It has come to our attention that reports have been circulated throughout the brotherhood that the Floral Heights congregation at Wichita Falls, and its elders, are participating, or soon will participate, in the support of human institutions and the practice of a "social gospel."
We wish to state, to any who are concerned, that this report is wholly untrue. Our stand remains steadfast against such innovations, and it is our continued purpose that our every action be in complete harmony with the word of God.
Elders, Floral Heights church of Christ s/A. D. Newman s/Lynn Murphy
s/C. A. Geisert
Douthitt To Florida Cecil B. Douthitt, P. O. Box 1005, High Springs, Florida:
The Sante Fe Hills church of Christ, now meeting in the Woman's Club Building in Alachua, Florida, are erecting a new meeting house on a 3.8 acre lot a few miles north of Gainesville, on Highway 441, between Alechua and High Springs, Florida. With an unusual degree of zeal, determination, faith and hope, this little band of christians is making remarkable progress in the construction of their meeting house. We expect to be worshipping in this building within a few months. It is a genuine Joy to work with these brethren of Santa Fe Hills. I wish all who are sending me their bulletins would notice my change of address.
My grandson, Cecil G. Douthitt, and his wife will continue to operate our publishing business in Fort Smith, Arkansas. All orders and other communications pertaining to "Douthitt's 12 Books for All Bible Classes and Home Study" should be addressed as in the past to Douthitt Publishers, P. O. Box 752, Fort Smith, Ark.
Bill Echols, 169 Main St., East Orange, New Jer. I was in a meeting in Rose Hill, Va., Feb. 8-11. Since the first of the year we have had seven additions in East Orange — five restored and two identified.
Report Of The Work Of The Churches Of Christ Along The U.S. - Mexico Border For January, 1963 Charles F. House
Three Baptisms During January: Two Mexicans and one North-American.
January 6, David Arrelane and his wife were baptized into the body of Christ. Camilo Villegas (local preacher at San Luis) and I have been studying with them off and on for about a year. David had a hard time, but finally quit his drinking and then he and his wife submitted to the will of Christ. He has a beautiful singing and speaking voice, and we are looking forward to good things from this fine Christian couple here at San Luis. January 10, I baptized an American (John Nemeth, 69) into Christ. I had had several discussions with John in the past. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Church of Religious Science. The opportunity was presented me to study face to face with him for about 5 hours one evening, which resulted in his wanting to obey the Gospel of Christ. We are grateful to the brethren at the First Ave. church in Yuma, Arizona, where bro. George Harris (one of the elders) preaches, for the use of their baptistry with warm water during these "cold days in the desert."
Daily Services At San Luis: Six Days Per Week.
The Lord has continued to bless us with good interest at San Luis R. C., with from 18 to 25 in attendance each day in our daily classes in the living room of bro. Villegas. Pray that more baptisms will soon result from these studies.
Gospel Meeting In The State Of Michoacan, Mexico: (2700 miles within the interior.)
Fidel Cisneros, gospel preacher, and with whom I work at the Sonoyta church and I had made our plans to go down into the state of Michoacan below the tropic of Cancer, to the Tarasco Indian tribe, to help these fine people start a congregation there, but personal problems in the House family interfered with these plans Marvel (my wife), began suffering with an impacted wisdom tooth at Sonoyta during the holidays, and I had to take her to Los Angeles to have it cut out of her jaw. I made a quick trip there as I was due at Tecate to be with the brethren there during the last week of December. Although it wasn't necessary for me to stay there with my wife, it did upset my plans for my trip into the state of Michoacan, since infection had set in, and I felt that at least I should be within "hollering" distance in Arizona, should I be needed. On the way home, I briefly visited with Floyd and Ruth Thompson at Santa Ana, bro. and sis. Ralph Given at Oceanside, plus bro. and sis. Jim Middleton, Sr., at San Diego, and met some of the fine brethren of the 1301 S. 45th Street church in San Diego. Lord willing, we want to try again to make our trip south about the middle of February. Pray for us that we will have no further delays, and that God's Will might be done and He might be glorified. Marvel is still in Los Angeles and will be there clear through January, maybe longer.
My Needs For 1963:
If everyone "comes through" in 1963 that promised to help me in my work among the Mexican people, as far as I can tell now, I will not need to look for additional personal support. I do earnestly pray and solicit the prayers of all my brethren everywhere for my continued good health as I work under somewhat unhealthy conditions, that His Word might continue to go forth without further interruption. whereby more souls might be gained for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you. brethren, everyone, for your fellowship with me as I preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. Lord willing, I plan to dedicate the rest of my life to the Lord's work here among the Mexican people. Continue to fervently pray for me.
There is quite a saving by sending correspondence from Mexico using a Mexican address. Please communicate with me at the U. S. A. address, even though your correspondence from me comes from Mexico. Thank you. Will you check the address on the front of my reports to you, and IF IT IS NOT CORRECT, or if you have moved, will you please write me your NEW or CORRECT address? Also, should you have friends or know of other churches whom you think would be interested in receiving our reports each month, please write us.
Needs Of Other Evangelists In Other Places:
I wish to repeat what I mentioned last month. Bro. Fidel Cisneros, with whom I work at Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico, will soon be losing all of his support and is in need of $200 per month. Should you wish to have fellowship with this brother in Christ, you may contact him directly at P.O. Box 241, Lukeville, Arizona. Bro. Cisneros speaks no English, but I will be glad to translate for any of those who might be interested in communicating with him Write me % Sonoyta church of Christ, P.O. Box 241, Lukeville, Arizona, if I can be of any help whatsoever.
Camilo Villegas A., Aptde. #120, San Luis R. C., Sonora, Mexico, is in need of $30.00 per month. If you can help, send it to him direct to the above address Write me at 205 Carretera del Valle, San Luis R. C., Sonora, Mexico, if I can answer any of your questions regarding this brother. Bro. Villegas speaks no English either.
Santos Gomes A Aptde. #33, Tecate, B. Cfa., Mexico, is in need of $25.00 per month. If you can help, contact this brother direct at the above address. There is a brother there in Tecate that can speak English and translate for him. (Brother George Lebate.)
Glenn Rogers, 612 Vine Ave., McAllen, Texas, the worthy and capable evangelist who has been doing the same kind of work for many years among the Mexican people in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas that I am doing here in the far West, is in need of more support. If you can help him, communicate with him direct at the above address.
Phil Morgan, 4832. W. Avalon Drive, Phoenix 31, Arizona is trying to raise support to go to South America next summer. If you can help him, write for more details. I can heartily recommend all five of these capable brethren as being worthy and standing for the truth.
— Box 641, San Luis, Arizon, U.S.A.