 N. Griffith Blvd., will be engaged In a series of meetings April 25th-May 5th, with John Belcher of Auburn, Kentucky, doing the preaching.
Kansas City, Mo. — O. C. Birdwell, the local preacher for the Vivion Road church, meeting at 2028 Vivion Road, announces a series of meetings for April 22-28. Billy Moore of Harrison, Ark., will speak in this meeting.
Iberia, Mo. — Leslie Diestelkamp, preacher for the church in Aurora, Ill., will preach in a meeting at the Alder Springs church in Iberia April 17th-28th.
Benton, Ill. — Norman Fultz, the local preacher for the Preston Hi-Way church, Louisville, Kentucky, will be in a meeting at the church in Benton, Ill., April 22-May 1. E. Lacy Porter is the local preacher.
Levelland, Texas — The 12th Street church will have a meeting with Roy Foutz of Greenville, Texas, doing the preaching. The dates for the meeting are April 22-27.
Oceanside, Calif. — Ralph Givens, local preacher for the church meeting at 1234 Division St., announces a meeting for April 21-28 with Dale Smelser of Mt. Olive, Alabama, doing the preaching.
Nashville, Tenn. — The Franklin Road church will have Ward Hogland of the Walnut St. church in Greenville, Texas, as the speaker in their meeting April 21-28.
Birmingham, Ala. — Irving Lee of Russellville, Ala., will preach in a meeting at the Midfield church April 21-28.
Birmingham, Alabama — The Inglenook church will have a meeting, April 21-28, with Al Payne doing the preaching.