Clippings, Comments, News
New Creatures
In the meeting just concluded by Grover Stevens, local preacher of the Park Boulevard church in Louisville, Kentucky, there were three baptisms.
On February 13th there were three baptized at the Southside church in Midland, Texas. Brother A. A. Mclnroe preaches for this church.
The last Sunday in January two were baptized at the Lafayette church of Christ, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Meetings This Week
Greggton, Texas — Brother Luther Blackmon, the regular preacher of the Red Bluff church of Christ, Pasadena, Texas, will be doing the preaching in a series of meetings at the Greggton church of Christ, March 11th through the 20th. Brother Bill Cavender is the regular preacher for this church.
Corpus Christi, Texas — The Parkway church of Christ, meeting at 4215 Dakin Place, will have a gospel meeting, March 11th through the 17th. John Collins, who preaches for the church in Ashville, North Carolina, will be the visiting preacher. Services will be each morning, Monday through Friday, at 10:30 and each evening at 7:30. All in that area are urged to attend and encourage these brethren. Pat Farish is the local preacher.
Palmetto, Florida — Robert H. Bunting of Hueytown, Alabama, will do the preaching in a meeting March 10th through the 20th at the church which meets in Palmetto, Florida. Edwin Hayes is now preaching for this church.
There will be a debate in Meridian, Mississippi, March 18th through the 23rd between A. C. Grider, preacher for the Seventh Street church and W. L. Totty who preaches for one of the churches in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Seventh Street church endorses Brother Grider and the Northside church in Meridian will endorse W. L. Totty. The debate will be held in the Oakland Grade School auditorium in Meridian, Mississippi. The following propositions will be discussed:
Proposition No.1 It is contrary to the Scriptures for churches of Christ to build and maintain benevolent organizations for the care of the needy, such as Boles Home, Tipton Home, Tennessee Orphan Home, Childhaven, and other Orphan Homes and Homes for the aged that are among us.
AFFIRMATIVE: A. C. Gilder; NEGATIVE: W. L. Totty Proposition No. 2
It is in harmony with the scriptures for churches of Christ to contribute funds from their treasuries in support of the Herald of Truth Radio Program, conducted by the Highland church of Christ, Abilene, Texas, as a means of cooperating in accomplishing the mission of the Lord.
AFFIRMATIVE: W. L. Totty DENY: A. C. Grider
Brother Grider told me they were expecting large crowds and if you were planning on coming to let him know and he would secure a place for you to stay. He may be contacted. A. C. Grider, 2914 7th Street, Meridian, Miss.
Preachers To New Locations
Howard W. See, after two years and three months with the Fairview church in Birmingham, Alabama, is now preaching for the West Main street church in Woodbury, Tennessee. His address is Box 476, Woodbury, Tenn.
News Briefs
The congregation in Austin, Texas, temporarily meeting at 4707 Harmon Ave., has just purchased two acres of land in North Austin, just off the Dallas Expressway, and hope to begin building in the near future. To finance their building, they are offering bonds at 6%. If you are interested in purchasing any of these bonds, or in information concerning the work there, you may write to: James D. Yates, 3308 Stardust, Austin, Texas. This church has just concluded a good meeting with Robert F. Turner of Burnet, Texas, doing the preaching. They have another one scheduled soon with brother A. Hugh Clark of Killeen, Texas, doing the preaching. Fay Starr is the local evangelist. When travelling through or visiting in Austin you are invited to attend services with this church.
The work in Jamestown, Indiana, located on Hiway 136 between Indianapolis and Crawford, Ind., continues to show progress in interest, attendance and contribution. Last year the attendance averaged 43 and the contribution averaged $84.86. These brethren are in the midst of a building program. They are constructing a building that will seat 200 and will have eight classrooms. These brethren have raised $12,000.00 including a $4000.00 loan. They need an additional $15,000.00 in order to finish this building. They are not asking for any donations but would like to borrow the remaining money at a reasonable rate of interest. Those who are interested in more information should contact one of the following: Fred S. Trendelman, Box 31. Jamestown, Ind. Phone 676- 7841; Paul Branstetter, Rt. 1, Jamestown, Ind., Phone 329-3633; or Woodrow Whiles, Jamestown, Ind., Phone 676-7841. When in that area you are invited to attend services with this church.
A Personal Note
The response to my appeal for bulletins, announcements, etc., has been good, yet I know there are many who have not sent the bulletins. By sending your bulletins, announcements, etc., you make my task easier. Once again, we urge you to get your announcements in at least three weeks prior to the event. We have received many announcements of meetings we could not use because they reached us too late. To you preachers who do not put out a regular bulletin, just send the announcements. Just send all information to: Clyde O. Moore, 2706 Paul Ave., Lufkin, Texas.
Moore — Knight Debate
There will be a debate between Elmer Moore, Highlands, Texas, and Paul Knight, Booneville, Ark., March 11-12, 14-15, 18-19. This debate will be over located preachers, Bible classes, and women teachers. The first three nights will be in the Greens Bayou building and the last three nights will be in Jacinto City. Both of these places are located east of Houston, before you get to Baytown, Texas. Everyone is invited and urged to come and study this question.